Individual Details

Amanda Allen

(13 Nov 1807 - 21 Feb 1866)

Vigo County, Indiana Deed Book 3, p.328
Be it known that we Peter Allen & Mary his wife of the county of Vigo and state of Indiana, in consideration of the natural love and affection which we have and bear to our daughter Amanda Hoskins wife of Silas Hoskins and to his and her children Peter A. Hoskins, and Clarrissa S. Hoskins, and also for the maintenance and preferment of them we do give, grant, alien, enfeoff and confirm unto them the following described tract of land to wit: Commencing at the south west corner of the south west quarter of section number fifteen in township number twelve North, of range number nine west Running from hence east One hundred and sicty rods, from thence North sixty rods, from thence west One hundred and sixty rods, and from thence south sixty rods, to the place of beginning, containing sixty acres, to hold to them in manner following that is to say to the said Peter A. and Clarissa Hoskins, and the survivor of them until he, she or they arrive at the age of twenty one years then to the said
Amanda Hoskins, if she be then living or to her heirs, in case of her death, or in case of the death of both of the said children before they arrive at the age of twenty one years they also to the said Amanda if she be living, or to her heirs if she be dead., and to their heirs and assigns forever, and the said grantors covenant with the said grantees that they are lawfully possessed, of the said land in fee simple, and that they will forever warrant and defend the same to them and their heirs and assigns forever against all lawful claims.
In Witness whereof the said grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals this twenty seventh day of January One thousand eight hundred and twenty nine.
Peter Allen
Mary Allen
Signed, sealed and deliverd in presence of ____
State of Indiana
Vigo County
Be it remembered that on this 27th day of January eighteen hundred and
twenty nine before me Amory Kinney a Justice of the Peace in and for said county personally came Peter Allen & Mary Allen the within grantors and acknowledged that they executed and delivered the same, as their voluntary ct for the purposes therein contained and the said Mary having been examined separate and apart from her husband. Given under my hand and seal the day and year above written. A. Kinney
Recorded July 20, 1837 A true Record. C. Gilbert, Recorder

History of Vigo County, Indiana by H. C. Bradsby; S. B. Nelson & Co; Chicago, 1891
Wabash Courier, Saturday, September 1838
Amanda Haskins vs. Silas H. Haskins for Divorce
Note: neither the Vigo Co Library nor the Historical Society, both of which have many of the old newspapers, have this issue, or surrounding issues - apparently lost to time. I did see other divorce notices in the paper and they gave very little additional information.

But Amanda received her divorce:
Circuit Court, Vigo Co, IN, December Term, 1838
Court Orders, Vol. 5, p. 387
Pleas at Terre Haute in the County of Vigo, in and for the Seventh Judi-
cial Circuit of the State of Indiana, before Honorable Elisha M. Huntington President Judge of said Circuit and Walter Dickerson and Isaac Pointer Associate Judges of the Circuit Court of said County at the December Term thereof in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight.
Amanda Hoskins vs. Silas Hoskins. Petition for a divorce.
Be in remembered that on the twenty third day of August in the year
of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty Eight, Amanda Hoskins, by Farrington Wright and Gookins her Attorneys filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Vigo aforesaid her Bill against Silas Hoskins which is as follows.
To the Honorable Vigo Circuit Court December Term Eighteen hundred and thirty eight Humbly complaining sheweth unto your Honors your Oratress Amanda Hoskins that on or about the day of ___ eighteen hundred and twenty five, she was joined in marriage to one Silas Hoskins with whom she continued to live and cohabit as Husband and Wife from the time of said Marriage until about the fifteenth day of September eighteen hundred and thirty four, all of which time and from thence hitherto your Oratress, was, has been and still is a resident of the County of Vigo and State of Indiana. And your Oratress would further represent that about the time last above mentioned, being in the fall of eighteen hundred and thirty four, the said Silas Hoskins in utter disregard of the Contract of Marriage, between your Oratress and the said Silas, voluntarily and without any reasonable or probable cause left your Oratress with the manifest intention of Total abandonment and so has ever since continued and remained, making no provision for the Maintainance and support of your Oratress, or his family, and utterly neglecting to perform any of the duties required or which might reasonable be required of him as the Husband of your Oratress. And your Oratress further charges that the said Silas since his Said abandonment of your Oratress has cohabited and lived in open Adultery with persons to your Oratress unknown, and that he is not now a resident of the State of Indiana, nor has he been as your Orator is is informed and believes, since his said
abandonment of your Oratress. Your Oratress prays that the said Silas Hoskins may be made a Defendant to this Bill and that he answer the matters her charged against him and that upon a final hearing that your Honors will order and decree that the Banns of Matrimony existing between your Oratress and said Silas may be dissolved and that you grant your Oratress such other relief in the premises as her case may require consistent with equity and your Oratress will ever pray.
And now at this term, to wit, on the second Monday of December then
next, in our said Court, before our said Judges came the Said Complainant by her solicitors aforesaid and the said Defendant being called came not nor has he answered the complainants petition. Whereupon this Cause being submited, the evidence being by the Court heard and considered, and all things touching the same: it is ordered adjudged and decreed that the said Amanda Hoskins be, and she is hereby divorced from the banns of matrimony heretofore existing between her and the said Silas Hoskins. And it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that she be appointed Guardian to and for her infant Children, Allen Hoskins, Clarissa S. Hoskins, Eliza A., Hoskins, Francis M. Hoskins and Edward H. Hoskins.
Signed December 26th, 1838
E. M. Huntington

