Individual Details

George Proctor Jr.

( - )

Four adult male Proctors lived in Logan Co KY. They are put together in various ways but there is no known source for identifying these men. They may or may not have been brothers - but George D. Blakey in his newspaper articles did say they were. Blakey was writing in the 1880's and stated that Hezekiah was already an old man when he first knew him some 60 years ago and that he lived near his brother Thomas. There is evidence that Thomas Proctor was in Fayette Co KY before moving to Logan Co - living near Robert O'Neal and William Haden. Thomas married a Haden daughter.

The records of Fayette were burned in a fire at the county clerk's home, but a fragment of a Proctor will survived. [Vol. 6, p.348 of Burnt Records of Fayette; LDS Microfilm #2111045] It mentions a wife, Mary, and two sons, George Proctor and Benjamin Proctor. The testator had a tract of 150 acres that the sons were to divide after the death of their mother. There is no evidence that the sons were minor children, but that there were two underage. Land that George Humes lives on is also mentioned. There is no date evident but surrounding documents are dated ca 1798-1801. The only Proctor other than Thomas mentioned in the deed fragments I read was a Uriah Proctor. It is certain a Uriah Proctor lived in Jessamine Co in the early 1800's - Jessamine was formed from Fayette in 1799.

Interestingly back in St. Thomas Parish,Orange Co VA, where Hezekiah Proctor married Nancy Young there is also a marriage for Uriah Proctor and Martha Singleton, which took place on 22 Aug 1776. DB 17, p.7. Uriah Proctor lived for a time in Jessamine Co - formed from Fayette.

Fayette Co Proctor Will p.348 - Fragment - no name, no date. Wife was Mary. Peter & Isbell named - possibly slaves given to wife. Sons George Proctor & Benjamin Proctor to divide land he now lives on - 150 acres. George possibly received plantation dwelling. Benjamin to locate convenient to plantation where George Humes now lives. George not to receive until the decease of his mother. Benjamin not until the decease of Hume “__cause I had give the said plantation together with ___”
____ and Elizabeth his wife (Hume's wife) during their natural ____.
__ekiah Proctor had given him something worth six pounds which was to counted as part of his estate. Suggestion that two children were underage and would need schooling. Seems to appoint his brother-in-law (name not available) executor.

I did find online databases with George Hume whose wife was Elizabeth Proctor. There was an earlier George Hume whose wife was also said to be Elizabeth Proctor. There seems to be confusion about the George's and I found the following Post'em Note:
"Just for those who are interested: George Hume married 16 Dec 1727 at Spotsylvania Co, VA to Elizabeth Proctor. I think, in this record, we may be looking at a skipped generation. George Hume husband of Elizabeth Proctor, I don't believe was an ordained Minister, but I think his son George who it appears also married an Elizabeth, was ordained. George the Surveyor and immigrant was born 30 May 1698 at Wedderburn Castle, Berwickshire, Scotland. The castle remains in the hands of the family and the family records are still kept there. He came to the colonies as a surveyor to Lord Fairfax in Virginia. His known service record was for the Crown, with the Colonial Militia as a Lieut under Capt Wm Bledsoe. As far as I know, he was a Loyalist during the revolution. However, his service does entitle his descendants to membership in the Colonial Dames of America and the Society of Colonial Wars."
There was a George Hume, born 1755 [Culpeper VA] who shows a son Lewis, born Fayette Co, 1793; died 1826 in Ripley Co, Indiana. This man would be at least two generations after the immigrant born in 1698. Many of these databases online do show this George married to an Elizabeth Proctor. If these two families had been acquainted at an earlier time and place, perhaps both married an Elizabeth Proctor. In fact one database says that George Hume married his 2nd cousin and she was the eldest daughter of a George Proctor Jr. Other databases state that the George born in 1755 was the son of a William Hume who was a son of the immigrant George Hume and it does show that both George Humes, grandfather & grandson, married an Elizabeth Proctor. None of this is conclusive.

Eventually I found the following that does suggest a relationship of four Proctor brothers of the correct names and approximate ages:

A database online shows a family of 14 children, many with exact birthdates, to include sons named Hezekiah, Benjamin, John & Thomas [close to the ages of the Proctors in Logan Co KY except at least John seems perhaps a decade, may be even two decades, older in the Bible record than in Logan Co] as well as a William & Charles. The exact dates are imaged and originally from a Bible page. This Bible had apparently been passed down to George Hume and is said to have come from Scotland. A handwritten note on the page says:
"This is a copy of the Record Page cut from a family Record in the Bible brought from Scotland by Wm. son of George Hume, and given by him to his son Rev. George Hume and used by him while Chaplain of the Virginia State Troops in Revolution. It came to me from my grandfather Lewis Hume, son of Rev. Geo. born 1793. Bible was dated 1730 & printed in Edinburgh." The page is worn and not all dates are complete.
Elizabeth Procter was Borne March the 15the 1755
William Procter was born Apriel the 19the 1756
John Procter was borne April 4th 1758
George Procter was born May th 5 1760
Hezekiah Procter was born December th 23 17__
Nancy Procter was born October th 18 1768
Thomas Procter was born April 22 1766
Mary Procter was born May 17__
Agness Procter was born february th 10 1770
Charles Procter was born Apriel th 23 1772
Sary Procter was born February th 19 177__
Saly Procter was born July th 16 1777) 177?
Benjamin Procter was born November th____
Lucy Procter was born Apriel th ____

