Individual Details

Lucius Æmilius Paullus

(37 BC - )

The early career of the younger Paullus is unknown, his first and only known post being that of consul in 1 with his brother-in-law, Gaius Caesar. He is also known to have been a member of the Arval Brethren.

According to ancient historians, his wife Julia was exiled in 8 AD for having an affair with a senator. Paullus himself was executed as a conspirator in a revolt at some point between 1 and 14.

He only had one child by his wife - a girl named Aemilia Lepida (4/3 BC-53 AD), who was betrothed to Claudius until the downfall of her parents caused her great-grandfather, Augustus, to break off the betrothal and marry her to Marcus Junius Silanus (consul 19), by whom she had several children.


Birth37 BC
