Individual Details

Susanna/Susannah BRUMBAUGH

(12 JAN 1795 - 11 APR 1889)

The following is a copy of a funeral card for Susannah HOOVER, mother of Christena WARNER (wife of Aaron HOOVER) and mother of Laura Belle HOOVER ROBISON. I have added parenthetically where I have obtained additional information from other sources.


DIED---At the residence of Henry WARNER, one mile south of Bradford, Ohio, on the 11th day of April 1889, Susannah HOOVER, aged 94 years and three months, being the oldest lady in the community. Susannah BRUMBAUGH was the daughter of John and Christena (METZGER) BRUMBAUGH; was born on the 12th day of January 1795, in Blair County,
Pennsylvania. Her parents, as all parents in these days, were not too well provided with this world's goods, and as a matter of course her early life was spent at home in an effort of making a living. Her education was very meager, but the religious training that she received from the good old mother away back in the early part of the nineteenth century has
continued with her through all the trials and sufferings that she met during life.
She was a member of the German Baptist Church for over seventy years, and always led an upright and Christian life, one that others could look up to with pride, and follow with safety, one that led not along the highway of wickedness, but the straight forward course to virtue, peace and happiness,
her life and indulgences were such that the organs of her body reached the goal of her existence together, and painless as a candle burns down in its socket, her life went out, to cross the unknown into that beyond, where she has met those who knew her almost a century ago.
She was the oldest of nine children, and of course a great deal depended upon her while at home. Two of these are still living, Conrad BRUMBAUGH and Elizabeth HULL.
In 1812, she was married to Christopher SEAS (CEASE) (SEES)
(he was on the 1810 census in Fayette County, Pennsylvania),
by whom she had three sons and one daughter (Catharine who married Henry WARNER in whose household Susannah passed away, Abraham, Jacob, and a third son name unknown). In 1818 hearing of the opening up of Ohio to settlement they loaded their family into a wagon and started
west, and settled in Miami County, Ohio. He began to open up a farm among the Indians and wolves, who at that time were very friendly. The former being of a shiftless nature begging a morsel of maize, while the latter would run the dogs into the house through the door that consisted merely
of a quilt hung up before the opening. But such quarters were not used by these people very long. They were industrious and soon had a comfortable home constructed of hewed logs, chinked and daubed, in good style, but this happiness in the wilds of Miami County, was not to continue for her long, for in the summer of 1821, her husband was taken sick, and died leaving her alone to struggle for herself and family.
She proved herself equal to the task, keeping the family together, for a year or so, when Andrew WARNER (who had married about 1810 to Susannah's cousin, Catharine BRUMBAUGH, daughter of Jacob BRUMBAUGH, and they had three children: Henry, Susan, and Elizabeth), a respected citizen sought her companionship, and they were married in 1822, by whom she raised one daughter (our Christena was born 25 Mar 1823). This was a happy union, but alas for human events, was soon to be cut short. He died in 1824 (he
died intestate October of 1823), leaving her the second time a widow, to brood over her trials and sorrows alone.
This time she remained a widow until Jacob WARNER (he had married before to Rosanna LINGENFELTER and had 13 children), another respected neighbor turned his attention to her interests, and they were married in 1827. To this union four more children were born (David, Joseph, Daniel, and Lydia).
This union brought together four sets of children, who were living with her at the same time, and to all these she proved to be a step-mother in every sense of the word, getting along with them pleasantly and in such a way that all respected her; the many kindnesses shown them by her. Sixteen children,
composed of five sets filled up this household, and all went on in the little family circle without a jar.
In 1835, Mr. Warner died leaving her a widow the third time with her large family well provided for, surrounded with lovely, and obedient children, the time passed on until in 1841, Isaac HOOVER (who before had married Susannah's sister, Catharine BRUMBAUGH and had 7 children), a worthy
and respected neighbor, who had lost his companion (two years before) sought a home with her, and they were married soon after bringing together thirteen children born of two different mothers. Again, she starts out full of happiness surrounded with the little colony, always trying and endeavoring to please those around her. But this happiness was destined to be broken up, and death's messenger claimed her husband as his own in 1848 (Isaac died intestate) leaving her a widow for the fourth time.
She kept house with the children until 1850 (she was still independent with children at the census of 1850 taken during the summer of 1850), when they were about all married off and left her alone, she went to live with her daughter Mrs. Henry (Catharine SEAS) WARNER, where she has resided for
about thirty-nine years.
Many little traits of character might be related to show her loving disposition, but it is sufficient to say herein that she died as she lived, leaving not an enemy behind. She worked on the farm and helped her husbands in a great many ways to get along in the world. She could weave as fine a piece of linen as any of her neighbors, and took a great delight in
spinning thread from flax, and her wheel was her daily companion for many years.
Of nine brothers and sisters, five of them are dead: Catharine HOOVER (married to Isaac HOOVER above, Susannah's fourth husband), died 23 May 1839; Jacob BRUMBAUGH died, 27 Jan 1843; John BRUMBAUGH died 2 Mar 1879; Daniel BRUMBAUGH died 27 Jan 1873; David BRUMBAUGH died 23 JUL 1883; and Henry BRUMBAUGH died 17 October 1885. She is represented by nine children of her own, and twenty step-children, sixty
grandchildren, one hundred and thirty great-grandchildren, and thirty-four great-great-grandchildren; thus making the representatives of her body, two hundred and thirty-three, thirty of whom are dead, leaving two hundred and three still living.
Funeral services from the home of Henry WARNER, preached by, Tobias CRIDER at the church one mile north of Bradford, April 14, 1889. Interment in the new cemetery.


Birth12 JAN 1795Blair Co., PA
Marriage1812Blair Co., PA - Christopher SEAS/SEASE/SEESE
Marriage1822Andrew WARNER/WERNER
Marriage25 MAR 1827Jacob WARNER
Marriage1841Isaac HOOVER
Death11 APR 1889Darke Co., OH
Funeral service14 APR 1889the home of Henry WARNER, one mile north of Bradford, Darke and Miami Co., OH by Tobias CRIDER
BurialHarris Creek Cem., Bradford, Miami Co., OH
Religiona German Baptist


SpouseChristopher SEAS/SEASE/SEESE (1764 - 1821)
ChildCatharine SEAS (1813 - 1901)
Child(Second child of Susanna and Christopher SEAS) SEAS ( - )
ChildAbraham SEASE (1816 - 1893)
ChildJacob SEAS (1819 - 1909)
SpouseAndrew WARNER/WERNER (1784 - )
ChildChristina WARNER (1823 - 1906)
SpouseJacob WARNER (1775 - 1835)
ChildDavid WARNER (1828 - 1921)
ChildJoseph WARNER (1830 - 1913)
ChildDaniel WARNER (1832 - 1919)
ChildLydia WARNER (1834 - 1894)
SpouseIsaac HOOVER (1792 - 1848)
FatherJohn B. Hiser BRUMBAUGH (1771 - 1849)
MotherChristena/Christiana METZKER/METZGER (1763 - 1826)
SiblingJohn BRUMBAUGH (1796 - 1879)
SiblingCatharine/Catherine E. BRUMBAUGH (1798 - 1839)
SiblingHenry Metzger BRUMBAUGH (1799 - 1885)
SiblingJacob BRUMBAUGH (1802 - 1843)
SiblingElder David BRUMBAUGH (1803 - 1883)
SiblingDaniel BRUMBAUGH (1807 - 1872)
SiblingConrad BRUMBAUGH ( - )
SiblingElizabeth BRUMBAUGH (1811 - 1901)
