Individual Details

John Proctor

(4 Apr 1758 - )

John was listed as the third child of George Proctor in a transcript of an old Bible record with a birth date of 4 Apr 1758. This would have made him over age 45 by the 1810 census. A Proctor did die in Fayette Co KY about 1798-1800 and his sons were named as George & Benjamin. Much of the will in Fayette Co was burned but what remains also shows his wife as a Mary. This Proctor had apparently given land to George & Elizabeth Hume for their lifetime - Benjamin to inherit at their decease. The testator's name does not appear anywhere in the will fragment that survives. Does not seem to be John as he is said to have moved to Logan Co where his brothers lived. However, the John that appears with the brothers Thomas, Benjamin & Hezekiah in Logan County does not appear to be as old as this John - more of an age to be the next generation.

Here is a John Proctor, still alive in 1806, in Fayette Co.
Fayette Co KY Records Vol. 4
Michael L. Cook & Bettie A. Cummings Cook
Vol. 11 of KY Records Series
Cook Publications, Evansville, IN
Apr 14, 1806 Deeds ordered recorded, former having been destroyed by fire.
John Craig and wife to John Proctor

The following records of a John Proctor in Logan Co eventually lead to a strong indication that he was not this man, but a much young John Proctor who had married first Eleanor Offutt and second an Elizabeth, quite possibly Elizabeth Furbush of Logan Co. Because this John married Eleanor Offutt in Jessamine Co and Uriah named a son John in his will, he has been placed as son of the Uriah who lived there. However, Hezekiah also seems to have been present in Jessamine Co. There is documentation that both Uriah and Hezekiah did indeed have sons named John, and they could have been within two or three years of the same age. Nothing has been found to prove conclusively which man was father of the John who married Eleanor and then Elizabeth. It is also possible neither man was the father of this John.

Here are the records of an early John Proctor that lead eventually to a John that seems to have lived near Benjamin Proctor until about 1827, when he moved to the Red River watershed where he lived until about 1852. Nothing has been found that indicates an older and younger John, nor that a John died circa 1827.

Kentucky land grants to a John Proctor include:
8 Aug 1808 - surveyed 40 acres on Little Whipporwill
8 May 1811 - surveyed 200 acres on Little Whipperwill
16 Jun 1819 - surveyed 2 acres on Little Whipporwill
9 Oct 1821 - surveyed 13 acres on Little Whipporwill

Little Whipporwill runs into the north fork of the Red River. Several of Benjamin Proctor's Kentucky patents were also on the Little Whipporwill.

George D. Blakey in a newspaper article said that four Proctor brothers came to Logan Co - John, Thomas, Benjamin & Hezekiah. But he also stated that John Proctor was a substantial farmer on the Red River and a magistrate. That describes the John who was married to Eleanor & Elizabeth, not this much older man. it's possible Blakey was confused about the relationships.

In 1810, there were two John Proctors in Logan Co, but neither seems old enough.
One was apparently age 16-26 with three young children. The other was age 26-45 and had four young children. The younger of these Johns could possibly be the son of Hezekiah named John and a nephew, but it isn't known if he was married with children as early as 1810. Ben Proctor also had a son John, but he was younger and would not be in the 1810 census as a head of household as he was likely not yet born.

1810 Census Logan, KY
John Proctor: 2m under 10, 1m 10-16, 1m 26-45. 1f under 10, 1f 16-26. Two slaves [This John born between 1765 and 1784 - which doesn't agree with the Bible record showing him born in 1758 - he should have been over 45]
John Proctor: 1m under 10, 1m age 16-26. 2f under 10, 1f 26-45 [Born bet 1784-1794]

Three John Proctors have early recorded marriages in Logan Co
John Proctor married Betsy McIntosh, 12 Feb 1811 [Left Logan Co for Illinois with the McIntosh family circa 1814 - the McIntosh family records a 1784 birth year for him, so he would have been 26 in 1810, but there's no indication he was married to anyone but Betsey in 1811. He most likely was the son of Hezekiah Proctor.]
John Proctor married Betsy Furbush, Nov 20/29 1815 [this John was most likely the John who married Eleanor Offutt and later an Elizabeth]
and a later marriage:
John Proctor married Polly Ann Watson, 25 Aug 1835 [son of Ben, John S. Proctor - probably the John Jr. in the 1840 census, born between 1810 and 1820]

