Individual Details


(1629 - 1632 - 1671)

Death: 3 Sep 1704
Norwich, New London, Connecticut

FRANCIS, b. in England, 1632. It does not appear who he married. Not even the Christian name of his wife is mentioned, but she had four children b. at Saybrook. In 1660 he removed to Norwich and there were b. five other children. Francis' home lot consisted of seven acres, and extended from the street to the river. There was but little fluctuation in the higher public offices of that period. A candidate once chosen and found to be competent and faithful, was generally continued in office. The election of deputies was semi-annual, but for the first eleven years the choice, with only two exceptions, was restricted to four persons, Francis Griswold, Thomas Leffingwell, Thomas Tracy and Hugh Calkins. In 1662 Thomas Tracy, Thomas Adgate and Francis Griswold were chosen, with the "Townsman," to try all cases to the value of 40s. These formed a "Court of Commission." Francis Griswold must also have been active in military affairs, for he was styled Lieut." He d. Oct., 167J, from an acute disease, leaving seven children, between the ages of a few days and eighteen years. Thomas Adgate and John Post acted as guardians of the minor children.


Francis GRISWOLD born; @1629 in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, England; married: 1652 Mary (Possibly the daughter of Lieutenant Thomas TRACY; buried in Post Gager Cemetery, Norwich CT) probably in Saybrook CT; died: Oct 1671 in Norwich CT; buried: Post Gager Cemetery, Norwich CT;Son of Edward GRISWOLD and Margaret

1. Sarah b. 28 Mar 1653 (Saybrook CT) m. 27 Jun 1671 Robert CHAPMAN - 2. Joseph b. 4 Jun 1655 (Saybrook CT) d. Jul
1655 - 3. Mary b. 26 Aug 1656 (Saybrook CT) m. (1) 11 Jul 1672 Jonathan TRACY (2) 3 Sep 1717 Eleazer JEWETT - 4.
Hannah b. 11 Dec 1658 (Saybrook CT) m. 7 Mar 1678 William CLARK - 5. Deborah b. 6 May 1661 (Norwich CT) m. 19
Dec 1678 Lieut. Jonathan CRANE (Norwich CT) d. 1704 (Windham CT) - 6. Lydia b. Jun 1663 (Norwich CT) d. Apr 1664 -
7. Samuel b. 16 Sep 1665 (Norwich CT) m. @1685 (ae 20) Susanna HUNTINGTON - 8. Margaret b. Oct 1668 (Norwich
CT) m. 16 Dec 1691 Thomas BUCKINGHAM - 9. Lydia b. Oct 1771

Francis did not settle in Killingworth with his father, choosing instead the neighboring town of Saybrook and then the new plantation of
Norwich in which he was an initial proprietor. A map of the initial land allottment in Norwich (1660) shows that the homelots were laid
out along the river as follows (Starting at outer Northwest lot and moving southeast):

J. Tracy, Baldwin, Royce, Allyn, Francis Griswold, J. Calkins, H. Calkins, Edgerton, T. Post, Gager, Wade, Birchard, Bowers, W.
Hyde (northeast of Bowers, off the river), J. Post, Bingham, Waterman, Mason, T. Tracy (northeast of Mason, off the river)

Griswold says that many writers claim that Francis' wife was a TRACY; a fact he disputes based on the lace of any record of a Mary
TRACY. Whoever his spouse, the Saybrook records "Children of Francis Grisell - Saraw b. 28 Mar 1653; Joseph b. 4 June 1655, d.
the latter end of July, the same year; Mary b. 26 August 1656; Hanna b. 11 December 1658". The Norwich records cite the births of
Deborah, Lydia (includes her death), Samuel, Margaret and Lydia II and the marriages of Sarah, Mary, Hannah, Deborah, Margaret and
Samuel. These records refer to Francis as Lieutenant Griswold and indicate that he died Oct 1671 of "apparent disease" leaving seven
children including an 18 day old infant. Thomas Adgate and John Post, Sr. were appointed guardians.

Like his father, Francis was apparently quite publically spirited, having served as deputy to the General Court from Norwich (1660 -
1671). In 1662 he was appointed to the Court of Commissions and served as Lieutenant of the trainband.

