Individual Details
Gabriel Robertson
(17 Mar 1828 - 5 Dec 1918)
Succession papers for Gabriel Robertson, d. 1918,CalcaseiuParish,Louisiana
To the Honorable, the Judges of the Fifteenth Judicial DistrictCourtof,the State of
Louisiana, sitting in and for the Parish of Calcasieu,
The petition of Ellen Robertson, nee Prater; VirginiaRobertson,neeRobertson, now marri e d t o and living with T. J.Robertsonhereinauthorized by her said husband; Farzano Broussar d , ne eRobertson,wife ofD. H. Broussard, J. M. Bilbo, Natural Tutor of theminors RenieandLa w ren ce Bilbo; Nora Royer, nee, Bilbo, wife of GusRoyer,hereinauthorized by her said husban d ; Mu rl Royer, nee Bilbo, wifeofRaymondRoyer, herein authorized by her said husband; Miss Z o ridaRobertson; SethRobertson; Marion Robertson; and Jasper N. Robertson;allresidents of
Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, respectfully represents:
That Gabriel Robertson, departed this life, intestate, in theParishofCalcasieu, State o f L o uisiana, on or about the 5th day ofDecember A.D.1918, leaving property, both personal a n d r eal, belongingtotheCommunity of acquets and gains, between himself and hiswife,EllenRo b er tson, nee Prater, located in the Parish of Calcasieu,StateofLouisiana, as hereinafter s e t f orth.
That the said deceased Gabriel Robertson, left his wife,EllenRobertson,nee, Prater who o w n s one-half of the property left byher saidhusband,and who is entitled to the usufruct o f t h e half thereof.
That the said Gabriel left the following children and forcedheirs,theybeing the issue o f h i s marriage with the said EllenRobertson, viz;1.Virginia Robertson, nee Robertson, wif e o f T . J.Robertson; 2.FairsanoBroussard, nee Robertson, wife of D. H. Broussard;3. Rosan o Bi lbo neeRobertson, deceased wife of J. M. Bilbo, who died onthe 1st, dayofDecember 1914 , lea v ing the following four children namedhereinafter;4. Zordia Robertson, who is over th e ag e o f twenty-oneyears, andnevermarried; 5. Seth Robertson who is of legal age; 6. Marion Rob ertson, whois of age; 7. Jasper N. Robertson, who is of age; 8.EarlyRobertson,deceased wh o d ie d leaving two sons, who are over the ageoftwenty-oneyears, as herein after set forth.
That each of the following named heirs inherit one-sixteenth (1/16)ofsaidproperty, viz . , 1 . Virginia Robertson, 2. Fairsano Broussard,3.ZordiaRobertson; (4), Seth Robertson; ( 5 ) Mar ion Robertson;(6)JasperRobertson,
That said Rosano Bilbo, deceased wife of J. A. Bilbo, who wasadaughterof said Gabriel Ro b e rtson, died intestate in the ParishofCalcasieu, onDecember 1 1914 leaving, the followin g c h ildren, whoareforced heirs,and each inherits one-sixty fourth (1/64) of thepropertyle f t b y saidGabriel Robertson, by representation of theirdeceasedmother, viz; (1)Nora Royer , n ee , Bilbo, wife of Gus Royer, (2)Mrs.MurlRoyer nee Bilbo,wife of Raymond Royer, (3) Reni e B il bo, aminor, and (4)Lawrence Bilbo,a minor, both of said minors beingrepresented here i n b ytheir father,who has been appointed and qualifiedas their Natural Tutor.
That the said Early Robertson, who was a son of GabrielRoberrtson,diedintestate, befor e t h e death of his said father, thesaidGabrielRobertson, leaving two children, Howard and E ver i ttRobertson,both ofwhom are of age, and inherit one thirty second (1/32)each oftheprope r t y left by their Grandfather Gabriel Robertson.
That the said Howard and Everitt Robertson are both of legal ageandarenow in the United S t a tes Army, and at present are, somewhereinFrance,and that it will be necessary that an att o r ney be appointedtorepresentthem herein.
