Individual Details

William Knight

( - Abt 1653)

William Knight has said to have had a will, dated 2 Dec 1653, that refers to "my four children which I had by my last wife Elizabeth" and includes bequests to John Ballard and Nathaniel Ballard.

"2 Dec 1653
I william knight in this my last will and testyment do giue my wife Elizebeth the thirds of all my Estate and further that she shall Injoy my dwellinghows So long as she liueth likwys I giu to my son John knight forety shillings to be payd tow years after my deceas Itte I giu to my dafter Ane won shilling and to her children fiu shillings a pease to be payd tow years After my deceas. Itt I giue to || my sone || francis knight fiue shillings when he shall lawfully demand it. Itt I giue to my dafter hanna forty shillings won year after my deceas Itt I giue to John ballard forty shillings tow years After my deceas or when my wif pleases Itt I giu to nathanyell ballard forty shillings tow years After my deceas: All and Euery of theas leggacys to be truly payd The rest of my Estat I will to be Equily diuided amonkst my fowr children wich I had by my last wife Elizabeth
"only I giue to my Eldest Son Jacob a dubbell parcion to be payd in my hows and homelott Adjoyning to my dwelling hows and medow in Rumly march If this amounts to more then his dubbell portion then it to be payd back to my last childre Equilly diuided likwys If the Sayd hows and land due not amount to a dubbell porttion the[n] it is to be made oup: I further will if any of theas my last children dye before thay come to age: then ther porttions to return to thos that shall suruiue Equaly to be deuided amonkst them This I will that If my wife maryes then my childrens porttions to be taken from hurs and to be at the ouerseers disposing: I make my wife elizabeth my lawfull Excekter to Administer on this my last will [and] Testyment I likwys make our brother nicklis potter and Gorg keasur and John witt: to be the ouersears of this my last will.
William C. Knight (his mark)
Wit: John Fuller (autograph)"

Note: There may be parts missing from the will. However, I would guess that John, Anne, Francis and Hanna (Johanna) were the children of Elizabeth. Jacob, a son of a former wife.


MarriageAbt 1640ELIZABETH [Ballard]
DeathAbt 1653


SpouseELIZABETH [Ballard] (1609 - 1687)