Individual Details

GILES Carter

(1635 - Bef Feb 1701)

Giles is often seen as a child of Gyles Carter & Elizabeth Tracey. However this is seemingly incorrect

Note: The relationship between Giles Carter and Elizabeth Tracey produced no children. Plaque in Cold Aston church, Gloucestershire, tells the story and documents that they died with out producing an heir. Other research in England states likewise. It is important to realize that Giles MAY be of this family but he is NOT a son of Giles and Elizabeth Tracey Carter. Giles 1634 came to America, married Hannah (Crewes?)
WorldConnect: McCormick Ancestry Updated: 2007-06-06 Contact: Ken McCormick

Christening: 24 APR 1635 Cirencester.
Another researcher, Jean Mayo Hirsch discovered that in the baptism register of the Parish of Cirencester is the baptism of Gyles Carter, son of Theodor Carter, on 24 Apr 1635. This seems, indeed, to be the correct Giles.
In a deposition dated 1 Jun 1680, Giles Carter stated his age as 46. Certainly the name Theodrick Carter will be passed along among Giles' descendants, beginning with one of his sons!

Theodore Carter of Cirenchester Parish had at least five children baptized there: Mary on 26 Oct 1633; Gyles in 1635; Joane baptized 2 Apr 1637; Elizabeth baptized 24 Feb 1638, and Margery baptized 2 Dec 1641.

7 Apr 1653. Giles Carter was a headright for a land grant to Wm. Fry on the Chichamony [sic] River, James City County. [he would have been 18 if the above is his baptism]

It would seem Carter served as overseer for some of his neighbors. The will of John Rowen in 1662, gave a cow to Giles Carter and a house and land on his plantation for one year. In 1676, James Crews' will specified Giles Carter was to live on his plantation, command his servants, make crops and give a yearly account. He also gave him a plantation for life. The will was later set aside by Crews' relatives in London. The land was deeded to William Randolph.

2 Jun 1679 At a court at Varina in the County of Henrico. Tithables ordered to fit out men, horse and arms. Turkey Island. Gile Carter was listed.

The marriage of Giles Carter to a Hannah, is proved by the Will of James Crewes, 23 Jul 1676, found in Henrico Co Wills & Deeds 1677-92, p.30 & 137. Hannah was still his wife when Carter wrote his own will.

p.27/302 25 Feb 1685 Giles Carter & Hannah of Varina Parish, Henrico, to William Randolph. 50 acres acres given to them by Will of James Crewes, dec'd, dated 23 Jul 1676 being part of Crews' land at Turkey Island, which land was since purchased by Wm Randolph 25 Aug 1684. Wit: Wm. Cocke, All. Clerke, James Cocke. Rec. 1 Apr 1685.
[probably ordered by the courts when the Crewes family set aside the will of James Crewes]

p.28/306 28 Feb 1684 William Cocke sold Giles Carter 59 [50?] acres on Turkey Island Mill Run, next to sd Wm Cocke and his brother John. Jane, wife of William, relinquished. Wit: Walter Shipley, Phil (A) Thomas

4 Feb 1686 Giles Carter, one of the surveyors of the highways made petition that he was ancient, weak & sickly, and unable to perform in his said office. He was released and discharged. Benjamin Hatcher was appointed in his place. [based on his possible baptism and the court declaration of his age, Giles would be about age 52]

1 Apr 1686 Giles Carter Sr. gave his son 50 acres, which he had purchased from William Cocke on 5 Apr 1685. [record of this deed is actully 27 Jul 1711, when Giles Jr. sold the same tract to Robert Cole of Charles City Co.]

1 Jun 1687 Certificate granted Giles Carter for 800 acres for importation of 16 persons. Henrico Co VA Records, p.41 [he has certainly prospered...]

VA Patent Bk 7, p.601 21 Oct 1687 Robert Woodson, Richard Ferris, Giles Carter, Wm Ferris & Roger Cummins. 1780 A, Henrico Co Verina Par, N side James R at White Oak Swamp. Barr Hill Branch; Crossing Deep Run to John Watson.
Deed in Henrico: William Ferris relinquished his part. Roger Comeings died and widow relinquished. Land divided between Carter (552 acres), Richard Ferris (600 acres), rest to Woodson. 2 Jun 1690.
VA Patent Bk 12, p.?301 Giles Carter. 48A Henrico Co, N side James R adj Mr. James Powell Cocke, Macham's line, William Sewell, small island.

1 Aug 1694. Giles acknowledged deeds of gifts to sons Giles & Theodorick. Henrico County Colonial Records, 2: 201

Will dated 14 Sep or Dec 1699. Rec. 2 Feb 1701.
Son Theodorick, daughter Susanna now wife of Thomas Williamson, daughter Mary, wife of Thomas Davis; daughter Ann wife of James Davis, son Giles. Wife Hannah to be sole executor. Wit: Thomas Smythe, William Sewell, James Davis.
Son Giles was given a mare called Nanny which had belonged to William Sewell. He was also to receive the remainder after other bequests and the gift of 50 acres was confirmed; he was to receive same at the age of 18. [William Sewell was apointed his guardian in 1704]

