Individual Details


(26 AUG 1837 - 19 FEB 1927)

REV. JESSE K. BRUMBAUGH, [pages 946-947] a leading minister of the German Baptist church, with which he united in about 1865, and became a minister in 1880, is a native of Randolph township, Montgomery county, Ohio, and a grandson of one of its original pioneers.
Jacob Brumbaugh, great-grandfather of subject, it is surmised, came from Germany, and William Brumbaugh, grandfather of Rev. Jesse K., was a native of Pennsylvania, was a farmer, married a Miss Martin, and of his children the names of the following are remembered: John, William, David, Daniel, Jacob and Mrs. Elizabeth Cripe, of Clinton county, Ind.  He came to Ohio with his family about 1805, and settled near Amity, Montgomery county, being one of the first pioneers and settlers in this section, where he cleared up a farm and passed the remainder of his life in its cultivation, dying in the faith of the German Baptist church.
Jacob Brumbaugh, father of the Rev. Jesse K., was born in Pennsylvania in 1794, being eleven years of age when brought to Ohio by his father. He was reared on the pioneer farm, and developed marked mechanical ingenuity, being a good carpenter, blacksmith, shoemaker and tailor. He was a most valuable man in a new settlement, being physically very strong, and, at the raising of the log cabins of that day, was always placed at the corner, as he was able to form a straight joint and a true right angle and was very expert with the ax, that most indispensable tool of the pioneer.
Jacob Brumbaugh married Miss Catherine Wogaman, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1794, and after marriage settled on land now owned by Rev. Jesse K., but adjoining the present residence of the latter on the south. This farm contained eighty-six acres, all in forest, and had been entered by John Brumbaugh, brother of Jacob. This tract Jacob Brumbaugh cleared up thoroughly, improving it at first with a log dwelling, and finally converting it into a fertile farm, upon which he erected a more comfortable residence. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Brumbaugh were ten in number and were named Elizabeth, John, Jacob, Samuel, Mary, David, Noah, Abraham, Jesse K., and Daniel—the last named dying at the age of seven years.
Jacob Brumbaugh was a member of the German Baptist church and was possessed of strong religious convictions. Highly intelligent and of an observing and contemplative temperament, he won the respect of all with whom he had either personal or business relations. His reputation for integrity was without a blemish, and it was well said of him that "his word was as good as his bond." With a foresight inherent in his nature, he bought at an early day 400 acres of land in Elkhart county, Ind., near Goshen, and this property he gave to his sons; he also owned 240 acres on the Plymouth road, in the same county, and at his death, May n, 1881, was well able to provide for all his children, who remember him with a well-deserved affection and regret.
Rev. Jesse K. Brumbaugh was born August 26, 1837, on the old Randolph township homestead, and has passed all his days on this farm and the one adjoining. He was educated in the common school of his district and at a normal school in Dayton, and began teaching school in 1858. He taught in Phillipsburg, Montgomery county, for about six years, in his own township seven years, and also in Miami county, his entire experience in this work covering the period of fourteen years. December 4, 1862, he married Miss Mary K. Hocker, who was born two miles east of Salem, February 18, 1841, a daughter of Rev. John and Catherine (Sterling) Hocker. Her father was a native of Dauphin county, Pa., of German descent, was a farmer, came to Ohio in 1839, and settled on 230 acres of land in Montgomery county, and died in 1867, aged over seventy-nine years, a member and minister of the River Brethren church, and greatly respected as a pioneer and useful citizen. His children, born in the following order, were Adam, Anna, Catherine, Christian, John and Mary K.
After marriage Rev. Jesse K. Brumbaugh lived on the old homestead until 1867, when he moved to a farm of his own, which he had purchased in the previous year. This farm then contained sixty acres, to which he added twenty-one, also purchasing the interest of the heirs in the old homestead, so that today he owns and cultivates a farm of 166 acres. Thrift and industry have brought to him a generous measure of prosperity and success.
To Mr. and Mrs. Brumbaugh have been born ten children: Granville W., Noah J., Emma, Jennie and Alice, all now living, and five who died young. Politically Mr. Brumbaugh, while not an active partisan, is in sympathy with and supports the republican party. His children are all well educated: Noah J. is a graduate of Harvard university, is now at Hillsboro, Ohio, a teacher; Granville W., who is a teacher in Dayton, Ohio, district, is a young man of high culture, having been graduated from Huntingdon, Pa., college, has been superintendent of the Randolph schools and principal of the Brookville schools, married Lizzie M. Miller, and is the father of three children: Glenn M., Paul N. and Emerson Webster. Miss Jennie Brumbaugh graduated from the Huntingdon, Pa., college, June 18, 1896.
The grandfather of Mrs. Jesse K. Brumbaugh was a farmer of Pennsylvania, lived in Harrisburg, and reared a family of six children, named Adam, George, Jacob, Benjamin, John and Anna, all of whom reached maturity and became useful members of society.



Birth26 AUG 1837Union, Randolph Twp., Montgomery Co., OH
Marriage4 DEC 1862Ohio - Mary Katherine HOCKER
Death19 FEB 1927West Milton, Miami Co., OH
BurialBethel Cem., Clayton (formerly Randolph Twp.), Montgomery Co., OH
Religiona minister in the German Baptist Brethren Church


SpouseMary Katherine HOCKER (1841 - 1930)
ChildEnos E. BRUMBAUGH (1863 - 1863)
ChildGranville Webster BRUMBAUGH (1864 - 1955)
ChildNoah Jay BRUMBAUGH (1866 - )
ChildClara Jane BRUMBAUGH (1868 - 1870)
ChildAnna Catherine/Catharine BRUMBAUGH (1870 - 1872)
ChildEmma Hocker BRUMBAUGH (1872 - 1904)
ChildJennie Kern BRUMBAUGH (1874 - 1923)
ChildMary Elizabeth BRUMBAUGH (1877 - 1878)
ChildAlice Hocker BRUMBAUGH (1878 - 1944)
ChildMaude BRUMBAUGH (1881 - 1881)
FatherJacob M. BRUMBAUGH (1795 - 1881)
MotherCatharine/Katharine WAGAMAN (1795 - 1881)
SiblingElizabeth BRUMBAUGH (1818 - 1908)
SiblingJohn Wagaman BRUMBAUGH (1820 - 1872)
SiblingDaniel BRUMBAUGH (1821 - 1829)
SiblingJacob C. BRUMBAUGH (1824 - 1874)
SiblingMary BRUMBAUGH (1826 - 1865)
SiblingSamuel Wagaman BRUMBAUGH (1828 - )
SiblingDavid J. BRUMBAUGH (1830 - 1865)
SiblingNoah E. BRUMBAUGH M. D. (1833 - )
SiblingAbraham BRUMBAUGH (1835 - 1860)
