Individual Details

Seskef Trojan

(140 BC - )

The present-day royal lines of Northwestern Europe and Great Britain are all related to Dan I of Denmark, aka Odin. A study of Danish literature reveals that Seskef is a title of Odin. Seskef literally means a "sheaf" of grain. Nimrod (Adon or Adonis, of Babylon) aka Odin I, the great war -god, claimed to be a kind of lord, or savior, and laid claim to being the Sheaf represented in Leviticus 23:9-14 as symbolically referring to the Messiah! The Odin I is mythical.

The eighth king in descent from Priam is Seskef ("the Sheaf"), who was none other than Danus I or Odin, II (Votan). Danus I was the first king of Denmark, Dan I, aka Odin, II, and reigned from 1040-999. Odin, II w as therefore a Trojan of the line of Judah.

The Langfedgatal genealogy of Dan I of Denmark, and his Danish descendants of Judah, the first Jew, is clairified knowing Seskef is Dan 1 King of Denmark, aka Odin, II, who copied a ceremony perpetuated by the law of Moses.

Later in this line is Sigge, son of Saint Fredulph, who changed his name to Odin, aka Odin, III, but is recorded as Woden in this record as he was best known historically. It is from his son Skjold that t he more commonly known Kings of Denmark descend.

2. "Denmark originally received its name from the Tribe of Danaan. It passed to the king who took the name of the subjects over whom he ruled. King Dan I commenced his reign IN 1040 BC. This was the year of the break up of the German realm. The division of German territory between the three sons of Wolfheim -- Kells, Gall and Hiller -- left the seafarers of t he far northwest of Europe without leadership. To fill the void the Germ an and Hebrew inhabitants of Denmark called upon a Scion of the Trojan House to reign over them. That scion was Dan I. He lived at that time in Thrace." (Compendium of World History Vol., II. Pp. 43-44)

Seskef, aka Odin, II, answered the call and led a large migration out of Thrace into Denmark and the neighboring regions. After organizing his new realm and setting up the institutions necessary to underpin a stable government, he set out on a trip across the seas to establish a new colony in a faraway land!

3. Odin in the New World! (from our source "The Trojan Origins of Europe an Royalty":

Where did ODIN go after establishing his people in Northwestern Europe? Where was this FARAWAY LAND across the seas?

To find the surprising answer we must go to the sacred writings of the ancient QUICHE MAYA people in Mexico! In the Popul Vuh, a rare codice that has been preserved down to this day, we find recorded the MIGRATIONS and wanderings of the ancestors of the MAYA. The Popul Vuh clearly shows that they TRAVELED WESTWARD ACROSS THE ATLANTIC OCEAN TO MEXICO!

Writings and traditions from other Indian tribes show SIMILAR ORIGINS of a people crossing A GREAT BODY OF WATER FROM THE NORTHEAST to reach their present land!

Notice what the writer of the Popul Vuh records: "They also multiplied the re IN THE EAST....All lived together, they existed in GREAT NUMBERS and walked there IN THE EAST....There they were then, in great numbers, the black man and the WHITE MAN, many of many classes, men of many tongues....The speech of all was the same. They did not invoke wood nor stone, and they remembered the word of the Creator and the Maker..". (English version by Goetz and Morley, pp. 171-172).
The record of the MAYA continues: "...THEY CAME FROM THE EAST...they left there, from that great distance....THEY CROSSED THE SEA" (Ibid., pp. 18 1, 183). When the rulers of the ancient Maya sought to establish their kingdom "they decided to go TO THE EAST....It had been a long time since the ir fathers had died....And starting on their journey, they said: 'We are going TO THE EAST, there WHENCE CAME OUR FATHERS.' Certainly they CROSSED THE SEA when they came there to THE EAST, when they went to receive the investiture of the kingdom." (Pp. 206-207).

Herman Hoeh asks the question: "To what line of great kings IN THE EAST we re these Quiche Maya journeying? To the successors of the GREAT RULER w ho conducted them, ABOUT 1000 B.C., TO THE USUMACINTA RIVER IN MEXICO."
And WHO was this "great ruler" that led the ancestors of the Quiche Maya a cross "the sea" to their new home in Mexico?

