Individual Details


(ABT 1647 - )

Before Louis the XIV, of France, revoked in 1685 the Edict of Nantes, many French Protestants (known as French Huguenots) sought refuge elsewhere. In 1680 Andre born of the landed gentry of France, foreseeing the inevitable, moved with his wife and children to Mannheim, at that time the headquarters of the Huguenot refugees. Here he was associated with Count Antoine Pintard, David de Marest, Mathias Blanchou, Frederic de Vaux, Abraham Hasbrouq, Cretien Duyon, Maynard Journcay, Bourgeon Broncard, and others whose names have since become indelibly linked with the progress of this country, since all of them later emigrated to America.

In 1688 Andre first sailed with his family for America in company with other French families and co-relifionists. He located in New York, later going to New Jersey.


BirthABT 1647France
MarriageBef 1672Marie DE FOIX
