Individual Details
Johann Georg Riehle
(5 Feb 1879 - 1 Aug 1954)
Sibling | Anna Maria Riehle (1877 - 1945) |
Sibling | Anna Margarethe Riehle (1882 - 1955) |
John George RiehleBorn: Feb 5, 1879. Passed away at his home in Montebello, CA, Aug 1, 1954. Funeral: Aug 6, 1954 in Zion Methodist Church, Rev John Jensen officiating." (Church Diagrams) "Reunion of George Riehles Family, Nieces, Nephews. Mr and Mrs George Riehle, who are visiting here from Montebella, CA, enjoyed a reunion at the Harrington park with their children, and their nieces and nephews, children of the late Mr and Mrs George Knapp, Sr. Present Sunday at the park were: Mr and Mrs George Riehle; Fred Riehle, Orient, WA; Mr and Mrs Dan Riehle and 3 daughters, Deer Park; Mr and Mrs Karl Krieg (Agnes Riehle), and 2 sons and a daughter, of near Spokane; Mr and Mrs Paul Riehle, three sons and a daughter, Rocklyn; Mr and Mrs David Riehle, and son, Spokane; this included all of their children but two, Albert of Oregon City, and Philip of Spokane. Knapp family members present included Mr and Mrs George Knapp Jr and children, Mr and Mrs F William Knapp and sons; Mr and Mrs Harold Dibble and family of Odessa, and Mr and Mrs Oscar Long and family, and Gary Long of Moses Lake. Miss Ruth Roth was a guest. The Riehles will return next week to their home in California." (Citizen: 31 Aug 1951) "J G Riehler who farmed in the Rocklyn area for many years, leaving there in 1939, died in Montebello, CA, Sunday, August 1. He had been in poor health for several years. Funeral services were held Tuesday at Montebello, after which the body was shipped to Spokane and received by Hazen & Jaegers, for a second service to be held today (Friday, Aug 6) at 2 p.m. in the Zion Methodist Church at Rocklyn. Rev Lawrence Yates had been listed in the notices in Spokane as officiating clergyman, but since he is not available, Rev John Jantzsen of Colfax will officiate. Rev and Mrs Jantzsen were missionaries in Africa at one time, and were friends of the J G Riehles in Spokane. Mrs J G Riehle accompanied the body by train, and was met in Spokane this morning by her son David Riehle. John George Riehle was born Feb 5, 1879 at Mahrington, Germany. He came to the United States in 1901 as did also his sister, Margaret Riehle, not Mrs Entrican. They were preceded to the United States by their sister, Mrs George Knapp Sr and they came to her home at Harrington. On Feb 22, 1911 Mr Riehle and Edna Ulrich were married at Rosalia, and they farmed in the Rocklyn area until 1939 when they moved to a place near Spokane (near Geiger Field). After residing there ten years, they moved to Montebello, where they have lived five years. Surviving Mr Riehle, besides his widow, are their children: Albert, Oregon City, OR; Mrs Carl Krieg (Agnes), Spokane; Fred, Sprague; David, Spokane; Paul, Rocklyn; Daniel, Deer Park, and Philip, Spokane; 22 grandchildren; one sister, Mrs David Entrican of Sacramento, and 2 brothers and 5 sisters in Germany. His parents were Maria Agnes Riehle and John George Riehle, who died in Germany in 1931 and 1920, respectively." (Citizen: 8-06-1954) John George Riehle and Edna Amelia Ulrich had another son, a male infant that failed to thrive in 1927.
1. Ev. Pfarramt Mähringen, Mähringen , Seite: II/26, Band: 10, Online-Quelle:, Bild: 447
2. Ev. Pfarramt Mähringen, Mähringen , Seite: II/26, Band: 10, Online-Quelle:, Bild: 447
3. Information provided by: Wes Riehle Adress: Spokane, USA