Griswold's genealogy includes a letter from Benjamin Brewster to his Wetherill brother-in-law which mentions Francis in connection
with the sale of a cow (The letter contained no punctuation .. I have added such for ease of comprehension):

Loveing Brother Wetherill
My love comended to you with my sister. if Gorge and you dele for his cow then yo must make a very puntuall
barginn with him for he is trading with severall for hur. goodman Grissill expects the cow and therefore if you dele,
make aright with him and when he comes up let him make delevere of the cow to me for you and dele thus for prise
that what the buccher will gife, that you will give; and if you dele then send me word what your mind is. whether I shall
hur or not and you take butter, you may have som. Now rest.
Your assured Loveing Brother
Benjamin Brewster"

Sources: SLLawson; The Griswold Family, England - America, Griswold, Glenn E. -1935; History of Norwich, Connecticut .. to the Year 1866, Calkins, Frances Manwaring - 1866; Genealogy of the Crane Family, Crane, Ellery Biicknell - 1900; Tolland and Windham CT Biographies - 1903; Saybrook CT Vital Records; Norwich CT Vital Records; Commemorative Record of New Haven County
Connecticut - 1902

Three interpretations of the name 'Griswold' have been made. (1) Graywood, from the Old High German gris "grey" and Anglo Saxon weald "forest"; (2) Pigyard, from Scandinavian gris "pig" and wold "enclosure"; (3) Dr. R. M. Griswold of Kensington, Conn., who has spent considerable time in England in research at Kenilworth and Solihull, presents a third explanation: "In reference to 'John of Kenilworth' who seems to be the first Griswold we have authentic record of, I think I found collateral evidence enough to warrant the belief that his father or grandfather came from Gottinberg or Gottingen in Thuringia, about 1200, and the old German name was Greifswald. Twenty five or more years ago I met a surgeon in Gottingen who was of this name, and who told me it was tradition in his family that his ancestor of about this date went to Englland during the wars, and remained there; that he (the man who told me) had visited Kenilworth and Solihull, talked with various historians there, looked up records, etc., and there was no doubt in his mind that Griswold was originally 'Greifswald'. Hence the name 'Griswold' which is clearly Teutonic, indicates that the remote ancestors of the Griswold clan were among the Anglo-saxon or danish or Norse invaders of England, or perhaps immigrants from Germany. This is all that can be said with certainty as yet concerning the Continental history of the Griswold clan."

More About Francis Griswold:
Fact 1: moved to Saybrook and afterwards to Norwich
Fact 2: middle of 18th century, a branch of Francis moved to Sharon, Ct.

!The Boston Transcript, August 6 1923, #817: The Huntington Genealogy gives the

following: Susannah (Huntington) Griswold, born in Norwich, in August, 1668.
She married, Dec. 10, 1685, Captain Samuel Griswold, born Sept. 16, 1665, and
son of that Lieutenant Francis Griswold whom Miss Calkins styles "one of the
most active and enterprising men in the first company of settlers." She died
in Norwich, March 6, 1727. Twenty-three of her grandchildren, and sixty-four
great-grandchildren, and still later descendants, are to be found in Stiles's
History of Windsor, under the Griswolds.

!A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, Vol. II, James
Savage, 1965: Griswold, Francis, Norwich 1660, eldest son of Edward, born in
England about 1632, lived first at Saybrook ,there had Sarah, born 28 March
1653; Joseph, 4 June 1655, died in few weeks; Mary, 26 Aug 1656; and Hannah, 11
December 1658; and at Norwich had Deborah, May 1661; Lydia, 1663, died next
year; Samuel 1665; Margaret 1668; and Lydia, again, October 1671; was freeman
1657, lieut. and rep. sev. years; died October 1761. Mary married 1672,
Jonathan Tracy; and Hannah married 7 March 1678, William Clark of Saybrook.

One Bassett Family in America, Buell Burdett Bassette, 1926, page 366: child
number 3. Lt. Francis b. 1633; m. Mary Tracy(?); he d. Oct., 1671, ae 38 she
d. 9 ch. Was of Norwich, Ct., which he represented at General Court for 11
sessions. Was one of 1st prop. at Norwich in 1660.

