Individual Details

Gaius Octavius IV

(100 BC - )

He later married the niece of Julius Caesar, Atia Balba Caesonia. How they met is not known, although Atia's family (through her father, the Balbi) lived close to Velitrae, which was the ancestral home of the Octavii. They had two children: Octavia Minor and the Emperor Augustus, the latter of whom was born in 63 BC. Octavius was elected quaestor, believed to have been in 70 BC. In 61 BC, he was elected praetor. In 60 BC, after his term had ended, he was appointed propraetor, and was to serve as governor of Macedonia. Before he left for Macedonia, the senate sent him to put down a slave rebellion at Thurii.

These slaves had previously taken part in the rebellions of Spartacus and Catiline. He then left for Macedonia and proved a capable administrator, governing "courageously and justly", his deeds included leading the Roman forces to victory in an unexpected battle against the Thracian Bessian tribe. Cicero had high regard for his diplomatic dealings. Because of his successful term as governor of Macedonia, he won the support necessary to be elected consul. In 59 BC, Octavius sailed to Rome, to stand for election as consul. However, he died before arriving in Rome. He supposedly died in the same bedroom where Augustus would pass away many years later. His career is summarized in an inscription erected by his son on the forum he built in Rome: "Gaius Octavius, son, grandson and great-grandson of Gaius, father of Augustus, twice military tribune, quaestor, aedile of the plebs together with Gaius Toranius, judge, praetor, proconsul, proclaimed imperator in the province of Macedoniaā€¯


Birth100 BCRome, Italy


SpouseAtia Balba Caesonia (-83 - )
ChildAugustus Julius Caesar Emperor of Rome (-63 - 14)
ChildOctavia Minor ( - )
FatherGaius Octavius III (-150 - )
MotherAurelia Cotta (-120 - )