That the personal property belonging to the community at the timeofthedeath of the saidGa b r iel Robertson, consists of the following,to-wit:
Cash in the Calcasieu National Bank, at Lake Charles, Louisiana.,$4,066.06
Cash in the Lake Charles, Trust and Sav. Bank, at L. C. Louisiana 24,766.72
Cash in the Calcasieu National Bank, at Vinton, Louisiana 88.95
Registered U. S Government Bond, No. 9929 1,000.00
That the real estate belonging to the community of acquets and gainsatthetime of the de a t h of Gabriel Robertson, is located in theParishofCalcasieu, Louisiana, and described as f o l lows,to-wit:Southeastquarter, (SE1/4) South-half of Northeast quarter (S1/2ofNE1/4)ofSe c t ion twelve (12), Township nine (9) South, Range twelveWest,La.Mer.; Southwest quarter o f N o rthwest quarter (SW 1/4 of NW1/4)ofSectioneighteen, (18) , Township nine (9), South Ran g e , eleven(11)West,LouisianaMer, . valued at Seventeen Hundred and seventy andno/100Dollars.
That the said Gabriel Robertson did not owe any debts at the timeofhisdeath, and ther e a r e not now any debts due by the successionexceptOneHundred twenty nine Dollars ($129.00) , d u e for the expenseofhisfuneral, which is due J. M. Bilbo, as he has paid Robert Trousdal e theUndertaker, and therefore there is not necessity ofhavinganadministrator appointed o r a n a dministration of the Estate.
That the real estate has borne its just proportion of taxes, andthereisno inheritance t a x d ue the Stat of Louisiana, because theamountofproperty inherited by each of said heir s i s le ss thanTenThousandDollars, ($10,000.00)
That petitioners accept the succession ofGabrielRobertson,unconditionally and without t h e b enefit of aninventory.
That petitioners are entitled to have a rule issued and servedupontheSheriff and Ex-offi c i o tax collector of CalcasieuParish,Louisiana,commanding him to show cause, if any he ha s , w hypetitionersshould notbe placed in possession of said property, in theproportionsabov e se tforth, free of an inheritance tax.
Wherefore premises considered, petitioners pray, that aruleissuecommanding H. A. Reid, Sh e r iff and ex-officio tax collectorofCalcasieuParish, Louisiana to show cause, if any he h a s , on a day tobefixed byyour Honorable Court, why petitioners should not be recognizedas t h eheirs of Gabriel Robertson, and as such placed in possession oftheabovedescribed prope r t y in the proportions above setforth, freeandclear ofan inheritance tax; That an attorn e y b e appointed torepresentHowardRobertson and Everitt Robertson, absentees, upon whomserv i c e ofprocessherein should be made and contradictorily with whomtheseproceedingsshould
be conducted; That after legal delays have elapsed anddueproceedingshad, there be judgm e n t herein, in favor ofpetitioners,recognising themas the heirs of said Gabriel Robertson , a n das suchplaced in possessionof the within described real and personalproperty,in the pr o p ortion ofone-half to the surviving spouse, EllenRobertson,with the usufruct ofthe remain i n g one-half, and placing thefollowingheirs in possession ofan undivided one-sixteenth, (1/ 1 6 ) eachof saidproperty, viz; 1.Virginia Robertson, 2. Fairsano Broussard, 3.MissZordia R o b ertson, 4.Seth Robertson, 5. Marion Robertson, 6.JasperRobertson, and recognizingthe foll o w ing heirs and placing theminpossession of an undividedone-sixty-fourth, (1/64) each, of s a idproperty, viz;, 1. Nora Royer, 2.Mrs. Murl Royer, 3. Renie Bilbo,4.Lawrence Bilbo, th e l a st two beingminors and placed in possessionthrough
their Natural Tutor, J. M. Bilbo; and recognising the followingandplacingthem in possess i o n of one-thirtysecond (1/32) each, ofsaidproperty,viz., 1. Howard Robertson 2. Everitt Ro b e rtson,
Petitioners further pray for all orders and decrees necessaryinthepremises, full gener a l a nd equitable relief.
