Individual Details

Thomas Ennor TREGELLAS

(22 Sep 1866 - 16 Jan 1966)


Birth22 Sep 1866Mahanoy City, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, United States of America
MarriageAbt 1886Pennsylvania, United States of America -
MarriageAbt 1913Mahanoy City, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, United States of America -
Note1966An obituary of unknown source stated that he founded the Tregellas Shoe Store in 1886, just two years after he was graduated from the Mahonoy City High School, and he remained active in the operation of that business until May of 1964. Mr Tregellas, although in failing health since that time, became confined to his bed just about ten days ago. He was in his 100th year. Twice married, his first wife, Lizzie Smith preceded him in death in December 1910, and his second wife, the former Lily Odgers, died in May 1856. Surviving Mr Tregellas are two sons and a daughter: Jay D of Frackville, and Paul E of town, who was associated with the departed in business and now operates both stores; and Mrs Ruther Evitts, of Bruswick, Ga. A son, Guy was killed when his drug store was robbed in Philadelphia some years ago. Further surviving are eight grandchildren, 18 great-grand children and a brother, Ray who resides in Manheim
Death16 Jan 1966of coronary thrombosis - Mahanoy City, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, United States of America


FatherJames TREGELLAS (1832 - 1883)
MotherSarah ROBINSON (1836 - 1912)
SiblingEmily W TREGELLAS (1863 - 1897)
SiblingGeorge Gordon TREGELLAS (1869 - 1947)
SiblingRay Charles TREGELLAS (1879 - 1973)
