Individual Details

Mary Froman

(Abt 1731 - )

NOTE: although there was the daughter Maria Christina baptized in 1736, it is possible there was an earlier Mary, baptism not recorded, born about 1730/31 that was the wife of Abraham Kellar given how young Maria would have been at the time she would have married Kellar and given birth to her first child. An older Mary would make more sense.

Early researched placed Maria as the wife of William Overall. Some even have John Overall as her husband. William is certainly wrong as the following documents show. Her sister Magdalene was the wife of William Overall - John, their son. BUT if Mary, rather than Maria, was married to Abraham Kellar, this Maria may indeed have been married to an Overall.

The Hite Fairfax suit reveals that Paul Froman had divided a 500 acre tract on the South River of the Shenandoah: 200 acres to Henry Spears, 150 acres to William Overall, and 150 acres to Abraham Kellar. Spears and Overall were both married to daughters of Paul Froman. Therefore, there is a possibility that the unknown first wife of Abraham Kellar was also a Froman daughter.
Other documents have shown this relationship to be correct.

It is presumed Mary was the mother of all the Kellar children - but there could have been another wife/wives.

From the Hite-Fairfax Papers (MSS 162, Filson Historical Society)
To the Honorable the Judges of the high Court of Chancery humbly complaining thereunto your honors your Orators John Netherton, Henry Netherton, John Overall and Abraham Kellar that they are possessed of a Tract of land lying on the South River in the county of Shanandoah containing 500 acres more or less that the same as now held by your Orators was Sold by Jose Hite to Paul Froman, that Paul Froman Sold 200 acres part thereof of Henry Speers who sold to Daniel Stover to whom Joist Hite gave a Bond for a title to the said 200 acres of land and that Daniel Stover Sold the same to your Orator Henry Netherton and John Netherton. That the said Paul Froman gave the remaining part of the said Tract of land to his two daughters Mary and Magdalen. That Mary intermarried with your Orator Abraham Kellar and that Magdalen intermarried William Overall who sold his part of the said Land to your Orator John Overall. That your Orators having this fair title to the premises well hoped that they might enjoy this land without molestation. But now so it is may it please your Honors that a Copy of the Decree obtained by the Hites and others Complainants against the representatives of the late Lord Fairfax defendants hath been served your Orators by which your Orators are Compelled to State their titles to the Honorable Court or Loose their Lands, all which actings and doing are contrary to Equity. In tender Consideration whereof, etc to the End that your Orators may be quieted in their possessions and may have such other relief as to your Honors Shall seem meet. May it please your Honors etc.
And your Orators shall ever pray etc
J. Marshall for Complts.
A Copy, John Brown CHCC
John & Isaac Hite – James W. Roy We admit Sale to Froman of 500 acres & that it has been paid for & agree that those intitled to their 500 acres, may have it laid off out of this tract according to ?District, which never yet been done

Froman’s bond to Kellar for Title
Know all Men by these presents that I Paul Froman of Frederick County in the Colony of Virginia held and firmly bound unto Abraham Kellar of the County and Colony Aforesaid in the just sum of one Hundred pounds Current Money to which payment well and truly so be made unto the said Abraham Keller or his Heirs, Exers & Assigns Thereby bind myself my Heirs executors & Assigns firmly by these present & Seald with my Seal this 18 Day of May 1770. The consideration of the above obligation is such that whereas the said Paul Froman formerly purchas’d of Jost Hite Dec’d aTract of Land situate in Frederick County aforesaid on the North Side of the South River of Shenando supposed to contain 500 Acres and etc. The said Paul Froman and his Heirs or Assigns shall make to the said Abraham Kellar or his Heirs or Assigns a Sufficient Title for his Proportion of his said Land (Viz) agreeable to the Boundaries herein after mentioned, In case the Suit now Depending between Lord Fairfax and the Grantees of the Disputed Lands of which the before mentioned Tract is a Part of be void and of no Effect therewise to Remain in Full force and Virtue. The aforesaid Tract of Land is to be laid off in proportions as follows. Viz. Daniel Stover proportion of it , to a Certain Boundary formerly agreed upon by Henry Speers and the aforesaid Abraham Kellar, Abraham Keller’s proportion therefor where he now lives, to be laid off to a point in the South River of Shenandoah with a small Gulley from the Boundary formerly agreed upon between the said Abraham Keller & William Overall and also the Remainder of the said Tract. The proportion belonging to the said William Overall to be laid off agreeable to the aforesaid Boundaries in the other Proportions.
Signed: Paul Froman
Signed Seald & Delivered In presence of Thomas ?Rashell