By their attorney,
(signed) A. O. King
State of Louisiana
Parish of Calcasieu
Before me the undersigned Notary Public, duly commissioned andqualifiedinand for the Par i s h of Calcasieu, State of Louisiana,personally cameandappeared, Ellen Robertson, widow o f G a brielRobertson;VirginiaRobertson, herein authorized by her husband T. J.Robertson,Farza n o Broussard, J. M. Bilbo, Natural Tutor; ZodieRobertson; SethRobertson;Marrian Robertson ; a n d Jasper Robertson; whoafter being dulysworn, say:
That they are petitioners in the Succession of Gabriel Robertson,andthatthey have rea d t h e allegation of said petition, and thatthefactstherein set forth, are true and correct.
That Gabriel Robertson died, intestate in the Parish of Calcasieu,StateofLouisiana, o n o r a bout the 5th., day of December A. D. 1918.
[all signed] Ellen Robertson
Virginia Robertson
To authorize my wife, T J Robertson
Fairsiana Broussard
Zorida Robertson
J. M. BilboNaturalTutor
Seth Robertson
Marion Robertson
Jasper N. Robertson
Nora Royer
Guss Royer
Murl Royer
Raymond Royer
Subscribed and sworn to before me at Vinton Louisiana, on the 23rddayofJanuary, A.D. 1919
G Beverly Johnson
Notary Public
State of Louisiana
Parish of Calcasieu
Before me, a notary public, duly commissioned and qualified in andfortheParish of Calcasi e u , State of Louisiana, personally came andappearedG.H. Watkins and Fred G. Lock, who aft e r b eing duly sworn, said:
That they knew Gabriel Robertson, during his life time, and that hediedinthe Parish of Ca l c asieu, State of Louisiana, intestate, on oraboutthe5th., day of January, A.D. 1918.
That they have read the foregoing petition of the heirsofGabrielRobertson, and that the f a c ts therein set forth are trueandcorrect tothe best of their knowledge and belief.
[signed] G H Watkins
Fred G. Lock
Subscribed and sworn to before me, at Vinton, Louisiana on the 23rddayofJanuary, A. D. 1919.
[signed] A O King
Notary Public
Let, J. A Wisang???? Esq, attorney-at-law, be and he isherebyappointed,attorney for the a b s ent heirs, Howard and EverittRobertson;and let arule issue commanding, Hon. H. A. Reid, S h e riff andEx-officioTaxCollector, to show cause if any he has why the prayer of theforegoi n gpetition should not be granted, and said heirs placed inposession ofsaidproperty free a n d c lear of an inheritance tax, saidrule to bereturnableon or before Nine o'clock, on the 3 1 " d ay ofJanuary, A. D.1919,.
Thus done ad signed in Chambers, at Lake Charles, Louisiana., Jan.28"1919.
[signed] Jerry Cline
District Judge
[Handwritten on bottom half of page]
I accept the appointment,
Jany 28/1919. Jos. A. Wisang
Atty at law
1/31/19: Service accepted
I decline to traverse for the following reason: The heirsarealldescendants and the i n h eritance of each is less thanTenThousandDollars, and therefore exempt
[signed] E R Kaufman
Succession of No. 2625 Gabriel Robertson,
15th., Judicial District Court, State of Louisiana, Parish of Calcasieu,
The above numbered and entitled cause coming regulary [sic] onforhearingupon a day previo u s ly fixed, the Court having found the lawandtheevidence to be in favor of petitioners , i t i s hereby,
Ordered, adjudged and decreed, that there be judgment herein,makingtherule on the Tax Col l e ctor absolute, and the following namedheirsplacedin possession of the hereinafter descri b e d property, freeandclaer [sic]of an inheritance tax.
