Individual Details

Amalafreda "the Elder" Queen of the Vandals

(Ca 455 - Ca 525)

Amalafrida was the daughter of Theodemir, king of the Ostrogoths, and his wife Erelieva. She was the sister of Theodoric the Great, and mother of Theodahad, both of whom also were kings of the Ostrogoths.

In 500, to further cement his authority over the Vandals, Theodoric arranged a marriage alliance with Thrasamund, king of the Vandals, who became her second husband. She brought a very large dowery, but also 5,000 Gothic troops. In 523, Hilderic, successor to Thrasamund, had her arrested and imprisoned in a successful bid to overthrow Ostrogothic hegemony; he also had her Gothic troops killed. She died in prison, exact date unknown.


BirthCa 455Kingdom of the Ostrogoths
DeathCa 525Carthago, Africa
MarriageThrasamund King of the Vandals
