Individual Details

Gilbert I of Gevaudan

(1055 - 1111)

According to Wikipedia:

Gilbert I st of Gevaudan , or Gilbert I st Millau , born around 1055 , who was assassinated in 1111 was Viscount of Millau and Lodeve , then count of Gevaudan and, by marriage, Count of Provence . He was the son of Bérenger , viscount of Millau and Rodez, and of Adèle de Carlat, viscountess of Carlat and Lodève.
Biography [ edit  | modify the code ]

He shared his parents' titles with his brother Richard  : he received Millau and Lodève, while his brother had Rodez and Carlat. Owning various lands in Gévaudan, he took the opportunity to raise the title of Count of Gévaudan , fallen into disuse for less than a century.
In 1073 , he married Gerberge (1060 † 1115), countess of Provence , daughter of Geoffroy , count of Provence. They had at least three daughters:
Douce (1090 † 1130), married in 1112 to Raimond Bérenger III (1082 † 1131), count of Barcelona .
Étiennette († after 1160), married to Raymond († 1150), lord of Baux . Their son will make claims on the county of Provence , thus starting the Baussenques Wars .
Sibylle married to Guy III de Sévérac 1 .
In 1096, on the occasion of the refoundation of the church of Toulon, Gilbert foresees the creation of a monastery in the Stoechades Islands, these three islands which are to the south of Hyères . After his assassination in 1111, his daughter Douce and his son-in-law Raymond-Bérenger II succeeded him.
Notes and references [ edit  | modify the code ]

↑ Dom Vaissette , t.III, p.56 and Directory of the nobility of France and sovereign houses of Europe [“then” of the nobility of France and Europe]…, (Paris), Morant, Georges de (Cte). Scientific editor Borel d'Hauterive, André-François-Joseph (1812-1896). Reverend, Albert (1844-1911). 1860 (A17), p.349 and following.


Birth1055Millau, France