!History of Norwich, Connecticut, Frances Manwaring Caulkins, 1976, page 176:
Lieut. Francis Griswold, the Norwich proprietor, was a son of Edward and
Margaret, born about 1632. He appears to have been a man of capacity and
enterprise, and took an active part in the affairs of the plantation, serving
as representative to the General Court for eleven sessions, beginning October,
1664, and ending May, 1671.
It is not known when he was married, or to whom. Not even the household
name of his wife is found in the records of Saybrook or Norwich. At the former
place is the following registry: "Children of Francis Grisell. Saraw b. 28
March, 1653, Joseph, b. 4 June 1655, d. the latter end of July, the same year.
Mary, b. 26 August 1656: Hanna, b. 11 December, 1658."
From Norwich records: "Some of the children of Leiut. Griswold dec'd.
Deborah born in May 1661. Lydia in June 1663 and died in 1664. Samuel in
Sept. 1665. Margaret in October 1668. Lydia in October 1671."
Lieut. Griswold died the same month, October, 1671, -cut down apparently
by some sudden attack of disease, leaving seven of the above-named children,
varying in age from an infant of days to eighteen years.
Thomas Adgate and John Post, Sen., acted as guardians to the younger
children. The daughters were very early provided with eligible partners.
Sarah was married to Robert Chapman of Saybrook, June 27, 1671.
Mary to Jonathan Tracy, July 11 1672; second marriage to Eleazer Jewett,
Sept. 3, 1717.
Hannah to William Clark of Saybrook, March 7, 1678.
Deborah to Jonathan Crane, Dec. 19, 1678.
Margaret to Thomas Buckingham, oldest son of the Rev. Thomas Buckingham of
Saybrook, Dec. 16, 1691.
Samuel Griswold became a married man at the age of twenty, following his
sisters in the flowing stream of youthful connections. Young people in those
days, scarcely waiting to reach maturity, chose their partners and marched on
with rapid and joyous steps to the temple of Hymen. The companion of Samuel
Griswold was Susannah, daughter of Christopher Huntington, and the wedding
took place on her 17th birth-day, Dec. 10, 1685.
About the middle of the 18th century, a branch of the Griswold family of
Norwich removed to Sharon, Ct. It consisted of three brothers, Francis,
Daniel, and Adonijah, grandsons of Capt. Samuel Griswold. Capt. Adonijah
Griswold was in the army of the Revolution.
!The Boston Transcript, August 6 1923, #817: The Huntington Genealogy gives the
following: Susannah (Huntington) Griswold, born in Norwich, in August, 1668.
She married, Dec. 10, 1685, Captain Samuel Griswold, born Sept. 16, 1665, and
son of that Lieutenant Francis Griswold whom Miss Calkins styles "one of the
most active and enterprising men in the first company of settlers." She died
in Norwich, March 6, 1727. Twenty-three of her grandchildren, and sixty-four
great-grandchildren, and still later descendants, are to be found in Stiles's
History of Windsor, under the Griswolds.

!A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, Vol. II, James
Savage, 1965: Griswold, Francis, Norwich 1660, eldest son of Edward, born in
England about 1632, lived first at Saybrook ,there had Sarah, born 28 March
1653; Joseph, 4 June 1655, died in few weeks; Mary, 26 Aug 1656; and Hannah, 11
December 1658; and at Norwich had Deborah, May 1661; Lydia, 1663, died next
year; Samuel 1665; Margaret 1668; and Lydia, again, October 1671; was freeman
1657, lieut. and rep. sev. years; died October 1761. Mary married 1672,
Jonathan Tracy; and Hannah married 7 March 1678, William Clark of Saybrook.

One Bassett Family in America, Buell Burdett Bassette, 1926, page 366: child
number 3. Lt. Francis b. 1633; m. Mary Tracy(?); he d. Oct., 1671, ae 38 she
d. 9 ch. Was of Norwich, Ct., which he represented at General Court for 11
sessions. Was one of 1st prop. at Norwich in 1660.