Feb Term of Probate Court, 1840. Amanda Hoskins was appointed guardian of the persons and estates of Peter Allen Hoskins, Clarissa S. Hoskins, Eliza Ann Hoskins, Francis M. Hoskins and Edward H. Hoskins. Myron H. Allen was her security. She then filed a petition to sell twenty acres of land for the support of the children. The description reveals it was part of the tract given to her by her parents. It was appraised at $60 per acre by Commissioners, Horace Blinn, Myron H. Allen, C. Gilbert. Myron H. Allen & Curtis Gilbert were ordered to sell the tract at public or private sale.
27 May 1840 Amanda Hoskins, as guardian, withdrew her petition for sale of the 20 acres and it was followed by another petition to sell 15 acres - appraised at $45 per acre.
August Term, 1840. Curtis Gilbert & Myron H. Allen reported they had on the 28th of August, sold the 15 acres off the east end of the sixty acres (of Amanda's tract) for $45 per acre and requested that the sale be confirmed upon payment.
Note: Did not find this deed, but in 1848 when Amanda sells the remaining part of the tract, it is noted that fifteen acres had been sold to John Burton.

1840 Census. Harrison, Vigo Co IN
Amanda Hoskins [Census in her name although there appears to be an adult male in the household]
1m 5-10 (Edward), 2m 10-15 (Francis & Edward), 1m 40-50. 1f 5-10 (Ann Eliza), 1f 10-15 (Clarissa), 1f 30-40 [Amanda]

Vigo County, IN Deed Book 12
This Indenture made this sixth day of June in the year of our Lord one thosand and eight hundred and forty eight between Amanda Hoskins, Peter A. Hoskins & Louisa his wife & Clarissa S. Hoskins of the county of Vigo and State of Indiana of the one part, and Jacob D. Early of the Same place of the other part. Witnesseth that the Said party of the first part for and in consideration of the Sum of Twenty Two hundred and fifty dollars current money of the United States to them in hand paid at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, and Sold, aliened, released, enfeoffed conveyed and
confirmed, and by these presents do grant bargain and sell, alien release, enfeoff, convey and confirm unto the Said party of the Second part and to his heirs and assigns this certain tract or parcel of Land with all the appurtenances lying and being in the County of Vigo and State of Indiana and described as follows to wit: commencing at the South West corner of the Sout West quarter of Section number fifteen in Township number twelve north of Range number nine
West and running from thence East one hundred and Sixty rods, from thence north Sixty rods, from thence west one hundred & Sixty rods from thence South Sixty rods to the place of beginning containing Sixty acres: with the exception of fifteen acres off from the East end
thereof which was heretofore conveyed to John Burton, the amount of land hereby conveyed being forty five acres. And all the estate right, title, claim, interest, and fee of them the Said party of the first part of in and to the Same To have and to hold the Said tract or parcel of Land with all the appurtenances unto the Said party of the Second part and to his heirs and assigns to his and their only proper use and behoof forever. And the Said party of the first part do covenant and agree with the Said party of the Second part and with his heirs and assigns that they will, and their heirs executors and administrators Shall Warrant and forever defend the Said tract of parcel fo land with all the appurtenances unto the Said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns against all and every person whatsoever lawfully claiming the Same
In Witness whereof the Said party of the first part have hereunto Set their hands and Seals on the day and year first above written
Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence
of D. S. Donaldson
Amanda Hoskins
P. A. Hoskins
Lavina (her X mark) Hoskins
Clarissa S. Hoskins
State of Indiana Vigo County
Be it remembered that the above named Amanda Hoskins, P. A. Hoskins, Lavina Hoskins & Clarissa Hoskins came this day personally before me a Notary Public in Said county and acknowledged that they Signed Sealed and delivered the foregoing indenture as their act and deed for the purposes therein specified, and the Said Lavina, wife of the Said Peter A. Hoskins having been fully acquainted with the contents of said indenture, and by me examined Seperate
and apart from and without the hearing of her husband, acknowledged the execution thereof as her voluntary act and deed without any compulsion from her Said husband
Given under my hand and Seal at Terre Haute the Seventh day of Jun 1848
D. S. Donalson, Notary Public
Recorded June 13th 1848