2 Feb 1702, Hannah Carter granted probate of will of husband Giles Carter.

In the name of God Amen. I Giles Carter Senr; being of a weake and infirm body yet Blessed be God of sound and perfect memory And considering the frailty and incertianty of Man's life and not knowing the time of my departure hence: I doe make Constitute and appoint this my last Will and Testam't; hereby Revoking all other wills by me heretofore made whatsoever Imprs; I comend my Soul into the hands of my Blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ Relying only upon his merits for Salvation. My Body I commit to the Earth to be decently therein Interred. And for what worldy Goods and possession God hath bestowed upon me, It is my will and desire they may be disposed of in form & manner following:
I give and bequeath to my son Theodrick Carter five shillings Sterl'g to be paid by my Deare wife Hannah either in Silver or to the full value thereof as to her shall seeme most convenient. Item.
I give to my Daughter Susanah now ye wife of Thos Williamson five shillings to be paid as above said. Item. I give & bequeath to my daughter Mary now ye wife of Thomas Davis five Shills. Sterl'g to be paid as aforesaid.
Item. I give to my daughter Ann now the wife of James Davis, one fether bed and Bolster, one Rugg, one blanket and one Cow.
Item. I give to my son Giles one mare called Nanny with her increase forever. It being a mare formerly given to him by William Sewell she then being but a Philly.
These Legacies being paid as also with debts have or shall be lawfully by me contracted, being fully satisfied. Itis my will and desire that what of my Estate shall Remaine (one fether bed and furniture only excepted) for my wife hanna (which I give unto her) may be equally divided into two parts, the one part whereof to belong to my wufe Hannah the other to my son Giles. it not being my intent or design in any wise hereby to disannull or make voide a deed of Gift formerly by me made to my son Giles and entered upon Record. But I doe by this last will and testament Rattifie and confirm the same.
Item. It is my will and desire that what Estate shall appertaine to my son Giles that he may receive the same when he shall arrive at ye age of eighteen years: and also injoy the benifit of his Labour, my wife Hannah not being any wise mollested or disturbed upon the plantacon we now live upon during her life.
And lastly I make Constitute and appoint my dear and loving wife Hannah full and sole Execs: of this my last will and Testament, the which I own to be my last., All other being hereby Disannulled and made voide. As a Witness my and and seals this 14th day of December 1699.
Giles Carter (Seal of Red Wax)

Sealed and signed in the presence of us:
Thomas Smythes
William T. Sewell
James D Davis
Henrico County Feb's ye 2: 1701/2. Proved in open Court by the oaths of subscribed Witness as to be the Last will and Testam't of the subscribed Giles Carter
Testl James Cocke, Cl. Cur.

February 2, 1701/2. Hannah Carter granted probate of will of husband, Giles Carter.[Henrico County Records p 279]

An excellent source for this family is the LaVere Peters Genealogy Database on WorldConnect.
Ms. Peters also maintains a webpage, which links back to the WorldConnect file - the last update was Oct of 2009. She died in 2010.

Ancestry Message Board
Mary Douglas Post dated 5 Feb 2011: answer to:
Descendants of Giles Carter and his wife Hannah
According to W.G.H. Carter's book, "Giles Carter of Virginia," this family probably came from Gloucestershire, England
p. 108 Giles Carter, born 1634, died 1699-1700; m. Hannah Crewe [p. 54, will of James Crewe] and had issue: Theodorick m. Elizabeth; Susannah m. Thomas Williamson, Mary m. Thomas Davis, Ann m. James Davis; Giles.
Theodorick I born before 1676, died 1737, m. Elizabeth and had issue: Theodrick II m. Anne Waddill; John m. Elizabeth; Anne, Susannah; Martha; Mary; Elizabeth. See Henrico Court records for Theodorick's and Elizabeth's wills.
Theodrick II born unknown, died 1777, m. Anne Waddill and had issue:
p. 109 Susannah m. Stubblefield; John m. Mary; Theodrick III m. (1) Miss Townes, (2) Judith Cunningham [my line]; William Richard; Anne Waddill m. Thompson; Waddill m. Mildred Wade; Molly; Sally; Samuel. See Court records of Prince Edward County January 19, 1778 for Theo's will. See also St. Peter's Parish records for Anne's baptism and that of their son John.
John born 26 August 1737, died 1781, m. Mary and had issue:
Anne Waddill m. Waddill; Elizabeth; Mary; Judith; Sally [Sarah]; Richard; Theodrick IV, Robert m. Unity Cook; James m. Amy Motley; Francis Watkins m. Sarah Holcomb Anderson. See John's probate Sept. 29, 1781, Halifax County, VA [p. 60 John's will].
p. 119 James, of Halifax Co. VA, born ___, died 17 April 1845, m. Amy Motley and had issue: Jessee; Martha; Mary; Susan; Judith; John C.; Joseph M.; Anne Prudence.
That is as far as this 1909 book carried the lines you mentioned in your post below. I made my copy from microfiche held by the Midwest Genealogy Center, Independence, MO. As Gen. Carter gave dates and counties, one could trace his research to see if it was sound.


Birth1635Cirencester Parish, Glochestershire, England
DeathBef Feb 1701Henrico County, Virginia
MarriageHannah ?Crewes


SpouseHannah ?Crewes ( - )
ChildTheodorick Carter (1669 - 1737)
ChildSUSANNAH Carter (1671 - )
ChildMary Carter ( - )
ChildAnn Carter ( - )
ChildGiles Carter (1682 - )
