Individual Details

Bond Veale

( - )

Prince William Co VA
Deed Book Liber A 1731-1732
Deed Book Liber B 1732-1735

p.61 Bk B, p.252-255 19 Mar 1733 Bond Veal of Pr. Wm. Planter to Richard Blackburn of same, carpenter. 130a Hamilton Parish on Little Cr, north side of South Br in Burbidges line. Part of 275a given by John Veal of Westmoreland Co in his will dated 21 Nov 1718 to John Veale & Morris Veal in these words: I give all my land in Stafford unto my sons John Veal and Morris Veal to be equally divided between them and if both dye without heir then to next heir at law…. Land descended to Bond Veal. Deed of lease & release. Signed: Bond Veale
19 Jun 1734. Ack by Bond Veal
Note: a Jno. Veal was a witness to a deed dated 19 Mar 1732. A deed dated 16 Oct 1733 mentions land where John Diskin lives sold to him by Morris Veale by deeds of lease & release on 9 Sep 1730 - 201 acres N side of Little Cr in Burbridges line. Another deed dated 19 Mar 1733 to Maurice Veale from John Waugh - Veale of Pr Wm, planter. It would seem the land had descended to Bond Veale fairly recently. Although, the Morris Veale named could have been the uncle who lived until 1750.

Prince William Co VA Deed Book Liber D 1738-1740
June Whitehurst Johnson, 1984

p.3/p.26-28 23 Oct 1738 John Harl of Truro Parish, Pr Wm planter and Mary his wife, late widow & relict of John Wright of Stafford dec'd to Benjamin Grayson of Hamilton Parish. 33a upper side of Powels Run now in tenure of Bond Veale being Mary Harl's right of dower in 1000a which her late husband purchased of Col. Henry Lee and now in possession of Francis Wright, son and heir of sd. John Wright.
23 Oct 1738 possession of lands was taken by John Harl & Mary and delivered unto Benjamin Grayson

p.15/p.188-89 25 Jun 1738 Thomas Penson Sr of Truro Parish to Bond Veale of Hamilton Parish. 150a in Truro Parish. Standing above house of Bond Veale in line of James Waugh and Wm. Waugh to Jonnny Moore ….for term of natural lives of Rebecca Penson, Rachel Penson and Isaac Penson. Signed: Thomas (T) Penson, Bond Veale
Wit: Thomas Davies, Judith (x) Davies
24 Jul 1739 Thomas Penson ack.

p.35/p.422-424 23 Jun 1740 Thomas Penson of Truro Parish, Pr Wm, planter, to Nimrod Hot of Hamilton, Pr Wm 150a and water grist mill on Popes Head Run called Pensons Mill. Moiety of 300a leased by Penson of James Waugh of Stafford; the other moiety leased by Penson to Bond Veale . signed: Thos. Penson Sr, Nimrod Hot
[Rachel Penson, wife]

Deed Abstracts of Prince William Co VA 1740-41
Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1989
Includes partial Index from Missing DB C [1735-1738 and F [1742-1743]
Additions to DB A

Deed Book E 28 Jul 1740-15 Jan 1741
p.109 Partial Index, Missing DB C
Veal, Bond to Henry Elly L & R 21 Apr 1736
p.102 Election of Burgesses, 1741: Polls for Willm. Fairfax, Esqr. Candidate
Bond Veale, Martin Hardin, Morris Veale [Bond's uncle]

p.105 Election of Burgesses, 1741 Valente Peyton, Candidate
Bond Veale, Henry Harding