The following records show that the John of the early land records in Logan Co had a close relationship to Benjamin Proctor - both lived on the Little Whipporwill. They were acquainted with a James Offutt whose relationship to Eleanor Offutt Proctor and her brother Tilghman Offutt who was also living in Logan Co in 1810, isn't known. James may have been a cousin. These records could apply to the same John Proctor who shows up in Logan Co at about the same time as Hezekiah Proctor but never seems to have a close relationship to Hezekiah or to the other sons of Hezekiah.

Logan Co DB C, p.260
8 May 1811
Ben Proctor and Nancy his wife to John Proctor for $200 ...82a
Note: Ben and Nancy had a son John but he wasn't yet born. By 1814 John is taxed on 80, sometimes 82 acres as a separate tract from the 200 acres he had patented on Little Whipporwill

Logan Co DB D, p.82
29 Dec 1813
Spencer Curd to John Proctor for $1. 80 acres granted to Curd by patent 19 Aug 1813; adjacent William Reading, Ben Proctor, John Proctor. Signed: Spencer Curd, Polly S. Curd
20 Nov 1815
John Proctor to James Offutt ...$500 ...200 Acres adjacent Ben Proctor, Porter's line
20 Nov 1815
John Proctor to James Offutt ...$250 ...50 acres

Logan Co DB F, p.65
11 Oct 1817
Ben Proctor to John Hughes ..$120 ...15 acres & 50 poles....Little Whipporwill. .....examined the wife of sd Ben separate and apart from her sd husband ..relinquished her right of dower
11 Oct 1817
John Procter to John Hughes ...$96 ...13a and 87 poles ...Little Whipporwill ..between Ben & John Proctor .. [no wife indicated for John]
8 Sep 1818
James McConnel & wife Catherine of Duboise Co IN, Esther Jones, Knox Co IN, John McConnel, Robinson Co TN, David McConnel & Elizabeth his wife of Warren Co KY, James Johnson & Mary his wife, Logan Co KY, Isaac Plaster & Elizabeth his wife of Montgomery Co TN John Proctor of Logan.

Logan Co DB H, p.294
11 Dec 1818
Benjamin Proctor to John Kennady. $480. Parcel in Logan co. 42 acres. …
corner to John Proctor & Alexr Montgomery …John Hughes line …John Proctor.
Rec. 11 Dec 1818 (no Dower release)

Logan Co Court Orders, Book 7
August Term, 16 Aug 1819
p.165 Application of Greenberry S______ & having given Charles Morehead Gdn to Polly Montgomery legal notice ordered that James Offutt, John Proctor, Samuel Wilson, Ben Proctor or any 3 divide the land belonging to the estate of Alexr Montgomery and make conveyance of land to the heirs.

WB B, p.248-249
27 Aug 1819. Ben Proctor, John Proctor & James Offutt divided the land of Alexander Montgomery, deceased between Elizabeth Montgomery Simmons and Polly Montgomery.
The deed of division is in DB G. p.362, 20 Sep 1819 - I have no abstract.

From the will (15 Nov 1816, Logan Co KY) of Alexander Montgmery and other records - one of his daughters, Polly, married a James McConnell Morton, 6 Mar 1810 in Logan Co - but he seems to not be a member of the two Morton families (William Morton and William Jordan Morton were the two partriarchs) I have documented living in Logan Co. Both William Mortons left eleborate state settlements naming their heirs and although they were close to this age, none were named James. Another Montgomery daughter, Sarah, is said to have married to Cornelius McIntosh on 25 Apr 1805 - but the odd thing about this is that she is referred to as Sarah Montgomery in the will of 1816 as though she were still unmarried. Cornelius has no known relationship to the John McIntosh, father of Betsey who married a John Proctor.

Logan Co Court Order Book 7
Sep Term 1819
p.180 Ordered that Edward Collins be appointed Constable in this county whereupon he executed bond with Thomas Proctor & John Proctor his securities Conditions according to Law.

