Individual Details

Giles Carter

(Abt 1682 - )

Y-DNA of descendants suggests that either Theodorick, or Giles Jr., was not a son of Giles Carter Sr. Since there is no other son to test descendants - there is no sure way to tell which of the two was perhaps a stepson.

William Sewell was appointed guardian of Giles Carter Jr., 1704,, indicating he was probaly under 14 years of age at the time and likely the only child that young. Henrico Co Orphan's Court Book. Giles's father's will confirmed a gift of land given in 1686, and gave him a mare that had formerly belonged to William Sewell - will was dated 14 Dec 1699.

Sometime before 1711, Giles Jr. married Mary Povall, daughter of Robert Povall & Elizabeth Hooker or Hooper.
1st Monday January, 1728. Will of Robert Poveall was probated, Henrico Co VA. "I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Carter my Negro girl named Molley"
also "unto Gile Carter tenn barrills of corn"

27 Jul 1711. Giles Carter sold a tract of 50 acres to Robert Cole of Charles City Co. for 5500#'s of tobacco. His father had purchased same from William Cocke on 5 Apr 1685 and deeded to him on 1 Apr 1686. Wife Mary released her dower right.

10 Oct 1711 Giles purchased 94 acres, south side Chickahominey Swamp in Henrico Co, from John Pleasants for 5000# tobacco.

1717 March Court. Giles acknowledged deed of an island on the south side of the Chickahominy Swamp sold to Ralph Hudspeth [son-in-law?]

17 Aug 1725 Giles Carter patented 48 acres, Henrico. North side James River, East side of Deep Run, adj John & James Cocke & William Sewell.
A Robert Carter patented 327 acres, south side James River on the same day.

1725 William Sewell died and Giles was sole heir and executor. [What was Sewell's relationship? Would seem to be more than that of an acquaintance, yet maybe he had been a substitute father to Giles Jr. and had no other heirs.]

3 Mar 1736 Giles signed the processioner's report. He had been appointed in December of 1735. One of the lines processioned was his own between himself and John Cocke.

Aug 1736. Giles Carter presented the inventory of the estate of John Webb. John Webb's will, dated in April of 1735 had been witnessed by Theodorick & John Carter, and James Cole.

1741. Charles City Co records: Giles acknowledged a deed to his son Theodorick

Dec 1742 Petition of Theodorick Webb. Beverley Randolph to receive from Giles Carter Sr. [son? he probably had a namesake], all of the estate of John Webb, dec'd.

In the deed books of Edgecombe Co NC there are deeds for both Giles Sr and Giles Jr, 1743-1748. If these are this Giles and his son of the same name, it is likely the father died soon after.

There is a Giles Carter who left a will in King George Co VA, 1745. His will named a daughter Mary Webb, but it is believed that this Giles's daughter Mary was the wife of Ralph Hudspeth and she had died before 1736. There is no question that one of the Giles Carter's was closely related to the Webb family - but which one?

In 1744 Giles and Mary bought 250 acres in Edgecombe Co for 25 pounds, and sold it in 1748 for 34 pounds.
Part of Edgecombe County became Halifax County in 1758, and that is where we find Giles II and at least one of his sons, Giles III, and a large number of related people from 1760 to 1799.
Giles is reported to have died in Halifax County, North Carolina, about 1760. No will has been found for him. Mary died after 16 May 1748, when she signed a deed in Edgecombe Co., North Carolina.

Or is this Giles's son?
William & Mary Quarterly , Vol 1, p.662
Sometime after 1750, a Giles Carter settled in Prince William Co and his will was probated 7 Mar 1785. He mentioned land devised by his father, Giles Carter. Children were William, Samuel, David, Robert, Sarah, Mary, Matt [Matty? since listed with daughters], & Elizabeth

Varying lists of children exist for Giles II. One list compiled by LaVere Peters, and found on World Connect follows:
...Mary, b. about 1704, d. abt 1735 in Goochland, VA, married Ralph Hudspeth II
...Theodrick, b. about 1706, d. after 1774, Charles City Co
...Robert, b. say 1716, Henrico
...Povall, b. abt 1720, Henrico, d. there, 1761, m. Amy Porter
Will of Poval Carter, executed 10 Dec 1760, Received 3 Aug. 1761
To wife Amey, use of three negroes for life, livestock and items.
Children to be supported out of estate until of age. (Assumed to have been born after 1740)
Sons: Giles, A negro man, 2 cows, feather bed. Robert, Land where I live, after my wife's death.
William, Feather bed and negro.
Daughters: Ann, Feather bed and negro. Moley, Feather bed and negro
Wife Amey and son Giles to be executors
Witnesses: Obediah Smith & William Johnson
...Giles III, b. 1721, Henrico, d. before Aug 1790, Warren Co, NC, m. and unknown 1st wife about 1747, probably Edgecombe NC, m. (2) Jane/Jennie Kelly, 29 Oct 1783, Warren, NC
...Daniel, b. 1725, Henrico, d. bef 17 Jan 1798, Powhatan, VA, wife was Jane, surname unknown

Note: The Carter mail group has also placed the Daniel who married Jane as a son of Poval ...but Poval Carter's will does not name a son Daniel. Many believe Daniel was a grandson of Giles, but disagree on his father.

From Carter mail list:
Poval Carter left a will in Henrico 10 Dec 1760 naming sons: Giles, Robert (under age 21 in 1765) and William Carter. This will was Witnessed by Obadiah Smith and son Giles was Exr.. Obadiah Smith was the son of an Older Obadiah Smith of Henrico but Obadiah Smith Sr. died before Poval's will so it has to be Jr. Obadiah Smith Jr. had a daughter who married the Giles Carter son of Poval. This Obadiah Smith left a will (1765) but it was destroyed by the British…From my (mike) understanding Obadiah left some property in his will to son John Smith who sold the land in fee simple to Giles Carter. William Smith eldest Son of Obadiah and heir at law had moved to North Carolina and died there leaving a will. William's heirs in NC brought suit against Giles Carter's Heirs (we should check they may be named in the actual court records….my information is from a supreme court ruling (mike) The defendants (Giles Carter's heirs) presented a certificate of the probate of the last will of Obadiah and proven by witnesses to the will. It was admitted that Henrico will book of the year 1765 and other records were destroyed by the British but they presented parol evidence of the will from probate records which was accepted by the court and supported by the supreme court ruling in 1826. There may be some information in NC records as well as Henrico Va. I think this case was after the revolution 1776 and before the 1826 supreme court case….possibly after the death of Giles. Anyway if we can find the cases it could be acceptable proof to tie Samuel Smith Carter to Giles Carter who is tied by will to Poval Carter.


BirthAbt 1682


FatherGILES Carter (1635 - 1701)
MotherHannah ?Crewes ( - )
SiblingTheodorick Carter (1669 - 1737)
SiblingSUSANNAH Carter (1671 - )
SiblingMary Carter ( - )
SiblingAnn Carter ( - )