Individual Details

Hodard De Dutton

(Ca 1046 - Ca 1088)

Odard, or Udard, sometimes also written Hodard and Hudard, came into England with William the Conquerer, and seated himself at Dutton, a good part whereof Hugh Lupis, earl of Chester, gave unto him, as before you have heard out of Doomseday-book.
The ancient roll of the barons of Halton saith, that with Hugh earl of Chester came on Nigell, a nobleman; and with |Nigell came five brethren, to wit, Hudard, Edard, Woimere, Horsewyne, and Wolfaith, a priest, to whom Nigell gave the church of Runcorne; and unto Hudard the same Nigell gave West and Great Aston, now divided into two townships, Aston Grange and Aston juxta Sutton pro uno feodo militis; and from this Hudard came all the Duttons. Lib. C. fol. 84, 85 et Monasticon Anglicanum, 2 pars. pag. 187. And in the record of Doomsday, Odard held Aston under William Fitz-Nigell, baron of Halton; and also Odard and Brictric held Weston under the said William, anno Domini 1086. Whether those five brethren aforenamed were brethren to Nigell, is a doubt; for then, methinks, he should have said-Quinque fratres sui; whereas, he says onely- Cum isto Nigello vencrunt quinque fratres; and so names them.
This Hudard's of Odard's sword, is at this day (1665) in the custody of the lady Elinour, viscountess Kilmorey, sole daughter and heir of Thomas Dutton, late of Dutton esquire, deceased; which sword hath for many ages past, been preserved, and passed over from heir to heir as an heir-loom by the name of Hudard's sword, and so at this day it is by tradition receieved and called. Lib. C. fol. 163. dd." --The History of the County Palatine and City of Chester: Comp. from Original Evidences in Public Offices, the Harleian and Cottonian Mss., Parochial Registers, Private Muniments, Unpublished Ms. Collections of Successive Cheshire Antiquaries, and a Personal Survey of Every Township in the County; Incorporated with a Republication of King's Vale Royal and Leycester's Cheshire Antiquities, Volume 1 by George Ormerod, Daniel King, William Smith, William Webb (sheriff.), Sir Peter Leycester


BirthCa 1046Normandy, France
DeathCa 1088Chesire, England
MarriageAlice Pichard


SpouseAlice Pichard ( - )
ChildHugh De Dutton (1088 - 1154)
FatherIvo De Contentin (1026 - )
MotherEmma De Brittany (1025 - )