Indiana Methodist Church Records, 1837-1970;
Terre Haute, 1847-1858
Amanda Hoskins is listed as "Gone". Entries that are dated are from 1847 - 1856.

These marriages in Vigo Co are daughters of Amanda and Silas:
Clarissa Hoskins married Andrew Newcomb, 25 Jun 1848 [married by Myron H. Allen, JP]
Eliza Hoskins married William Mars, 22 Jun 1848, E. M. Knapp, minister
Clarissa & Eliza both born in Indiana - they both gave their age as 21 in 1850. Eliza ends up in Wisconsin with Amanda - I believe Clarissa died soon after the 1850 census.

1850, Harrison Twp, Vigo Co IN
William Mars, 24, cooper, b. IN, Eliza, 21, b. IN. Francis, male, age 11 months
Same twp - Hh 747
Andrew Newcomb, age 22, wool carder, b. VA
Clarra, age 21, b. IN

I have never been able to find Amanda in 1850. However in 1860, she was living in Taycheedah, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin along with a couple of her siblings. She was living in the household of her son, Peter A. Hoskins.
1860 Census Hh 885
Peter A. Hoskins, age 35 [born abt 1825], Farmer, b. IN
Luvina, age 36, b. IN.
Amanda, age 4 months, born Wisconsin
Amanda Hoskins, age 52, b. New York.

She seems to have been with Peter in 1855:
The 1855 Wisconsin State Census notes Peter A. Hoskins in Taycheedah, Fond du Lac - with 2 white females, 2 white males. Was his mother living with them?

Son Francis obtained a land patent - then sold it to his mother. It was across the road from land owned by son Peter. Although the Warde book has a death date for Amanda - the various cemetery records from Taycheedah do not list her. An 1874 plat map shows a cemetery located between the two land tracts of Amanda and Peter Hoskins. I understand from a local resident that this cemetery was plowed over in the 1950's. This is not the Taycheedah Cemetery currently listed on FindAGrave. It is likely where she and son Edward (if he died as early as indicated in 1854) were buried.
Land Patent to Francis M. Hoskins, assignee of John White, Fond du Lac Co, 21 Dec 1850, 40 acres, the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of S27, T16N, R18E.
Francis M. Hoskins sold to Amanda Hoskins, 4 March 1857, for $250, in the Town of Taycheedah, the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4, Section 27, Twp 16 N, Range 18 E, 40 acres. This was his patent above.

I found an Indiana marriage for Peter A. Hoskins to Lavina Pierce, Vigo Co IN, 20 April 1848. In 1850 they were already in Wisconsin.
Taycheedah, Fond du Lac, Hh 493
Peter A. Hoskins, age 26, Plasterer, b. IN. Lavinia age 26, b. IN.


Birth13 Nov 1807New York
Marriage14 Mar 1825Vigo County, Indiana - SILAS Hoskins
Divorce26 Dec 1838Vigo County, Indiana - SILAS Hoskins
Death21 Feb 1866[prob] Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin


SpouseSILAS Hoskins (1791 - 1840)
ChildPeter Allen Hoskins (1826 - 1885)
ChildClarissa S. Hoskins (1827 - 1851)
ChildAnn Eliza Hoskins (1830 - 1896)
ChildFrancis M. Hoskins (1832 - 1863)
ChildEdward H. Hoskins (1835 - 1854)
FatherPETER BUELL ALLEN (1775 - 1833)
MotherMARY PETERSON (1774 - 1832)
SiblingHenry Cromwell Allen (1797 - 1837)
SiblingIra Allen (1799 - 1866)
SiblingCatherine Allen (1801 - 1821)
SiblingHarriett Allen (1803 - 1855)
SiblingMyron Holley Allen (1805 - 1872)
SiblingChloe Ward Allen (1809 - 1869)
SiblingPETER BUELL/BENTON ALLEN (1811 - 1901)
SiblingAdaline Allen (1814 - 1857)
