Individual Details

Thomas Kingcart Jr

( - Bef 1715)

Of Calvert Co MD

Maryland Probate Records, 1674-1774. Many of these records either do not list the county or do not have a date. The Prerogative Court Abstracts do have the records we are already aware of -
William Mockbee whose next of kin was listed as Jane Mockbee [mother], Brock Mockbee, Jane Offutt, John Joice, Thomas Joice - Mathew Mockbee was administrator of the estate. Dates are 12 Aug 1736 - 6 Nov 1736. This is the William that was "assumed" to be the William McBee of Halifax Co VA, but is certainly NOT that man.
Then in the Calendar of Wills:
Jane Mockbee of Prince George's Co. 2 Mar 1743/4 - 27 Nov 1746. Names son John Joice who gets "Taylor's Discovery" her dwelling plantation of 104 acres. Child of dec'd husband, Matthew Mockbee, 7 sh and 6p sterling. Dau Jane "Doull" [Duval, I believe] her clothing. Daughter-in-law, Sarah Joice, her brown Holland gown.

Also in the Calendar of Wills was:
Grove Tomlincon, Frederick Co 22 Mar 1755 - 7 Apr 1755
Wife Mary, 4 slaves, land "Hunting Outlet", 100a
Ninian Mockbee - tract called "Good Luck", 150a, tract "Jamerosaty" 75a, "Groves Hunting Outlet" 100a, and slaves
Mary Mockbee, 120a
Ann Mockbee, slaves
Lucey Mockbee, 2 slaves
Lessue Mockbee, mother of above, one slae
Balance of estate to be divided amongst the above children
Exec: Ninian Tannehill Sr and Hugh Tomlinson
The widow, Mary Tomlinson, denied the will and there was an abstract in the Prerogative Court Records indicating that she did receive 1/3 of the estate, before it was distributed to the Mockbee children.
I have no idea who this family was

In the Calendar of Wills, Vol. 2, p.193, I also found
Peter Hill, Calvert Co. 30 Jan 1698 - 18 Dec 1699
To Thomas Kingcart, Jr. and heirs, personalty and "Burke's Purchase"
Exec: Edward Wood Jr
Test: Micall William, Ellinor Turner, Jno Burns
Thomas Dixon, Calvert Co, 30 May 1698
To Eliza: wife of Timonthy Gunton, entire estate
Executor not tgive
Test: Thos. Kingcart, Nich. Fountaine
[NOTE: Burke's Purchase will later appear in the will of William Kearnes, 2nd husband of Martha Kingcart, daughter of Thomas Jr]

The Prerogative Court Abstracts than indicated that Thomas Kingcart & George Spicer were the appraisers for the estate of Thomas Dickson. No date.
These two were also appraisers for the estate of Timothy Guntor. Again no date. but these were in the Abstracts 1697-1700.

In the Prerogative Court Abstracts for 1688-1698 is the list of Debts & Payments for the estate of Henry Truman, dated 23 Jan 1695. No county given in any of the Court Abstracts. Truman was probably a merchant as the list of Debts is huge. Among those listed were Mathew Mackabey and Thomas Kingcart.

From the same Abstracts. John Abington, merchant, 19 Feb 1694. List of Debts includes Thomas Kingcart and Mathew Mackaboy.

Then in Prerogative Court Abstracts for 1697-1700 is the following Estate entry dated 14 Aug 1699:
Thomas Kingcart
Appraisers: George Spicer, Nicholas Fountain.

Thomas Kingcart. 30 Nov 1699
Payments to Mr. Walter Smith
Administratrix: Martha Kingcart

and a later undated entry but between several entries dated in 1700
Thomas Kingcart.
Payments to Mr. Walter Smith
Administrator Mathew Kingcart

So from the above I think we can deduce that there were two possible Thomas Kingcarts that were in Calvert Co - the one who died in 1699 and the one who inherited property from Peter Hill in 1698. Was Thomas Kingcart Jr the man who went to King George Co VA and married Mary Marr sometime before 1715? There exists the possibility his mother might have been named Martha and the daughter of Thomas Kingcart & Mary Marr in Virginia was Martha Kingcart - Matha did marry as her first hsuband a John McBee. Peter Hill could very will have been either a grandfather or an unmarried uncle without heirs - you just don't give your property to away to strangers. I find it interesting that Thomas Kingcart and Mathew Mackabey [Mockbee] shopped in the same places. Also that there was a Kingcart named Mathew!


DeathBef 1715
MarriageMary MARR


SpouseMary MARR (1695 - 1775)
ChildMartha Kingcart ( - )