Individual Details
Johann Casper DILLING
(25 APR 1756 - 12 MAR 1838)
Kaspar DILLING who was a private in the Erb Prinz Reg. Co.1 is said to have deserted from POW status at Frederick, MD in May 1783.
This POW story from another Dilling, BUT, what our family story is, is slightly different:
He was in the battle of Trenton in New Jersey and at the time general Washington had an open standing offer to the opposing side (The British fighters and their hired soldiers, such as Kaspar Dilling) that to whom ever crossed the river and joined up and fought with Washington against the British would be rewarded with land and citizenship after victory. Thus, this is what our version of the story says Kaspar did- he crossed lines and joined Washington's army.
Now, to add to this legend, it is fact that my father has what is supposed to be the bayonet and gun-powder holder and die-cast bullet maker that Kaspar was said to have USED in the Revolutionary War. My granddad had the musket, which would have also been handed down, but that was unfortunately stolen in the 70's during a break-in.
I doubt a POW would be allowed to have these items, then again, surely he could have obtained these after the fact and handed-them down and the version of the story changed with time.
David Dilling.
Spouse | Christina Adams PUTERBAUGH/BUTTERBAUGH (1767 - 1844) |
Child | George DILLING (1787 - ) |
Child | Casper DILLING (1788 - 1870) |
Child | John DILLING (1791 - 1835) |
Child | Conrad Butterbaugh/Putterbaugh DILLING (1790 - 1843) |
Child | Catherine/Catharine DILLING (1795 - ) |
Child | Jacob DILLING (1797 - 1860) |
Child | Henry Puderbaugh DILLING (1799 - 1833) |
Child | Elizabeth DILLING (1801 - 1883) |
Child | Christina DILLING (1803 - 1877) |
Child | Susanna DILLING (1806 - 1886) |
Father | Johann Cristoph DILLING (1730 - 1786) |
Mother | Anna Elisabeth FUNK (1728 - ) |
Sibling | Johann Conrad DILLING (1759 - ) |
Sibling | Johannes DILLING (1764 - ) |
1. Phyllis Brechbiel Hanson, The Dilling-Puterbaugh Family Chronicle (The Anundsen Publishing Co., 108 Washington St., Decorah, IA 52101 1991), Page 174..
2. Jane Curci, Email
3. Maurice Dilling Hawbaker, Email
4. Frances Robinson, Email
5. Phyllis Brechbiel Hanson, The Dilling-Puterbaugh Family Chronicle (The Anundsen Publishing Co., 108 Washington St., Decorah, IA 52101 1991), Page 174.