!History of Norwich, Connecticut, Frances Manwaring Caulkins, 1976, page 176:
Lieut. Francis Griswold, the Norwich proprietor, was a son of Edward and
Margaret, born about 1632. He appears to have been a man of capacity and
enterprise, and took an active part in the affairs of the plantation, serving
as representative to the General Court for eleven sessions, beginning October,
1664, and ending May, 1671.
It is not known when he was married, or to whom. Not even the household
name of his wife is found in the records of Saybrook or Norwich. At the former
place is the following registry: "Children of Francis Grisell. Saraw b. 28
March, 1653, Joseph, b. 4 June 1655, d. the latter end of July, the same year.
Mary, b. 26 August 1656: Hanna, b. 11 December, 1658."
From Norwich records: "Some of the children of Leiut. Griswold dec'd.
Deborah born in May 1661. Lydia in June 1663 and died in 1664. Samuel in
Sept. 1665. Margaret in October 1668. Lydia in October 1671."
Lieut. Griswold died the same month, October, 1671, -cut down apparently
by some sudden attack of disease, leaving seven of the above-named children,
varying in age from an infant of days to eighteen years.
Thomas Adgate and John Post, Sen., acted as guardians to the younger
children. The daughters were very early provided with eligible partners.
Sarah was married to Robert Chapman of Saybrook, June 27, 1671.
Mary to Jonathan Tracy, July 11 1672; second marriage to Eleazer Jewett,
Sept. 3, 1717.
Hannah to William Clark of Saybrook, March 7, 1678.
Deborah to Jonathan Crane, Dec. 19, 1678.
Margaret to Thomas Buckingham, oldest son of the Rev. Thomas Buckingham of
Saybrook, Dec. 16, 1691.
Samuel Griswold became a married man at the age of twenty, following his
sisters in the flowing stream of youthful connections. Young people in those
days, scarcely waiting to reach maturity, chose their partners and marched on
with rapid and joyous steps to the temple of Hymen. The companion of Samuel
Griswold was Susannah, daughter of Christopher Huntington, and the wedding
took place on her 17th birth-day, Dec. 10, 1685.
About the middle of the 18th century, a branch of the Griswold family of
Norwich removed to Sharon, Ct. It consisted of three brothers, Francis,
Daniel, and Adonijah, grandsons of Capt. Samuel Griswold. Capt. Adonijah
Griswold was in the army of the Revolution.


Birth1629 - 1632
Birth1629Kenilworth, Warwickshire, England
BirthAbt 1629England
Birth1635Connecticut, British America
Arrival1637Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay, British America
Property1643two acres of meadow bought from George Cooke - Cambridge Farms, Massachusetts Bay, British America
Miscellaneous1645Massachusetts Bay, British America
MarriageBef 1653Saybrook, Connecticut, British America - Sarah [wife of Francis Griswold and William Bradford] [UNKNOWN]
RemovedBef 1653Saybrook, Connecticut, British America
Marriage1653Sarah [wife of Francis Griswold and William Bradford] [UNKNOWN]
ResidenceBef 1659Saybrook, Connecticut, British America
Miscellaneous1659was one of the founders - Norwich, Connecticut, British America
Removed1660where he was one of the original proprietors - Norwich, Connecticut, British America
ElectionFrom 1664 to 1671Deputy to the Connecticut General Court several times - Norwich, Connecticut, British America
MiscellaneousOct 1666was on the Committee for the Stonington Indians
MiscellaneousMay 1668received a colonial grant of 100 acres
Death1671Norwich, Connecticut, British America
DeathOct 1671Norwich, Connecticut, British America
Probate4 Jun 1672Norwich, New London, Connecticut, British America
Alt nameFrancis GRISSELL
BurialNorwich, New London, Connecticut, United States
Description"Lieutenant" although the source of commission is not known.


SpouseSarah [wife of Francis Griswold and William Bradford] [UNKNOWN] (1639 - 1671)
ChildSarah GRISWOLD (1653 - 1692)
ChildJoseph GRISWOLD (1655 - 1655)
ChildMary GRISWOLD (1656 - 1711)
ChildHannah GRISWOLD (1658 - 1687)
ChildDeborah GRISWOLD (1661 - )
ChildLidyah GRISWOLD (1663 - 1664)
ChildSamuell GRISWOLD (1665 - )
ChildMargret GRISWOLD (1668 - )
ChildLidia GRISWOLD (1671 - 1752)
FatherEdward GRISWOLD (1607 - 1691)
MotherMargaret HICKS (1610 - 1670)
SiblingSarah GRISWOLD (1631 - )
SiblingGeorge GRISWOLD (1633 - 1674)
SiblingSarah GRISWOLD (1635 - 1715)
SiblingLydia GRISWOLD (1637 - )
SiblingJohn GRISWOLD (1642 - 1642)
SiblingAnn GRISWOLD (1642 - 1714)
SiblingMary GRISWOLD (1644 - )
SiblingDeborah GRISWOLD (1646 - 1717)
SiblingJoseph GRISWOLD (1647 - 1716)
SiblingSamuel GRISWOLD (1649 - 1672)
SiblingJohn GRISWOLD (1652 - 1717)