The MAYA claim that their kingdom was founded by a GREAT RULER named VOTAN or ODEN or DAN by various tribes. He was a WHITE MAN who CAME BY SEA FROM THE EAST and settled them in their new land. The TIME of their MIGRATION, according to [Spanish historian] Ordonez, was TEN CENTURIES BEFORE THE PRESENT ERA. This Votan -- who was also worshipped as a god -- was famous for having himself JOURNEYED TO A LAND WHERE A GREAT TEMPLE WAS BEING BUILT.

Do we have a king in Europe, living AT THE SAME TIME SOLOMON'S TEMPLE W AS BEING BUILT (around 1000 B.C.), who had dominion over the seas, who w as worshipped as a god, and whose name sounded like VOTAN? Indeed -- WODEN, or ODIN, KING OF DENMARK FROM 1040-999. He was worshipped later as a gr eat god. Scandinavian literature is replete with accounts of his distant journeyings which took him away from his homeland for many months, sometimes years.

Just as KING ODIN or DANUS gave his name to DENMARK -- DANMARK-- so Odin gave his name to the "FOREST OF DAN" in the land of the QUICHE INDIANS. (S ee pages 549 and 163 of volume V, Native Races of the Pacific States, by Hubert H. Bancroft.) "DAN...founded a MONARCHY ON THE GUATEMALAN PLATEAU" ( Bancroft, Vol I, p. 789). His CAPITAL, built for the Indians and their WHITE SUZERAINS, was named AMAGDAN.

Here we have the records of DANISH KINGS, as early as 1000 YEARS BEFORE THE BIRTH OF CHRIST, sailing to the NEW WORLD and PLANTING COLONIES OF RED MEN FROM EUROPE IN THE YUCATAN AND GUATEMALAN HIGHLANDS. -- Compendium of World History. Vol., II, pp. 90-91).

Where did these "RED MEN" Odin planted in the New World come from? Notice! "Julius Firmicus, an early writer, stated that 'in Ethiopia all are born black; in Germany, white; and IN THRACE, RED.' Thrace was NORTH OF GREECE and originally populated by the children of Tiras, son of Japheth (Gen. 10:2). IT WAS FROM THRACE THAT ODIN LED THE AGATHYRSI AND OTHER TRIBES TO NORTHWESTERN EUROPE when he founded the DANISH KINGDOM.

"Many of the WARRIORS employed by the early princes of western Europe were FIERCE, OF SWARTHY SKIN, NAKED AND OFTEN TATTOOED AND PAINTED. Strab o, the Roman geographer, wrote that AREAS OF IRELAND AND BRITAIN were inhabited 'by MEN ENTIRELY WILD.' Jerome, writing in one of his letters in t he fifth century, characterizes some of them as CANNIBALS: 'When they hunted the woods for prey, it is said they attacked the shepherd, rather than his flock; and that they curiously selected the most delicate and brawny parts, both of males and females, for their horrid repast.'" (Compendium of World History Vol., II. P. 86.).

Where some of the Quiche Maya ORIGINALLY came from is even more surprising, and TOTALLY AT ODDS with most modern accounts of American Indian origins! Once again, the annals of the Indians in the New World REVEAL THE TRUTH about their ancestors:

The Annals of the Cakchiquels -- Lords of Totonicapan -- contains DIRECT REFERENCE to the RACIAL DESCENT of the NOBLES who led and governed the natives to the New World.

"These, then, were the THREE NATIONS OF THE QUICHES, and they came from WHERE THE SUN RISES, DESCENDANTS OF ISRAEL, of the same language and the same customs ....When they arrived at the edge of the sea, BALAMQITZE (a native title for one in a religious office) touched it with his staff and at once A PATH OPENED, which then CLOSED UP AGAIN, for thus the great God wished it to be done, BECAUSE THEY WERE THE SONS OF ABRAHAM AND JACOB. So it was that those THREE NATIONS (the "mixed multitude" of Exodus 12 :38) passed through, and with them THIRTEEN OTHERS CALLED VULKAMAG" -- meaning the 13 tribes. ISRAEL had altogether 13 tribes including LEVI.

