Individual Details

Lyman C. Comstock

(1837 - 4 Jan 1928)

Lyman lived with his aunt Sarah after his parents died. Sarah's husband, Alanson M. Clark, was his guardian as evidenced in the probate file of his grandmother, Mary (Arnold) Comstock.

1850 Census. Fleming, Cayuga Co NY, Hh 587
Alanson M. Clark, age 30. Sarah C., age 21 [more likely 31].
Benj. age 6, Mary E. 4, Seth C. 2, Eliza, age 1, Charles age one month.
Lyman Comstock, age 12 - all of the above born in New York
Mary Comstock, age 73, b. Massachusetts
Eliza Byron, age 22, b. Ireland

1860 Census. Fleming, Cayuga Co NY, Hh 177
Lanson Clark, age 41, farmer, b. NY. Sarah, 43, b. MA
Mary 15, Seth 12, Eliza 11, Eddy 9, Hatta 5, William 3
Lymon Comstock, age 22 [nephew]
Crest Heaffron, age 35, b. Ireland, farm labor
Helen King, age 16, b. NY, domestic

New York State Census, 1875, Auburn Ward 3, Cayuga, NY
Lyman C. Comstock, 37, b. Cayuga, County Clerk
Mary Leach, Comstock, 36, wife, b. Cayuga
Maggie Raegan, 20, servant

1880 Census. Auburn, Cayuga Co NY
Limon C. Comstock, age 41, life insurance agent, b. NY as were his parents
Mary F., age 40, wife, b. NY as were her parents.

Army Invalid Pension Card for Lyman C. Comstock, who served as a 1st LT, Company I, 9th, New York Volunteers H A, Certificate #1042188
Began 26 Dec 1908, Certificate dated 21 Jan 1909. Reinstated 31 May 1912 and increases notes Dec 4, 1913, Jun 10, 1918 and May 1, 1920.
(continued) - 1st Lt, I, 9, NYV, H Arty (heavy artillery), increase 4 Aug 1926, Died Jan 4, 1928.
Presumably for service in the Civil War.

1910 Census. Niles Ward 1, Berrien Co, MI, Hh 3
Liman C. Comstock, 72, married once for 39 years, b. NY, Truck farmer
Mary L., wife, 70, no children, b. NY

New York state Census, 1915, Auburn Ward 9, Cayuga, NY
Lyman C. Comstock, age 76.

Gravemarker; Fort Hill Cemetery, Auburn, Cayuga, NY.
Lyman C. 1837-1928
Mary Leach 1839-1919

9th Heavy Artillery Regiment
Civil War
Second Auburn Regiment; Cayuga and Wayne County Regiment
Mustered in as 138th regiment of infantry: September 8-9, 1862 .
Designated 9th regiment of artillery (heavy): December 19, 1862.
Mustered out: July 6, 1865.
The organization of this regiment was determined August 8, 1862, and Col. Joseph Welling received, August 12, 1862, authority to recruit the regiment in the, then, 25th Senatorial district of the State. September 29, 1862, this regiment was designated the 138th Regiment of Infantry. It was organized at Auburn, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years, September 8 and 9, 1862. It was converted into an artillery regiment December 9, 1862, and designated, December 19th, the 9th Regiment of Artillery. February 5, 1863, the 22d N. Y. Volunteer Battery was, by the War Department, transferred to the regiment as Company M. Company L was organized at Albany and there mustered in the United States service for three years between November 4 and December 9, 1863.
The companies were recruited principally: A at Red Creek, Huron, Wolcott and South Butler; B at Williamson, Ontario and Walworth; C at Conquest, Cato and Victory; D at Lyons, Sodus, Huron, Rose and Galen; E at Venice, Scipio, Auburn, Moravia, Miles, Summerhill, Fleming and Montezuma; F at Geneva, Auburn, Owasco, Sennett, Niles, Lansing, Mentz and Aurelius; G at Wolcott, Savannah, Butler, Sterling, Huron and Rose; H at Galen, Butler, Savannah, Rose and Victory; I at Auburn, Owasco and Sennett; K at Clyde, Ira, Lyons, Wolcott, Galen, Williamson and Ontario; L in Albany county; and M at Batavia, Bergen, Bethany, Alexander, Darien and Oakfield.
The regiment (ten companies) left the State September 12, 1862, and served as infantry and heavy artillery in the defenses of Washington, D. C., north of the Potomac, from September, 1862; in the 2d, and later 3d, Brigade, Haskins' Division, 22d Corps, from February, 1863; the 1st and 3d Battalions in the 2d Brigade, 3d Division; the 2d Battalion in the Artillery Brigade, 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac, from May 25 and 31, 1864, respectively; the 2d Battalion in 1st Brigade, Hardin's Division, 22d Corps, at Washington, D. C., from July 10, 1864; in Colonel Keim's Provisional Brigade, from September 23, 1864; all in the 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac, from October 3, 1864; with the Army of the Shenandoah from October, 1864, and with the Army of the Potomac, from December, 1864.
It was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. James W. Snyder, July 6, 1865, at Washington, D. C., the men not entitled to be discharged then having been formed into four companies and transferred, June 27, 1865, to the 2d N. Y. Volunteer Artillery as Companies I, K, L and M of the latter.
During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 5 officers, 109 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 officers, 87 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 5 officers, 244 enlisted men; total, 13 officers, 440 enlisted men; aggregate, 453; of whom 38 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it, or portions of it.

Field and Staff, 9th Ret, Artillery, NYSV
Lyman C. Comstock, Serg-Maj., age 24, mustered in 21 Aug 1862 at Auburn N. Y. by Gov. E. D. Morgan for 3 years. Paid $25 with $2 premium. Enlisted at Fleming, NY, 17 Aug 1862.

Annual Report of the Adjutant-General of the State of New York for the Year, 1897. Registers of the Ninth and Tenth Artillery in the War of the Rebellions, State Printers, New York & Albany, 1898.
COMSTOCK, LYMAN C. Age, 24 years. Enlisted August 17, 1862 at Fleming, NY; mustered in as sergeat-major, One Hundred and Thirty-eight Infantry, Aug 21, 1862 (which became the Ninth Artillery, December 19, 1862) to serve three years; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. C., Mar 30, 1863; as first lieutenant, Co. I., to date Feb 6, 1864; discharged 1863, with rank from Feb 10 1863, promoted, first lieutenant, Feb 13, 1864 with rank from Feb 6, 1864.


Death4 Jan 1928Cayuga County, New York


FatherDaniel Comstock (1806 - 1843)