Individual Details

Hulmul Progenitor of the Amal Clan

(Ca 60 - Ca 105)

Hulmul was the second of the line of Jordanes' progenitors of the Amal Dynasty. Apparently, J. Grimm in 1848 proposed that Hulmul was the same as the father of legendary Danish King Dan I and legendary Angle king Angul as listed within the Saxo Grammaticus chronicle. There is of course no way to prove or disprove this assertion. There are no contemporary records. There are no records either of this tradition, tying the two, as having been passed down orally from the middle ages either, indicating to me that the connection, based on an 1848 assertion, isn't very likely.

Hulmul's period of time would have been from the 60s to the 130s or thereabouts. This would have been a period in which the Goths left the coast to push inland up the Vistula (Wisla) River against the Vandals and allied Przeworsk culture-based tribes (another reason while Hulmul being progenitor of Danes and Angles is not very likely).


BirthCa 60Gothiscandza (Present Pomorze), (Present Poland)
DeathCa 105present Poland
