Individual Details

Henry SHOUP Jr.

(Bet 1780 and 1800 - Bef 28 OCT 1843)

Caldwell's History of Indiana County, Page 421 ...Shoupstown was laid out about 1807, by Henry SHOUP, on the old Frankstown road. It was situated on the hill opposite the present resident of John SCHROCK. At one time it boasted of a store and a half dozen cabins. The pike's erection gave it a death blow, and there is not today a single vestige of its existence left on the hill to tell the story of its downfall. [Shoupstown was probably located between Armagh, Indiana Co., and Ebensburg, Cambria County. John SHROCK was a son-in-law of Henry SHOUP, Jr. -- Brian].

[Location of Henry SHOUP property - Clue from the ELDER family web page, July 2000]. The Wheatfield residents attracted more Scotch-Irish families who in 1792 founded the present town of Armagh, the oldest borough in Indiana Co., named after Armagh, Ireland, which was the original home of some of the settlers whose names included Falloon, Tombs, and Reynolds. The Armagh Presbyterian church, developed from that at Wheatfield, was organized in 1792 and the present building is the second one built on that site. In 1807 another town, Shoupstown, was laid out in East Wheatfield, on the old Frankstown road, immediately across the road from the original John ELDER property. It was laid out by Henry SHOUP and boasted a store and six cabins. When the stage coach pike was constructed by the Commonwealth shortly there after this village was dealt a death blow and Armagh, which became a stage coach stop, prospered and became the community center. Armagh was considered an important town in 1833 when it contained 40 dwellings, four stores and six taverns. A bit later the town also prospered from many small iron furnaces developed in the neighborhood. The original land of John ELDER, designated in old records as a farmer but who also followed blacksmithing as a trade, consisted of about 100 acres and was described in 1837, when John ELDER deeded it to his son, Thomas, as "adjoining the lands of the heirs of James LUKE on the north, Henry SHOUPE on the East, William KENADY on the South and the heirs of General PORTER on the West." In a July 2001 e-mail message, Virginia ELDER wrote; "The ELDER farm was three miles directly East of Armagh. When the turnpike went thru it went right thru the farm supposedly."

Indiana County Courthouse Record of Deeds and Wills. Volume 7, 1829-1832 LDS Film #862681.
Page 389 Agreement: Thomas KERR to Henry SHOUP. An article of bargain made and concluded between Thomas KERR of Wheatfield township Indiana County and State of Pennsylvania of the one part. And Henry SHOUP Junior of Frankstown Huntington County and State of Pennsylvania aforesaid of the other part - witnessetor that the said Thomas KERR doth sell and convey all his right title and interest of a track of land adjoining lands of John BOULER, John ELDER, and others formerly the property of William BOND and sold by judgement in Westmoreland County and said land bought by the said Thomas KERR the said tract containing one hundred acres also the wheat in the ground house and cellar with all the appurtenances there unto belonging and in consideration of the same the said Henry SHOUP Junior is to pay unto the said Thomas KERR his heirs or assignment of the sum of six hundred dollars good and lawful money in such payments as hereafter mentioned on the first day of April 1811 on hundred and fifty dollars and on the first day of April 1812 one hundred dollars and on the first day of April 1813 and so until all is paid (the whole take paid) in five years from the first date. And in failer in not fulfilling the above bargain or contract we bind ourselves in the pannel sum of two hundred dollars to be paid by the defectiff to the person complaining - in witness whereof we sett our hands and sets this 11th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & ten.
Witness: Robert HILL Henry SHOUP (seal)
Thomas KERR (seal)
On December 4, 1830 Robert HILL swore to the Court of Common Pleas that he witnessed the agreement on April 10, 1810, that he knew both men for several years.

LDS Film# 0826282 Indiana County, PA Deeds 1835-1838 Vol. 9 page 246 Deed No. 110 - Thomas DUNLAP to Henry SHOUP, Junior. Page 415 Deed No. 298 - Henry SHOUP & wife to Robert HART. Deeds 1838-1840 Vol. 10 Page 253 Henry SHOUP witness to indenture of Samuel ELDER to Thomas ELDER & wife Ann, 25 Mar 1839.

1820 Census: Blacklick Township, Indiana County, PA Henry SHOUP males; 2 (to 10), 1 (26 to 45) and females; 4 (to 10) and 1 (26 to 45). All children are accounted for. Why was he living in Blacklick Twp, while father Henry Sr., and brother George were living in Wheatfield Twp.?

1830 Census: Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, PA. Henry SHOUP Jr. (listed next to father Henry SHOUP) - males; 1 (under 5), 2 of (15 & under 20), 1 (of 30 & under 40). Females; 1 (under 5), 2 (of 5 & under 10), 3 (of 15 & under 20), and 1 (of 30 & under 40).

Pennsylvania Archives, 3rd Series, Vol. 26, pg. 676 - Warrantees of Land - Indiana County, PA. SHOUP, H'y ex. 100 acres, October 22, 1847.

Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley Pennsylvania by John W. JORDAN, 1913. Page 615. "Henry, son of Henry and Elizabeth (SELSON) SHOUP, kept an inn for many years in a village near Ebensburg, Pennsylvania. He married Christina ELLER. Children: Mary; Nancy, married _____ O'CONNOR; Abraham; George; Delia, married (first) Benoni TRIBLE, (second) ______ BROWN; Henrietta married John DUFFIELD; Bridget, married Charles MATCHETT; James; Margery, married Francis HARTMAN; Samuel; Elizabeth."

