Individual Details

Samuel Ward

( - 1731)

From "Additions and Corrections to The Families of Old Fairfield", supplement to American Genealogist, Oct 1943.
Samuel is given a death date of 1706 in the Warde book but that is an error. His brother Andrew is the one who died that year. When Andrew's estate was distributed it was ordered to his brethren Edmund, Samuel, William, John and Moses. Andrew's estate inventory was taken 25 Feb 1706/7.

As Samuel Ward, late of Fairfield, Samuel bought land in Eastchester on 6 Mar 1696/7. Samuel was in the Eastchester Census in 1698 with Hannah, probably his wife, and Abigail, probably a daughter. He disappeared from that area and is believed to be the Samuel Ward with wife Hannah who appears in records of Gloucester Co, NJ. He witnessed a will there in 1711 and was Justice of the Peace at various times from 1715 to 1727. He moved to Baltimore, MD where his will was dated 1 Sep 1731 and proved on 5 Nov of the same year.

Samuel's children named in his will were Abigail who had married Samuel Collines, Mary Ann, Hannah who had married William Cook of Baltimore, Rosanna who married Levi Pearce of Gloucester Co JR, and there was a granddaughter, Hannah Asbook.

Moses, brother of Samuel, also had a son named Samuel who settled in Greenwich, Gloucester Co, NJ.


Death1731Baltimore, Maryland
MarriageHannah [Ward]


SpouseHannah [Ward] (1695 - 1731)
FatherSamuel Ward (1648 - 1692)
MotherHannah Ogden ( - 1691)
SiblingEdmund Ward (1673 - 1712)
SiblingAndrew Ward ( - 1706)
SiblingWilliam Ward (1678 - )
SiblingJohn Ward (1685 - 1767)
SiblingMoses Ward ( - 1746)