Only one John is found in 1820 in Logan Co.
1820 Census. Logan Co KY
John Proctor: 2m under 10, 2m 10-16, 1m +45. 3f under 10 ?f 10-16 [blot for a number-could be marked out]; 1f 16-26, 1f +45. Nine Slaves.
Note: No doubt that some of John's children are the unattached Proctors found in Logan Co. It's also likely a daughter with children was in the household. However the young children don't "fit". Born before 1775 - so he would seem to be the elder John from 1810.

No record of John is found in the Will & Settlement books of Logan Co. Children are unknown.

This appears to be at least part of the property that John Proctor has paid taxes on since 1813 - this is time that property disappears from the tax rolls and a John Proctor is found living on the Red River and not the Whipporwill. There is nothing to indicate this wasn't the same person, just relocating.
DB O, p. 231
5 Mar 1827 John Procter & Elizabeth his wife to Dudly Robertson for $1200. Two tracts on headwaters of Little Whipporwill. One is 240 1/2 acres; bordered by Charles Moreheads, James Offett, Ben Proctor, James Foster line. Second of 60 1/4 acres bordered by James Offett.
Signed: John Proctor, Betsey (X) Proctor. Wit. Ewd Collens, James Credson. Rec. 20 Jun 1827.
Note: The elder John owned property on Whipporwill near Ben Proctor and Offut.

Apparently a John Proctor, member of the Baptist Church, has resigned as Trustee.
Logan Co Court Orders, Book 8
p.352 Jan Term 1828 On the motion of the Baptist Church at Bethany meeting house in Logan County by P. Warden their moderator and producing the following....of sd church. Towit. At a meeting of the Baptist Church of Christ at Bethany meeting house in Logan County on the Saturday before the first Sunday in January 1828 Appointed Brethren Robert Woodward, Millis Hall, Samuel Haden & Wm Haden Trustees to this meeting house in place of Edward Collins and John Proctor which we certify to the Logan County Court agreeably to an act of Assembly in that case made and provided. Phillip Warden Moderator
There was a change -
May Term 1829
p.438 The Baptist Church at Bethany this day filed a certificate.......Ordered that Thomas Proctor and Dudley Robinson be appointed trustees to said Bethany Church in the place of Edward Collins and John Proctor....

Logan Co Court Orders, Book 8
p.392 Oct Term 1828 Ben Proctor and John Proctor are Commissioners to divide lands of Alexander Montgomery, dec’d.

There are no estate records in Logan Co to indicate that a John Proctor died about 1827-1828. Prior to 1827, a John lived on the Whipporwill near Benjamin Proctor. Afterwards, a John is found on Woolsey Creek, part of the watershed of the Red River.

The Tax records of Logan County are fairly complete - except the year 1827 is missing. Prior to that year, the John Proctor in Logan Co had two tracts of land on the Little Whipporwill - including a tract of 3 acres and one of 200 acres which had been entered by an Anthony Martin, but surveyed and patented by John Proctor in 1811. In 1828, there is no John with land on Little Whipporwill - instead a John is listed with 489 acres, location unclear - in 1829, the John Proctor in Logan Co had 540 acres on Woolsey Creek - the tract John Proctor who married Eleanor & Elizabeth, continues to be taxed on for several years - some of it given to his sons, some sold over time. The 200 tract, patented in 1811, does not appear to be in the hands of any of the Proctors subsequently to 1826.


Birth4 Apr 1758


FatherGeorge Proctor Jr. ( - )
SiblingElizabeth Proctor (1755 - )
SiblingWilliam Proctor (1756 - )
SiblingGeorge Proctor (1760 - )
SiblingHezekiah Proctor (1764 - 1831)
SiblingMaj. Thomas Proctor (1766 - 1841)
SiblingNancy Proctor (1768 - )
SiblingMary Proctor ( - )
SiblingAgness Proctor (1770 - )
SiblingCharles Proctor (1772 - )
SiblingSally Proctor (1777 - )
SiblingBenjamin Proctor (1779 - 1851)
SiblingLucy Proctor ( - )