Froman’s bond to Overall for title
Know all Men by that I Paul Froman of Frederick County in the Colony of Virginia am held & firmly bound unto William Overall of County & Colony aforesaid in the just sum of one hundred Pounds Current Money to which payment well and truly to be made unto the said William Overall or his Heirs, Exetr or Assigns I hereby bind myself my Heirs, Exers and Assigns Firmly by these presents Sealed with seal this 18th day of May 1770. The Condition fo the above obligations is that Whereas the said Paul Froman formerly purchased of Jost Hite, Dec’d a Tract of Land situate in Frederick County aforesaid on the North side of the So River, Shannadoah supposed to contain 500 Acres etc if the said Paul From or his Heirs or Assigns shall make to the said William Overall or his Heirs or assigns a sufficient Title for his proportion of the said Land Viz: the Residue & remainder thereof after Daniel Stover & Abraham Kellor, proportion Thereof are first conveyed to them agreeable to the Boundaries of the same herein after mentioned in case the suit now depending between Lord Fairfax and the Grantees of the disputed Lands (of which the before mentioned is part) shall be determine in favor of the latter, the above obligation to be void & of no effect other wise to remain in full force & virtue. The aforesaid Tract of land is to be Laid off in proprtions as foloows Viz: Daniel Stover’s proportion of it a certain Boundary formerly agreed upon between Henry Speer and Abraham Kellor. Abraham Kellor’s proportion…. [incomplete]

14 Dec 1778. From Lord Fairfax, Proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia....confirm to Col. Abraham Keller of Shannandoah Co land near the South River Surveyed by John Hough. 149 acres. Northern Neck Grants R, p.59. [I believe this is most likely the 150 acres Abraham received from Paul Froman - title not settled until the end of the Hite-Froman lawsuit. See survey adjacent to William Overall below.]
4 May 1779. John Overall received a grant for 90 acres, South River adjoining Abraham Kellar. NN Grant R, p.197.

Surveys for the above grants:
Joyner, Peggy Shomo
Abstracts of Virginia's Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys
Self Published. Portsmouth, VA 1985-1987
Vol. 3 of 4 Volumes
Counties: Dunmore, Shenandoah, Culpeper, Prince William, Fauquier, Stafford
Shenandoah Co
Abraham Keller, Senr. 23 Apr 1778 - 27 Apr 1778. 149 a adj the line called the Grant Line, his own line & William Overall
Cc: John Wydick, Joseph Keller Surv. Amos Hough
John Overall 29 Apr 1778 - 4 May 1778 90a near Fort Mt. & South R. Shan'do; adj the Grant Line & Abraham Keller
Cc: Charles Ragan, Nathaniel Overall, Surv. Amos Hough
Note: John believed to be the son of William - William perhaps deceased by April of 1778.


BirthAbt 1731


SpouseABRAHAM KELLAR (1722 - 1787)
ChildJACOB KELLAR (1751 - 1781)
ChildAbraham KELLAR (1753 - 1781)
ChildJohn Kellar (1755 - 1820)
ChildIsaac KELLAR (1758 - 1786)
ChildRachel KELLAR ( - )
ChildElizabeth Kellar (1765 - 1837)
ChildJoseph KELLAR ( - 1812)
ChildRev. William KELLAR (1768 - 1817)
FatherPaul Froman (1708 - 1783)
MotherElizabeth Hite ( - 1783)
SiblingREGINA FROMAN (1729 - 1805)
SiblingMagdalene Froman (1730 - )
SiblingSarah Jane Froman (1732 - 1815)
SiblingJohn Paul Froman (1734 - )
SiblingMaria Christina "Mary" Froman (1735 - 1768)
SiblingElizabetha Froman (1738 - )
SiblingJacob Froman (1749 - 1820)