On October 28, 1843 Christena SHOUP and George R. SHOUP appeared in before the Judge of Probate Wills to learn that Henry SHOUP's last will and testament was rejected on grounds that it was not dated and was signed by only one witness.

During the June term of 1846, Christina SHOUP and George R. SHOUP appeared in court as administrators to Henry SHOUP, late of Wheatfield Township. Henry SHOUP died intestate leaving a widow named Christena and twelve children; Mary intermarried with John SHROCK, George R., Abrabam, Nancy intermarried with John CONNER?, Pamelia, Delilah intermarried with Benoni TRIMBLE, Henrietta, James, Bridget, Margery, Elizabeth, and Samuel. The last three mentioned were in their minority. Henry SHOUP owned 121 acres adjoining lands of John BOWLEY, John ELDER, Samuel ELDER, and William KENNEDY.

Indiana County
At an Orphans Court held at Indiana in and for the County of Indiana on the fourth Monday (the 22nd day) of June AD 1846 Before the Hon Thomas WHITE Esquire Resident and John CUNNINGHAM and Fergus CARNOW Esquires his associates Judges of said Court

The Petition of Christiana SHOUP and George R. SHOUP administrators of Henry SHOUP late of Wheatfield township in said County deceased Respectfully sheweth That the said Henry SHOUP lately died intestate leaving a widow named Christiana your petitioner above married and twelve children to with Mary intermarried with John SCHROCK. George R one of your petitioners above married. Abraham, Nancy now intermarried with John COUVER*, Pamelia, Delilah now intermarried with Benoni TRIMBLE. Henrietta.
James. Bridget. Margary Elizabeth. And Samuel. The three last named of whom are yet in their minority-said intestate died seized in his demesne as of "fee of an in" one hundred and twenty " " acres of land situate in said township of Wheatfield adjoining lands of John RO___ES John ELDER, Samuel ELDER, William KENNEDY and others with a stone house and " " back barns and other buildings thereon erected. That the personal estate of said intestate is insufficient for the payment of his debts as appears by a true and perfect inventory and conscionable appraisement of all the personal estate of said decedent together with a full and correct statement of all the real estate of said decedent wheresoever situate which has come to the knowledge of said petitioner and also a just and true account upon oath of all the debts of said decedent which have come to their knowledge exhibited with an annexed to this their petition. Your Petitioners having given bond with approved security for the faithful appropriation of the proceeds of such sale Humbly pray your Honors to grant them an order to make sale of said real estate or such parts thereof as your Honors may deem sufficient for the payment of the debts of said decedent and they will pray ___

Christiana SHOUP (her mark)
George R. SHOUP

#17 June Term 1846
*John CONNOR was the husband of Nancy SHOUP. This is probably a misspelling - Brian Christensen).

Christina Eller SHOUP was living with her daughter Margery HARTMAN in 1870 at South Buffalo Twp., Armstrong Co., PA. There is a record of a Henry SHOUP in the History of Armstrong County Pa, Her People, Past and Present. Volume 1, Chapter 43. Is this our Henry? "OTHER CHURCHES IN SOUTH BUFFALO: A Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized in 1843 with Abraham FRANTZ, John H. KEENER and Henry SHOUP, trustees. A small frame church was built on the road from Kittanning, about a mile east of Slate Lick. For some years occasional services were held here, but the congregation finally disbanded and the building was sold to J.F. KEENER, who now uses it as a bungalow in summer."

Census: 1830, "Henry SHOUP Jr." - Wheatfield Twp., Indiana, Pennsylvania
Probate: 28 October 1843, Died Intestate with 121 acres in Wheatfield Twp., Indiana, Pennsylvania
Property: 07 December 1846, Sale of property to pay debts
Religion: German Baptist Brethren [Dunkard]


BirthBet 1780 and 1800Pennsylvania
MarriageABT 1808Allegheny Twp., Blair Co., PA - Christina/Christiana ELLER
DeathBef 28 OCT 1843Wheatfield Twp., Indiana Co., PA
Probate28 OCT 1843Indiana Co., PA
ReligionGerman Baptist Brethren (Dunkard)


SpouseChristina/Christiana ELLER (1790 - 1872)
ChildMary SHOUP (1810 - 1877)
ChildGeorge Robert SHOUP (1811 - 1857)
ChildAbraham SHOUP ( - )
ChildNancy SHOUP (1817 - 1880)
ChildParmelia/Pamelia "Millie" SHOUP ( - )
ChildDelilah "Delia" SHOUP (1819 - 1862)
ChildHenrietta SHOUP (1822 - 1898)
ChildJames SHOUP ( - )
ChildBridget SHOUP (1828 - 1880)
ChildMargery SHOUP (1832 - 1887)
ChildElizabeth SHOUP ( - )
ChildSamuel SHOUP (1836 - )
FatherHenry SHOUP (1753 - 1833)
MotherElizabeth SELSOR (1755 - 1838)
SiblingEve SHOUP (1783 - 1854)
SiblingGeorge SHOUP (1790 - 1854)
SiblingCatherine SHOUP (1794 - 1854)