On reverse side of the page is written: "Sary Hume dec Jul 28 1816"
---my grandfather's handwriting
[This note raises more questions than it answers. Sary, possibly a child of Lewis Hume?]

The biggest problem with the above record is that the parents of these Proctor children isn't given. Since the Humes & the Proctors were associated in Spotsylvania Co, it's fairly sure that the parents of the above children including Elizabeth who married into the Hume family were from that area. The tradition that the younger Elizabeth was the daughter of a George Proctor, Jr. would seem to fit the Bible record. Although there is no direct proof, it does seem improbable that there could be more than one Proctor family that included sons John, Hezekiah, Thomas and Benjamin and also has ties to Fayette Co KY. However, the Proctor families used the same given names over and over.

The elder George Proctor in Spotsylvania had two sons - a George and a John. In 1737, George the younger gave his residence as King George Co in a Spotsylvania deed. John remained in Spotsylvania Co and a son John "Junr" is named in a deed there in 1742. There are numerous Proctors present after that date to include a Thomas who purchased land in 1775 - too early to be the Thomas who was later in Logan Co KY. There is a Charles who signed several of the legal documents of the Haydon family and is likely the same as the one who left a will in Spotsylvania in the mid 1780's - he mentioned a William Proctor, son of a Thomas Proctor. A guardian record lists Ann, William, Charles, and Thomas as orphans of a Charles Proctor, at least one of whom was born after the father died. Most of the Proctors in the above records, were older than the children of the Bible record - they would be more likely children of John, or even perhaps cousins. The marriage of the elder George Hume to an Elizabeth Proctor in 1727 would seem to indicate that the earliest George Proctor in Spotsylvania had other relatives living in the area.

I think it also possible that a generation is omitted. A George whose oldest child Elizabeth was born in 1755, would suggest a marriage about 1753 at say age 25, or born 1728. He would not have been making deeds in 1737. Since George the elder had a daughter Elizabeth married by 1727, it would seem his children were born around 1700-1705. That does allow time for an interim generation.

One George Proctor in Spotsylvania Co was married to Grace Haydon, daughter of Thomas Haydon. [Note: this is a very different family from the Hadens of Goochland, VA - although the two families cross paths in subsequent generations as they migrated west.] They were named in Thomas Haydon's will dated 1792 and their son John Proctor was also mentioned. It could be this is the George that was married to Grace - her birth is estimated about 1730 or so. Some of the names of the children are also found in the family of Thomas Haydon but they are the common names found in most English families of this time period - Elizabeth, William, John, Mary, Thomas, Sarah, Benjamin. Later in Logan Co KY, some of the Proctors there will marry Haydon descendants who can be traced back to this Spotsylvania family, as well as Haden descendants from Goochland/Fluvanna, VA.

Here, also, is a Mary Proctor, possibly a candidate for the wife of George.
William Ellis, will dated 19 May 1766, named a daughter as Mary Proctor. William had three married daughters and a daughter and son still underage in 1766. The daughter named as Mary Proctor was named first as though she were the oldest. Another daughter, Ann, was the wife of Robert O'Neal. Robert O'Neal's daughter Polley married Thomas Proctor later of Logan Co KY, as his first wife. This places Mary Ellis Proctor in the right age category.

All of this is an exercise in speculation. There are simply too few records to found to confirm these relationships. I place them together to keep track of the records but future discoveries could change this family.


ChildElizabeth Proctor (1755 - )
ChildWilliam Proctor (1756 - )
ChildJohn Proctor (1758 - )
ChildGeorge Proctor (1760 - )
ChildHezekiah Proctor (1764 - 1831)
ChildMaj. Thomas Proctor (1766 - 1841)
ChildNancy Proctor (1768 - )
ChildMary Proctor ( - )
ChildAgness Proctor (1770 - )
ChildCharles Proctor (1772 - )
ChildSally Proctor (1777 - )
ChildBenjamin Proctor (1779 - 1851)
ChildLucy Proctor ( - )
FatherGeorge Proctor ( - 1738)
MotherKatherine Frank (1670 - 1729)
SiblingJohn Proctor ( - )
SiblingMary Proctor ( - )
SiblingElizabeth Proctor (1707 - )
SiblingMargaret Proctor ( - )