Individual Details


(5 APR 1860 - )

AUGUST SCHUFFENECKER, is a native of the province of Alsace, France, which is now part of the German empire, and was born on the 5th of April, 1860, being a son of Martin and Walburga (Ehret) SHUFFENECKER, both of whom passed their entire lives in the province mentioned, being people of sterling character and devout members of the Catholic church. The father was a shoemaker by trade, and this constituted his vocation during the years of his active business career. Of their children our subject is the only one in the United States, and in his native land reside his three sisters and one brother.

The subject of this sketch attended school in his native place in a somewhat irregular way until he had reached the age of twelve years. He worked in a tannery until he had attained the age of twenty years and then served an apprenticeship at the butchering business. In 1883, at the age of twenty-three years, he bade adieu to home and native land and set forth to seek his fortunes in America. He landed in New York city on the 22nd of July of that year, and thence came directly to Canton, where he worked at his trade for various firms and individual proprietors of meat markets until 1892, on April 4th of which year he entered into business on his own responsibility, by opening his present well equipped market, at 829-831 South Market street. His thorough knowledge of the business and his discrimination in catering to the demands of his customers soon made the venture a very successful one, and two years after inauguration the same he was enabled to purchase the business block in which the market is located, while in March, 1903, he effected the purchase of the Mary Cook residence, on South Market street, where he has a pleasant and attractive home. He has labored indefatigably and is well deserving of the success which has resulted, while he as so ordered his course as to retain the confidence and respect of all with whom he has come in contact. In politics he gives his support to the Democratic party and fraternally he is identified with the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association and the Order of Eagles. Both he and his wife are communicants of St. Peter's church, Roman Catholic.

On the 29th of May, 1890, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. SCHUFFENECKER to Miss Katherine NIST, who was born in the kingdom of Bavaria, Germany, on the 27th of September, 1865, a daughter of Frank and Katherine (Steel) NIST, the father having been a farmer in the fatherland. In 1882 he emigrated to America with his family, two of his sons having preceded him hither, and he took up his residence in Stark county, where he passed the remainder of his life, his death occurring in Canton, on the 8th of March, 1892, at which time he was sixty-two years of age. His widow still resides here and is seventy-two years of age at the time of this writing. Mr. and Mrs. SCHUFFENECKER have two children, Mary K. and Victoria R. W., both of whom are attending school.


Birth5 APR 1860Alsace, France
Marriage29 MAY 1890Catherine/Katherine NIST
BurialWest Lawn Cem., Canton, Stark Co., OH
Religiona Catholic

