Individual Details

Col. Thomas Landrum

(6 Oct 1759 - )

Thomas Landrum served during the Revolutionary War in the 7th Virginia Regiment and participated in the Battle of Monmouth.


Birth6 Oct 1759Orange Co., VA
Military25 Feb 1778Drafted into service for one year. Served in the 7th Virginia Regiment under Col. ?Heath?. Discharged Feb 1779.
MilitaryMay 1780Served three months in VA militia under Capt Webb
MilitaryAbt Oct 1781Drafted for three months and served under Capt ?Cave?
EmigrationJan 1803Moved from VA to Oglethorpe Co. Georgia
Property1805Received land grant in Oglethorpe Co., GA


SpouseNancy Bell ( - )
ChildElizabeth Landrum (1785 - )
ChildJohn Landrum (1787 - )
ChildJames B. Landrum (1789 - )
ChildMary Landrum (1791 - )
ChildWilliam H. Landrum (1794 - )
ChildJoseph Landrum (1797 - )
ChildWhitfield Landrum (1799 - )
ChildHay T. Landrum (1801 - )
ChildNancy B. Landrum (1803 - )
ChildSarah B. Landrum (1805 - )