It is hereby ordered that Ellen Robertson, the surviving spouse beandsheis hereby plac e d i n possession of one-half of thefollowingdescribedproperty as owner and as usufructuar y o f t heremainingone-half, saidproperty being described as follows; to-wit:
Cash in the Calcasieu National Bank, at LakeCharles,Louisiana.,$4,066.06
Cash in the Lake Charles, Trust & Savings Bank, at L.C.La.24,766.72
Cash in the Calcasieu National Bank, at Vinton, Louisiana, 88.95
Registered U.S. Government Bond, No. 9929 1,000.00
and the following described real property, to wit:
Southeast quarter, (SE1/4);, South-half of Northeast quarter (S 1/2ofNE1/4), of Section t w e lve (12), Township nine (9), South,Rangetwelve(12), West Louisiana Mer., Southwest quarter of N o r thwest(SW1/4ofNW1/4)ofSection eighteen (18), Township nine (9), South, Rangeeleven (11 ) W est.Louisiana, Meridian.
It is further ordered that the following named heirs, beplacedinpossession of an undivi d e d one-sixteenth (1/16) each, intheabovedescribed real and personal property, said heirs b e i ngasfollows,to-wit: 1. Virginia Robertson, wife of T. J. Robertson,2.FairsanoBroussar d , w ife of D. H. Brousard,[sic] 3. Zordia Robertson,4.SethRobertson; 5. Marion Robertson ; 6 . Ja sper Robertson;
It is further ordered that Nora Royer, wife of Gus Royer; Mrs.MurlRoyerwife of Raymond Ro y e r; Renie Bilbo, and Lawrence Bilbo, be andtheyarehereby placed in possession of an undivi d e d one-sixtyfourth(1/64),each,of the above described real and personal property, subje c t totheusufruct held by Ellen Robertson.
It is further ordered that Howard Robertson and Everitt Robertson,beandthey are hereby pl a c ed in possession of one-thirty second (1/32)eachofthe above described real and personal p r o perty, without thepayment ofaninheritance tax, and subject to the usufruct granted to t h esurvivingspouse, Ellen Robertson.
It is further ordered that the fee of J. A. Wisong, Esq., asattorneyforthe absent hei r s b e fixed at Twenty Dollars, to be paid outof theshareof said property inherited by sai d a bse ntees, HowardRobertsonandEveritt Robertson.
Thus done read aloud and signed in open court at LakeCharles,Louisiana,on the 31 day of J a n uary, A. D. 1919.
[signed] Winston Overton,
District Judge
[stamp]State of Louisiana, Parish of Calcaseiu
Office of Clerk of Court 14th Judicial District
I hereby certify that the within Document was this day duly recordedinmyoffice, in Boo k 1 6 9 of Conveyances on page 573 et seq.inwitnesswhereof. Witness my official signature an d S e al atLakeCharles,Louisiana. this 24th day of March A.D. 1919.
[signed] O.B. Litton
Deputy Clerk of saidCourtandEx-Officio Recorder
Birth | 17 Mar 1828 | LA | |||
Marriage | Abt 1854 | Ellen Prater | |||
Census | 1880 | Lower Sabine, Calcasieu Par., LA | |||
Death | 5 Dec 1918 | LA | |||
Burial | Big Woods Cemetery, Edgerly, Calcasieu Par., LA | ||||
Occupation | Farmer |
Spouse | Ellen Prater (1834 - 1922) |
Child | Ellen Virginia Robertson (1854 - 1941) |
Child | Jasper Newton Robertson (1857 - 1876) |
Child | William Hampton Robertson (1858 - 1913) |
Child | Thomas Seth Robertson (1860 - 1984) |
Child | Seth Robertson (1860 - 1924) |
Child | Emily Fairy Robertson (1861 - ) |
Child | Gabriel Marion Robertson (1863 - 1926) |
Child | Charles Early Robertson (1865 - 1867) |
Child | Joseph Robertson (1867 - 1858) |
Child | Rosana F Robertson (1868 - 1914) |
Child | Maria Zorida Robertson (1869 - ) |
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