Individual Details

Joseph Foreman

(10 May 1763 - Jun 1838)

At one point, 1994, Charles Burgess, historian for HFFA, stated that Joseph's parents were Reuben Foreman & Ruth Van Meter. In his corrections to "Twigs", Charles Burgess states that Joseph & Thomas Foreman were born in Hampshire Co VA, the sons of Thomas Foreman & Elizabeth. Elizabeth Foreman married again to Vincent Colvin - from the 1765 Thomas Foreman Inventory/Appraisal.

Mentioned in will of father-in-law as holding Kentucky land in trust during dispute.
Militia and land records indicate that he lived in the area of Pigeon Creek, Fallowfield Twp, Washington County PA. Joseph & Rebecca moved to Kentucky.

Joseph Foreman is named as one of the five men who explored Marion Co MO in 1817. Some of the related Frye, Foreman, Bird, families did settle there in subsequent years, but Joseph remained near Bardstown, KY.
Joseph, we believe, was born in Virginia, and know by a deposition he gave in 1797 in Nelson County that he grew up "in the back parts of Pennsylvania." His place of residence was on Pigeon Creek, in the area of Southwestern Pennsylvania, an area earlier claimed by both Virginia and Pennsylvania. Joseph reportedly came to Kentucky with his brother Thomas, from Vincennes Indiana, where he had moved with his step-father, Vincent Calvin. Prior to that period, he lived in Washington, PA. Though there are some conflicting reports on his birth place, we believe it to be in Virginia. He is shown on the tithable list in 1787 for Nelson County. Many land transactions were made and deeds executed in the name of Joseph Foreman. The Foreman clan were landed people, who made their living and fortunes on and by the land. However, since early deeds were held by the husband, and the wives names were omitted, we have problems identifying which Joseph Foreman bought which property. We do know that his mother willed her home and 300 acre farm on which it stood to him, and he left parts of this place to his heirs.

Further, Joseph was a family man, caring for his own children, and upon the death of his son, Thomas, his grandchildren. He mentions them in his will:

Last will and testament of Joseph Foreman. In the name of God, Amen. I, Joseph Foreman of Nelson County, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do make this my last will and testament. It is my will that my debts be paid, that my wife Rebecca Foreman shall have and own during her life the farm on which I now live, containing about three hundred acres, more or less, and a Negro woman named Anna and her children, and a Negro man named Tom & Joseph, and she is to have exclusively the household and kitchen furniture, horse saddle and the choice of my horses, that after the death of said wife, it is my will that said plantation shall pass in fee to my son, Joseph Foreman, and it is my wish that after the death of my said wife, the aforesaid Negroes shall be divided amongst my children or their heirs. In case of the death of either, including the children of my late son Thomas and Elizabeth Birkhead, the children of each are to have a portion with my surviving children, and the ? being one of my children is to pass to her children of the marriage to the late Thomas Shadburn, and she, the said Rebecca is excluded because I have made a deed to her for a tract of land worth five thousand dollars or more. It is my will that my sons, William and Joseph shall share in fee simple the tract of land composed of one hundred and fifty acres I purchased from Broadhead, 69 acres purchased from Reasoner, and 100 acres conveyed to me by John Ash. William Foreman owes me thirteen or fourteen hundred dollars, being the balance due me for that part of the land I sold to him on which he now lives. It is my will that sum, so owing, whatever it is, or may be at my death, shall pass and belong to the daughters of my late son Thomas Foreman, and his son, Joseph Foreman, or their heirs at law in case of the death of either, except Emily Foreman, who is to have no part of this money, but to whom I will and bequeath a black woman named Eliza and her three children now living, and all the children she may have. The bequest of said Emily is not to take effect unless she shall relinquish all interest she has to my executors, In that to her portion of money arising from the sale of slaves originating from James Yewell's estate, who were sold by decree of the Nelson Circuit Court, I having bought the same.
I own a tract of land lying on the turnpike road between my house and Salt River, containing about five hundred acres, more or less, said land is bounded by the land of Gouffin Caine, Montgomery, Shiviley Hibbs, David Cox, and Joseph Foreman, Jr. I will and bequeath said tract of land to my two grandsons, sons of my late son Thomas, to wit: Martin and James Foreman. To the said Martin I will all of that part of said tract that lies on the eastern side of said turnpike road, this being the side of which he now lives, and one hundred acres on the western side of said road to begin on the south western side of said turnpike road where is intersects said tracts, thence to run along the western line of said tract so far as by running a parallel line with the line on the turnpike, as will include said one hundred acres. The balance of said tract of land, I will to James Foreman in fee. The said Martin and James are to make a relinquishment of the interests in the money arriving from the aforesaid Negroes as required of their aforesaid sister Emily, before the above release of said land is to take effect.
I will to my son, Joseph, a tract of land I bought of Leonard P. Higdon, containing sixty nine acres, lying on Kimbley's run. It is my will that after my death, all the property not heretofore mentioned shall be sold by my executor on a credit of one year, and the money arriving therefrom shall be equally divided among my children, or any of their heirs if any of said children should die, the children of my late son Thomas, and my late daughter Elizabeth Birkhead, and each are to receive a portion equal to my children, except Rebecca Wells, my daughter from the benefit of this bequest, also resolve that her children of her marriage with Thomas Shadburn shall have an equal part of the last aforesaid part of my estate, with my children to wit; they are to have collected a portion with my children and stand in the same condition with the children of my son Thomas and daughter Elizabeth. It is my will and I do appoint William and Joseph Foreman executors of this my last will, or the survivor or the one who will accept if the other refuses to act. This 24th day of May 1838. Joseph Foreman.

This will was proven at the courthouse in Bardstown on July 9, 1838, after Joseph and William posted their bonds and was recorded. The heirs noted at that time were Joseph Foreman, Martin Foreman, James Foreman, Rebecca Crawford, Caroline Lashbrook, Emily Lashbrook, Nancy Lashbrook, her heir, Rebecca Foreman, 9 Negroes $2000.


Birth10 May 1763Hampshire County, Virginia
MarriageAbt 1785Washington County, Pennsylvania - Rebecca Frye
DeathJun 1838Nelson County, Kentucky


SpouseRebecca Frye (1767 - 1848)
ChildRebecca Foreman ( - )
ChildElizabeth Foreman ( - )
ChildNancy Foreman (1790 - 1854)
ChildWilliam Foreman (1792 - 1856)
FatherThomas Foreman ( - )
MotherElizabeth Decker ( - )
SiblingThomas Foreman (1765 - 1831)