22 Jun 1741 Northern Neck Grant to Bond Veale. Prince William County. 229 acres, head of Sandy Run. Grants E, p.288

Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys Vol. III 1710-1780
Dunmore, Shenandoah, Culpeper, Prince William, Fauquier & Stafford Counties Peggy Shomo Joyner
Prince William Co.
p.120 John Mercer, assignee of Maurice/Morris Veale. No warrant. Date from survey, 1 Jan 1729/30 - 9 Apr 1731. 963 acres on branches of Bull Run and W side of Bull Run Mts on head of a br of Goose Creek. Surv: James Thomas.
[Bond's uncle]
p.132 Bond Veale, 20 Jul 1739 - 19 Nov 1739 229 acres on Sandy Run and across Ox Road, adj heirs of John Tillet, dec'd. CC: John Carter & William Simpson. Surv: James Thomas Junr
Morris Veale, 30 Jul 1739 - 12 Oct 1739 368 acres in fork between Bull Run and Occoquan, adj Mr. Thomas Hooper, dec'd, Jno Duncan, Edwd Barry, Peter Smith [across Bull Run] CC: Bond Veale & John Carter. Surv. James Thomas
William Veale & Morriss Veale 22 Aug 1746 - 7 Mar 1747/48 248 acres adj. Capt Burdet Ashton, John Peake & John Peake the son of William Peake, Morris Veale's own land, Jamr. Cock. Surv: William West [probably his uncle and the uncle's son William]
3 Mar 1777 At request of Wm Veale I do certify I lived near Bond Veale & was well acquainted with him. About 1758 he with all of his family left County & never heard of in those parts since as far as I know. Signed: Francis Peyton.
7 Mar 1777 - It appears by the enclosed Will of Morris Veale [not in folder] that this land except 100 acres was devised to his Son Wm Veale and that 100 acres [part of this tract] was devised to a certain John Veale, 2nd Cousin of Wm Veale. John removed from the Colony in 1758 or 59. His Lordship orders deed to Wm Veale for the whole. [Is this John, the son of Bond Veale, therefore a great nephew to William, rather than a 2nd cousin? Not too many years earlier "cousin" was often used as a term for nephew.]
William Veale of Loudon Co. 4 Mar 1777 - 6 Apr 1777 37 acres on Occoquan near mouth of Bull Run; adj his own land, Waugh, Hooper. CC: William Hughes & John Corum. Surv. John Moffett.
p.134 Mr. Hugh West. No warrant. Survd 4 Mar 1741/42 63 acres on S run of Pohick on Ox Road, adj his own land, Bond Veall. CC: Richard Simpson, Senr & John Holliss, Senr. Surv: William West

Veale research papers:
Survey? Bond Veale. Prince William Co. 312 acres. Surveyor, George Byron. On Crooked Branch adj Bland, Warford, Morris Veale. 30 Nov 1742.

Fairfax Co was created in 1742.

7 Nov 1745 Grant from Lord Fairfax to William Elzey, son to Capt Lewis Elzey of Fairfac Co, tract of land bounded according to Survey made by Mr. William West. Corner to John Gowan; corner to Colon Carter, with his line; crossing the Ox road; corner to Bond Veal and with his line and another of Veal's line; corner to sd Veal & Giles Tillet; with Tillet's line; to Thomas Ford, with Ford's line. 300 acres.

From Veale research:
1744 Bond Veale listed as a voter in Fairfax Co.

Gowen-L Mail List; 3 Jul 2001:
July 14, 1746, John [F] Going[3] of Truro Parish, Fairfax Co VA, planter, sells to Bond Veale, 144 acres granted John Going[3] from the Proprietor's office. Recorded July 15, 1746. William Grove, George Dunson, John Duren, witnesses. Mary, the wife of John Going [3], relinquishes dower.
Note: John Gowen had received Grant 371 for 144 acres, in a glade near a branch of North Run Pohick which corners Robert Carter, from the Proprietors on 10 Jul 1744. The above deed from Fairfax DB B, p.26. See the end of these notes for the rest of the story concerning this tract.

Alexander Gowen sold 56 acres he inherited from his mother for £24 to Bond Veale August 18, 1747, according to Fairfax Deed Book B, page 254. The deed mentioned a division line specified in a deed which John Gowen executed to Thomas Ford.
Bond Veale and Elizabeth his wife sold to James Ingoe Dozer of Lunenburg Parish, Richmond County, Virginia for £26 54 acres April 16, 1750, according to Fairfax County Deed Book C, page 51. Dozer leased the land September 19, 1758 to James Edwards. William Ellzey sold the 56 acres "sold to him by Dozer to Thomas Sangster, blacksmith" January 19, 1777, according to Fairfax County Deed Book M, pge 252.

