Individual Details


(1759 - 29 Mar 1829)

Robert Dickerson applied for the Bounty Land he was due as a Revolutionary Soldier. His file is S46355; BLWt 1385-100. Marion Co, IN July 1828. He stated that he had enlisted in the Continental Line of the Army of the Revolution, Virginia Line, and continued in service until the end of the War. He was a Private in Capt. Coward or Capt Moss's Company in the 2nd Regt. One of the conditions of his enlistment was the receipt of 160 acres of land. He was also entitled to $80 under resolve of Congress on 15 May 1778. He signed his name as Robert Dickerson. Noah Noble and James M. Ray testified Robert Dickerson was reported and believed to have been a Private in the Army of the Revolution. 9 Aug 1828, a certificate for $80 was issued to Robert Dickerson. He was not on any pension list.
A 2nd statement dated 24 Sept 1828, said that he was at that time 69 years old and he had enlisted in 1778 as a private for the term "during the war". He served under Capt. Harrison then, afterwards under the command of Col. Spotswood and Parker. He was discharged from the same regiment, then under of the command of Col Lovell. He was four miles below Savannah and was marched from there to Charleston and sent out from there as part of the Sergeant's guard to the Quarles House four miles from Charleston from which place afterward they were disbanded and discharged. He had never received a warrant for bounty land. Marion Co, IN.
Found Online Heritage Quest. Series M805; Roll 269

Robert did not hear from the War Department during his lifetime. His heirs pursued his claim.
Found file under Military Bounty Land at the Library of Virginia. Certificate of pension and heirs of Robert Dickerson, Marion Co, Indiana. One of the papers was the following power of attorney.
Know all men by these presents that We, Sarah Parrish, William Dickerson, Philadelphia Harmon, and Mary Sargeant of the county of Marion, State of Indiana and Alexander Dickerson, Drusilla Arnold, and Ruth Cross, of the county of Shelby, state aforesaid, Children and Heirs of Robert Dickerson dec'd, a revolutionary Pensioner of the United States do hereby Constitute and appoint Geo. L. Kinnard, our true and lawful attorney, for us and in our names to receive from the State of Virginia or any proper accounting offices of the Treasury of the United States, whatever Military Bounty Land Scrip and such Compensation for the military services of said Robert Dickerson as would accrue to him, were he now living, and we do authorize our afsaid attorney to grant receipts and acquittances for the same. To witness our hands and seals this day 19 of November 1834.
Sarah Parrish, William Dickerson, Chesley Wray, Philadelphia Harmon, John B. Harmon, Mary Sargent, A. Dickerson, Drusilla Arnold, Ruth Cross
Sealed, Signed and deliver'd in presence of Wm. C. Robison
Robert B. Duncan, Clerk of the probate Court for Marion County, certified that the [above named] were the children and only surviving heirs of Robert Dickerson, deceased, of Marion Co and he died 29 Mar 1829. The said Dickerson was a revolutionary Pensioner of the United States, Virginia line. 12 Nov 1834.
The Comptroller's report:
Revolutionary Claims
No. 486
Treasury Department
Auditors Office 25 August 1828
I hereby certify that I have examined and adjusted an account between the United State and Robert Dickerson of Marion County State of Indiana commencing on the third day of March 1826 and ending on the second day of March 1828 and find that the sum of One hundred and Sixty dollars is due from the United States unto the said Robert Dickerson being an amount of his pay for the aforesaid period as a private of Infantry in the second Regiment of the Virginia line in the continental Army of the Revolution allowed in presance of an Act entitled “An Act for the relief
of certain surviving Officers and Soldiers of the Army of the Revolution” approved May 15, 1828 as appears from the statements and vouchers herewith transmitted for the decision of the Comtroller of the Treasury thereon.
Dollars 160. $ R. Harrison Auditor
To Joseph Anderson
Comtroller of the Treasury of the United States

The above file did not include an award of bounty land, but it must have been issued.
From Virginia Soldiers of 1776, Volume III; compiled and edited by Louis A. Burgess. Genealogical PUblishing, Baltimore, 1973. p.1363. [this source has been used for proof of service for DAR]
Robert Dickerson. Exec. Dept. 23 May 1836. The heirs allowed L.B. for his services as a Soldier in the Cont'l line for the war. Wyndham Robertson, Gov.
Wt. 8865 for 200 acres iss. 22 Aug 1840 to Sarah Parish, Mary Sargeant, Alexanderson Dickerson, Philadelphia Hamon [sic], Drusilla Arnold and Ruth Cross, heirs of Robert Dickerson, dec'd, a Soldier of the Cont'l. line. BK III, p. 489, Land Office
[It would appear that William Dickerson had died prior to August, 1840 - there are are six heirs listed for the warrant.]

Could this be his marriage record. In Jordan Dodd's Virginia Marriages, there is recorded a marriage of a Robert "Dickenson" to a Ruth Parrish, 11 Feb 1787, Orange County, VA. The actual marriage record needs to be examined. Could this have been a first wife?

There is a Robert Dickerson, living in Campbell Co, KY on tax lists, 1800 and on the census in 1810 - this may be the same Robert since some of his children were born in Kentucky.
1810, Campbell Co KY:
Robert Dickerson, 2m 10-16, 1m 16-26, 1m over 45. 2f under 10, 1f 26-45. A Wm Dickerson, with two males age 26-45 lived nearby.

