Individual Details

Boso the Elder

(Ca 800 - 855)

Boso the Elder
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Boso (or Boson) "the Elder" (c. 800 – 855) was a Frankish Count of Turin and Count of Valois of the Bosonid dynasty.
Family and issue

He was married to Engeltrude. They had the following issue:

Boso, Count of Valois (d. 874)
Teutberga (d. before November 25, 875), married Lothair II
Richildis (d. 883), married Bivin of Gorze
Hucbert, Count of Valois, lay abbot of St. Maurice's Abbey (820-864)


Christian Settipani, La Préhistoire des Capétiens, Premiere Partie: Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens.
Pierre Riché, The Carolingians, a family who forged Europe.


BirthCa 800
Title (Nobility)Count of Turin
Title (Nobility)Count of Valois


SpouseEngeltrude ( - )
ChildHucbert (820 - 864)