These deeds from Prince William further explain the land Bond Veale inherited from his father after his brothers died:
Prince William DB L
p.98-102 7 Oct 1748 William Cunditt of Paraish of Dettingen, Prince William Co to James Muse of the same. For 600# of tobacco paid yearly during Cunditt's life and 40 acres of land where the said Cunditt will want to house for himself during his life and if required his Board at the said Muse's house. At the time of Cunditt's going to housekeeping he is to have a cow and calf, sow & pigs, one Iron pot. To James Muse all that track of land of 140 acres being part of Humphrey Pope's dec'd, Grandfather to me the said William Cunditt which was divided between the said Pope, John Veale and Maurice Veale - a tract of 800 acres. 266 2/3 acres were alloted for said Humphry Pope his part being in the Parish of Dittingen. Bounded as follows: dividing line of Mason, parallel to King's back line and the dividing lines of Pope and John & Maurice Veale thence to line dividing from Mr. Linton's land to Burbidge's line near the White Marsh thence to lind dividing from the land of John Veale. Signed: William Cunditt
Wit: Thos. Arrington, George [x] Elmore, James [x] Johnson
24 Oct 1748. William cunditt acknowledged this deed
p.110-115 25 & 26 Nov 1748. Henry Elley and Esther his wife of Orange County to William Butler of Prince William. Sum of 45 #'s sold to William Butler, 150 acres on branches of the Little Creek in Prince William Co, being part of a great dividend of land of 1600 acres taken up by Mr. William Harrison, 16 May 1679 which was afterwards regranted to the said Harrison & Lewis Markham by Deed from the Proprietors. Lewis Markham sold his moiety or half part to John Redman who sold the same equally to Humphry Pope, John Veal & Morrice Veale and was equally divided between them by Capt. Thomas Hooper, the 5th day of Nov 1718, the middle part falling to John Veale who left the land by his LW&T dated 21 Nov 1718, to be equally divided betwen his two sons John and Morrice who dying both without heirs it fell to Bond Veale he being the heir at Law to his brothers John & Morrice who sold the same to the said Henry Elley by Deeds of Lease and Release on 21 Apr 1736. Parcel bounded, North side of South branch of Little Creek to Colo. Masons line and opposite land sold by Bond Veale to Richard Blackburn, thence along Mason's line, lower side of a small branch, along Pope's line, Scarlet Hancock's line, Blackburns, lower side of County road, down the road, to the Little Creek, to said Blackburn, finally up the Creek and the South fork thereof. Signed: Henry Elley
Wit: Thos. Young, John Linton, Wm Baylis
28 Nov 1748 Henry Elley acknowledge Lease & Release with receipt endorsed to William Butler.

From Veale Research:
26 Feb 1749. John Graham of Fairfax Co VA sold to Bond Veale of the same County, 250 acres in Prince William Co ....during the natural life of Bond Veale and Eliza and his son John Veale and the longest survivor of them.
Prince William DB M, p.166-168
Court held in Prince William, 22 April 1751. Bond Veale, wife Elizabeth & son John.

FAIRFAX COUNTY ROAD ORDERS 1749-1800 by Beth Mitchell
28 March 1751 O. S., page 136
Richard Simpson is appointed Overseer of the Road from Bond Veales to the upper side of Difficult Run. Ordered that he do keep the same in repair and Erect Stones or Posts according to the directions of the Act of Assembly in that case made and provided.

Order Book Abstracts of Prince William Co VA 1752-1753
Ruth & Sam Sparacio 1988
p.13 24 Jun 1752 James Nisbett Gent against Carnaby Veale, Dismissed
John Pagan, Mercht agst Bond Veale, Continued for Plt. - this case was lost 24 oct 1752. Bond Veale ordered to pay 538 ½ tobo and costs
[Carnaby was his first cousin, son of his uncle Morris Veale]

Veale Research Papers
24 Mar 1761 Court Order, Prince William Co. Bond Veale vs. Francis Ballentine, in trespass. Plaintiff did not come. Non-suit.

Records of Craven County NC, Vol. 1
p.21 5 Sep 1764 Bond Veal sold Mark Harford 85 acres south side Bay River, gin at a tree near the head of Deep Branch, land now belonging to James Cabin Creek.
Wit: Benjamin Squires, John Wilcocks, Sr & James Wilcocks

Although I believe Bond Veal had been gone from Fairfax for some time, his land was referred to in the following grant.
6 Nov 1766 Lord Fairfax grant to Thomazin Elsy, land in Fairfax Co bounded by survey made by John Hough. Thomas Weathers Coffers corner to Colonel Carters, south side of Branch of Pohick; said Carter's line; Walter Friffin's old Rolling Road still with Carter's lines; corner of Samuel Littlejohn's leas'd ground; tract taken up by Terene Riley now in possession of said Carter; corner to William Elzeys' and with his line; south side of the old Ox Road, corner to Bond Veal, then with his line; George Simpson's line; Thomas Wethers Coffers line; said Griffin's Rolling Road. 240 acres.