"We have written that which by tradition our ancestors told us, who came from the other part of the sea, WHO CAME FROM CIVANTULAN, BORDERING ON BABYLONIA" page 170. Page 169 says they "...came from the other part of the ocean, FROM WHERE THE SUN RISES." (Translated by Delia Goetz; publish ed by the University of Oklahoma Press, 1953.)

Was the mysterious CIVAN-TULAN -- meaning in Indian dialects a PLACE OF CAVES OR RAVINES -- THE REGION OF PETRA, where Moses led the children of Isr ael? Petra is famous for its caves. CANAANITE HIVITES, MIXED WITH EGYPTIAN STOCK, DWELT AT PETRA, OR MT. SEIR, AT THE TIME OF THE EXODUS. (Genes is 36:2, 20, 24). They lived at peace with the Hebrews.

This settlement of Hivites was A REGION DOMINATED BY MIDIAN. A high priest who visited the land of Midian and Moab in Moses' day was named BALAAM -- almost the exact spelling in the QUICHE-MAYA title BALAM used for priests!

The people LED BY ODIN OR VOTAN across the Atlantic to the New World were NOT exclusively the SONS OF TIRAS FROM THRACE; some tribes were called CHIVIM, reports Ordonez the early Spanish writer. It is the VERY HEBREW SPELLING used for the English word HIVITES, some of whom once LIV ED IN MT. SEIR, the LAND OF CAVES, NEAR BABYLON! So the Mexican Indians we re a mixed people. -- Compendium of World History, pp. 92-94.

Archaeological evidence of the JEWISH PRESENCE IN MEXICO has been forthcoming over the years, showing the annals of Mexico to be accurate in all details. A stone has been unearthed in CAMPECHE, MEXICO, showing the side view of a scowling man wearing a large MAYAN earring. According to William F. Dankenbring: "The earring, archaeologists were astonished to learn, contains the STAR OF DAVID in its design. Also it contains a lantern-like object which illustrates an ancient PHOENICIAN ANCHOR. The combination of sailing ship and STAR OF DAVID is also found in a figure on a JEWISH TOMB at Beit-Shearim ISRAEL, dating from the second or third century B. C." (Beyond Star Wars. Triumph Publishing Co., Altadena, CA, USA. 197 8. P. 87).

In the ruins of ancient CHICHEN ITZA, in the tomb of a HIGH PRIEST, another amazing artifact was discovered:: "One after another, magnificent relics were exhumed from the debris littering the floor of the crypt. Scattered about were shells inlaid with mother-of-pearl, pottery vessels, and a CEREMONIAL FLINT BLADE that Thompson described as RESEMBLING "THE VOTIVE ST ONE SICKLES OF THE ANCIENT DRUIDS...". (Maya: The Riddle and Rediscovery of a Lost Civilization, by Charles Gallenkamp. Viking Penguin Inc. N. Y. 1985. P. 176).

The Druids were the priests and lawmakers commonly believed to have been associated with the Celtic peoples of Gaul and Britain. The Encyclopedia Britannica states: "Of the officials themselves, it seems most likely that their order was purely Celtic, and that it originated in Gaul, perhaps as a result of CONTACT WITH THE DEVELOPED SOCIETY OF GREECE; but DRUIDISM, on the other hand, is probably in its simplest terms the PRE-CELTIC and ABORIGINAL faith of Gaul and the British Isles that was adopted with little modification by the MIGRATING Celts." (1943. Vol 7, p. 678).

The uncovering of the ceremonial flint blade at Chichen Itza shows that the Mayan people came from Northwestern Europe before settling in Mexico.

Father: MAGI , Trojan b: UNKNOWN

Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
BEDWIG , Trojan b: UNKNOWN in Troy, Asia Minor


Birth140 BC


ChildBedweg Trojan ( - )
FatherMagi Trojan ( - )