1820 Census. Posey Twp, Franklin Co IN. p. 221
Robert Dickinson: 1m under 10, 1m over 45. 1f 16-26, 1f over 45.

The Dickerson family is said to be listed on one tombstone in Bacon Cemetery, Washington Twp, Marion Co IN. [Corner of Keystone Ave & Kessler Blvd, Indianapolis]
Robert Dickerson
Nancy (Booth) Parish
Children: Alexander Dickerson, Sarah Parish, Mary Sargeant, Philadelphia Harmon, William Dickerson, Ruth Cross, and Drusila Arnold.
I found a picture of this Memorial marker on Taken 7 Nov 2005 and states that it is "located on the site of the defunct/destroyed Bacon Cemetery. The photo is quite clear online and states that the marker was designed by Dorothea Woods Sargent, 1984. There are dates for Robert Dickerson: 1755 - 1829. No dates for Nancy or the Children.
There is also a marker for John Jacob Sergent, Sep 18, 1893 - Oct 23, 1991. Gr Grsn of John & Mary Sergent. Sgt US Army World War I. He was the husband of Dorothea Woods Sergent.
Interesting that Sargent/Sergent/Sergeant is spelled three ways on the stones.
[The children are listed here in the order they are found on the marker.]

DAR #610043, Virginia Alice Buckles, gave a death date for Robert Dickerson as 29 Mar 1829, which seems to be correct.

Marion Co DB D, p.380
U.S. to Robert Dickerson
Certificate #9157.
Whereas Robert Dickerson of Marion Co has deposited in the GLO a certificate of the Register of the Land Office at Indianapolis whereby it appears full payment has been made according to provisions of the Act of Congress of the 24th Apr 1820. For the East half of the NW quarter of S14, T17, North R2, East. 80 acres. Said tract has been purchased by the said Robert Dickerson. The U.S. does grant unto the said Robert Dickerson.
6 Nov 1830. Signed: Andrew Jackson
Rec. Vol 18, p.377
Elijah Haywood Commissioner of the GLO. Rec. 6 Jan 1834
The above patent found at Bureau of Land Management; James Harmon had the patent for the West half of the same quarter section, dated in 1824. I believe Dickerson had been living on the land for sometime - the patent process not completed until after his death so title could be transferred. This is the 80 acres divided by James, William & Elizabeth Harmon - deed made in 1831.

Marion Co IN Deed, Oct 14, 1830:
To Elijah Dawson from William Dickerson & Nancy his wife, Alexander Dickerson & Anna his wife; John Arnold & Drusilla his wife, Barrett Parrish & Sarah his wife, John Sargent & Mary his wife, James Harmon & Philadelphia his wife, and Ruth Lane, all of the State of Indiana. This land descended on the devisees of the Robert Dickerson Estate.
There is a note that somewhere within the document there is a reference to Robert Parish & Sarah, but it is signed Barrett Parish. I wonder where the widow Nancy was and what Parish she might have married after the death of Robert? I find no Robert Parish in the censuses, perhaps it's just an error in the document. I have not seen the original - only a transcript.

Marion Co IN Deed 22 Sep 1831
James Ray, Commissioner appointed by the Marion County Court to William Harmon. Whereas Robert Dickerson late of Marion Co, deceased, in his lifetime on the 4th day of November 1828 delivered his bond in penalty of $200 to James Harmon, Elizabeth Harmon, and William Harmon, that he would deliver and convey to them the East half of the NW Quarter of Section 14, Township 17, Range 2, containing 80 acres. 40 acres to the said James Harmon and twenty acres thereof to Elizabeth and William Harmon each, on or before the first day of October next provided that James, Elizabeth & William should have then paid to the said Robert Dickerson $108.00.Before the time of accomplishement of said payment and conveyance, on the 29 Mary 1829, said Robert Dickerson departed this life intestate without making any provisions for conveyeance of said land.On 4 Mary 1831, James, Elizabeth & William Harmon filed petition with the Marion Co court for relief on their behalf and that conveyance be made. Acknowledgement of the petition was signed by Alexander Dickerson, William Dickerson, John Sargent [husband of Mary Dickerson], John Arnold [husband of Drusilla Dickerson], Barret Parish [husband of Sarah Dickerson] and Ruth Lane, heirs of said Robert Dickerson. The full sum of money, $108 has been paid. The court appointed James M. Ray as Commissioner to convey good and sufficient deed to James, Rlizabeth & William Harmon. The property was Conveyed as 20 acres to William Harmon, the East half of the NW Quarter of section 14 Township 17 Range being the North equal moiety or half of the South Equal moiety or half of the said half quarter section, bounded on the North by James Harmon's 40 acres and South by Elizabeth Harmon's 20 acres.
Rec. 7 Dec 1831.
I suspect the above deed was intended for Robert's son-in-law James Harmon, his brother William and his widowed mother Elizabeth.


Death29 Mar 1829Marion County, Indiana


SpouseNANCY BOOTH ( - )
ChildWilliam Dickerson (1792 - 1840)
ChildSarah Dickerson (1793 - )
ChildMary Dickerson (1794 - )
ChildAlexander Dickerson (1796 - 1875)
ChildDrusilla Dickerson (1802 - 1879)
ChildRuth Dickerson (1803 - 1866)