Veale Research Papers:
27 May 1768. Court Order, Prince William Co., Vol. 20. William Bailey vs. Bond Veale, in debt. Defendant did not come

3 Mar 1777 Prince William Co VA, Vol. 3, Nancy Anderson. At the request of William Veale, I certify I lived near Bond Veale in 1758 when he left.
Sgned: Francis Peyton

Craven Co NC Wills John Veale, 2 Oct 1786
Will Book A, p.151
Loving wife, Elizabeth Veale all lands, etc for lifetime unles she remarriages. Oldest son Elijah, all lands in Virginia in Prince William & Fairfax, and Greens Creek provided he does not interrupt David Brothers, the 100 acres on Bear River I sold him. Also to Elijah, 4 acres I bought of Nicholas Cary.
To youngest son, Bond Veale, the land I now live on and my boat and gun. If he dies without heir, to be sold and the money divided among my youngest daughters, Mary, Nancy & Betsy Veale.
To daughter Mary, feather bed & furniture
To daughter Nancy, feather bed & furniture
To daughter Betsy, feath bed & furniture
All to rest of my estate to be sold to highest bidded and money divided between all my children, viz: Elijah Veale, Bond Veale, Eleanor Pitman, Susannah Hammon, Jemima Brothers, Mary Veale, Nancy Veale, and Betsey Veale.
Elizabeth & Bond Veale, my whole and sole executors.
2 Oct 1786 John Veale
Wit: Joseph Pitman, Bond Veale
Craven Co Court, Mar 1787. Will produced in open court and proved by Bond Veal. Elizabeth and Bond Veal, the executors, qualified.

also from the Veale research papers:
Legal action, found in Bauch Library, Leesburg, Loudoun Co VA
[no date given]
George Veale, legal representative of Elijah Veale, late of Hyde Co NC who was selling 1/6th interest in a tract of land in Prince William Co VA to George Slacum of Alexandria. Bond Veale, having removed to North Carolina, devised the land to his son John who devised it to his son Elijah. When Elijah came from Carolina, he found the land occupied by Ellzey who refused to give it up. [which Ellzey? - William left this land to his son Thomas] Elijah Veale sued Ellzey but must have died before the suit was completed. The court ruled in favor of the children of Elijah: George, the attorney, Sarah, Elizabeth, John, Thomas, and one more child [Eliphat Veale]

Another version of this legal action from
"George Veale, one of the legal representatives of Elijah Veale, late of Hyde County, North Carolina, sold one equal undivided sixth part of this tract to George Slacum of Alexandria for "the further sum of $1.00." The deed recites that John Gowen sold the property to Bond Veale July 15, 1746. Bond Veale by his will devised it to his son John who devised it to his son Elijah.
Bond Veale, removing to Carolina, the land was taken up by Ellzey as a piece of vacant land for which he ob­tained a patent. When Elijah Veale came from Carolina he found Ellzey in possession of it. When Ellzey would not give it up, Elijah Veale brought ejectment to recover and engaged George Slacum to "attend the conduct of it in his absence and by his writing obligatory bearing date the twenty third day of March 1797 bound himself to convey the same to George Slacum upon his recovery.
The ejectment was determined in his favor and posses­sion of it obtained by George Slacum, but before a con­veyance was made of it by said Elijah Veale to George Slacum, he departed this life, intestate, leaving six chil­dren, George, Sarah, Elizabeth, John, Thomas and Eliphat. George Slacum had paid £55 to Elijah Veale for the property June 16, 1809, according to Fairfax County Deed Book J2, page 229."

A Bond Vail was counted in the Craven Co NC 1800 census. Obviously too young to be this Bond, but perhaps a descendant? The son of John named in this will in 1786 in Craven Co?
Bond Vail: 1 male age 26-45, 1f 10-16, 1f 16-26
This must also be the Bond "Vele" who married Mary Sampson, 7 Feb 1801, in Craven Co NC.


SpouseElizabeth Gosling ( - )
FatherJohn Veale (1688 - 1718)
MotherDeliverance [Veale] ( - )
SiblingJohn Veale ( - 1733)
SiblingMorris Veale ( - 1733)
SiblingSusanna "Susan" Veale ( - )
SiblingSARAH (?Bond) VEALE (1707 - )
SiblingDorothy Veale ( - 1728)