Individual Details

James M. WYATT

(28 JUL 1830 - )

JAMES M. WYATT. It is not difficult to conjecture what manner of man Mr. WYATT is. In a Republican country, where merit must win, we can tell much of his life. Wealth may secure a start, but it cannot maintain one in a position where brains and executive ability are required. Mr. WYATT did not have wealth to aid him in beginning his career. His reliance has been placed in the more substantial qualities of perseverance, untiring enterprise, resolute purpose and commendable zeal, and withal his actions have been guided by an honesty of purpose that none have questioned. He is a true type of American honesty and enterprise. His intellectual energy, prudent business methods and reliable sagacity have all combined to make him one of the ablest business men in Henry county.
James M. WYATT was born about five miles north of Liberty, Union county, Indiana, July 28, 1830. He is the son of Joseph and Nancy (ESTEB) WYATT. The father was a native of Tennessee, but moved to Union county, where he was married and in 1835 went to Laporte county, where he remained for three years or up to the time of his
death. His wife and their only daughter also died in that county. At the time of the death of his parents the subject was but eight years of age. In 1847 his two brothers. Isaac and Thomas, went to Oregon, leaving him to rely entirely upon his own resources.
The brothers later went to California and Thomas was drowned in that state in 1850. About the time of the commencement of the Civil war Isaac wrote to the subject saying that if he voted the Republican ticket he would disown him. The subject voted
the forbidden ticket, however, and was not only disowned, but also lost a thousand dollars which Isaac owed him. Isaac afterward enlisted in the Confederate army and was killed at the battle of Wilson's Creek. By his will all his property was bequeathed to Jefferson DAVIS, and his successors. The uncles of the subject placed him while a small boy with an old man by the name of Jacob LYBROOK, who reared him until he was twenty-one years old. At that time, when the subject left him, the old man gave him two hundred and seventy-five dollars, which was the only material assistance he has ever had.
About 1855 Mr. WYATT came to Liberty Township, Henry County, and made that his home for nineteen years. He then removed to Wayne County, this state, remaining there about two and a half years, after which he located in the southeast corner of Blue River Township. this county, and remained there for twenty-three years. In the spring of 1901 he moved into the town of Moreland.
He is the owner of two hundred and five acres of valuable farming land, all acquired by his own indefatigable efforts, and is also the owner of the residence in which he now lives, besides other real estate in Moreland. He erected a hotel in Moreland, which was completed in July, 1902, something that the village has long needed, and he has also erected a livery stable, which is now in operation. The hotel is up-to-date and strictly modern in all its appointments. He owns a one-third interest in the Hagerstown
Bank and also an interest in the New Castle National Bank. The high reputation which Mr. WYATT has enjoyed in the community in which he has lived is attested by the fact that he has been appointed to settle a number of estates, one of which required a bond on his part of one hundred and forty thousand dollars. For thirty years he has in one way or another been identified with the public improvements of Henry county and for some years has been a member of the advisory board and has been influential in having a number of school houses erected. Though only the salient features of his life career have been touched upon, enough has been said to show to even the most casual reader that he occupies an unique position in his county.
Starting practically alone and without wealth or influential friends, he has by the sheer force of his nature risen to a position of prominence and usefulness in his community that many a man favored with better opportunities might well envy. Mr. WYATT has
been twice married, His first wife, whom he married March 22. 1855, was Miss Elizabeth MOSS, the daughter of Abram and Nancy MOSS. By this union there were born three children, one of whom is deceased, as follows: Nancy J. married Emmet
MOORE, the biography of whom appears elsewhere in this volume; Mary E. is the wife of Jasper McCLAIN and they now live on the farm of our subject; Martha F. is deceased. Mrs. Elizabeth WYATT died March 24, 1870, and for his second wife the subject married, on February 22, 1871, Mrs. Nancy LEWIS, the daughter of Daniel and Susan ZOOK, and the widow of Nathaniel LEWIS. By her former marriage she was the mother of three children, two of whom are yet living, as follows: Isaac, a resident of Liberty township, and N. E., who has charge of rural mail route No.1, at Mooreton, and is also superintendent of the Rural Telephone Company. By his present union the subject is the father of one child, Olive E., married to Lewis ULRICH and now deceased. In political matters the subject has supported the Republican party ever since its organization and has taken an active part in all campaigns, local and national. Religiously the subject and his family are all members of the German Baptist church and for eighteen years Mr. WYATT has served as a trustee of the German Baptist orphan's home of Henry County, being now the only one of the original board of trustees living. Not only is he an accomplished business man, fully alive to the interests of the concerns,with which he is connected, but as a neighbor and citizen few stand as high in the esteem and regard of the people. In short, Mr. WYATT is a progressive business man, an exemplary citizen, interested in whatever benefits the public and his influence has been exerted for the county's good.
source: Compendium of Biography of Henry Co., Indiana, B.F. BOWEN, 1920


Birth28 JUL 1830Union Co., IN
Marriage22 MAR 1855Elizabeth MOSS
Marriage22 FEB 1871Nancy Ann Snider ZOOK
Living1901Moreland, Henry Co., IN


SpouseElizabeth MOSS ( - 1870)
ChildNancy J. WYATT ( - )
ChildMary E. WYATT ( - )
ChildMartha F. WYATT ( - )
SpouseNancy Ann Snider ZOOK (1830 - )
ChildOlive E. WYATT ( - 1920)
FatherJoseph WYATT ( - 1838)
MotherNancy ESTEB ( - 1838)
SiblingIsaac WYATT ( - )
SiblingThomas WYATT ( - 1850)
