Individual Details


(11 APR 1781 - 1840)

John HUMPHRIES and his brother, Charner, moved to GA. about 1832, and settled near what is now Atlanta. Charner built a tavern and inn
called White Hall.( See Charner HUMPHRIES Biography). John moved to Coweta Co. GA. where he died prior to 1840. The census for 1840, for Coweta Co., lists his widow, Ann HUMPHRIES,as the head of household.
An original memorandum, entitled, "Notes written by Joseph W.
HUMPHRIES as dictated by David Coleman HUMPHRIES" is in the possession of John D. HUMPHRIES, having come to him in the possessions of his deceased brother, Joseph W. HUMPHRIES. The memorandum is in the deceased's own handwriting, and was written a number of years prior to the death of David C. HUMPHRIES, September 9, 1899, who was a son of John and Annie (BRANNON) HUMPHRIES, and a grandson of John and Elizabeth HUMPHRIES. David was born August 6, 1819 and was buried at Concord Church, about five miles northwest of Villa Rica, GA.
In that statement David Coleman HUMPHRIES said that he was about
three years younger than his brother, John T. B.; that his father was
John HUMPHRIES and his mother was Annie BRANNON HUMPHRIES; that they lived in Chester Dist. SC. before they came to GA.; and that the father of John HUMPHRIES, his father, was also named John HUMPHRIES and lived in Chester Dist. SC. and had fought in the Revolutionary War. He also said that his father, John HUMPHRIES assisted in carrying Indians to Florida in 1836 and went to Rome, GA., in 1838 to remove the Cherokee Indians.


Birth11 APR 1781Chester District, SC
MarriageSouth Carolina - Annie BRANNON

