Individual Details

Roland Duke Of Brittany

(Ca 1096 - Ca 1158)

Roland le Strange, who witnessed the St. Florent Charter circa 1122, left four sons, viz. (1) John, who succeeded him; (2) Hamon; (3) Guy, and (4) Ralph. As far as is known Roland possessed no property elsewhere than in Norfolk; yet, early in the reign of Henry II, all of his sons were enfeoffed in lands in Shropshire in the middle of the twelfth century. It does not, of course, follow that, because no daughters are recorded, none existed. In feudal times women, unless they were heiresses, were of small account. If they were heiresses they were married while still of tender years, and when their husbands died were often remarried three or even four times, and may have sometimes then got a chance of pleasing themselves—e.g. Alice de Lacy, of whom further on. But when they were not heiresses little is recorded of them, even if their existence is mentioned; filial piety sometimes has preserved the Christian name of a mother in cases where, not being an heiress, no mention of her father’s name has come down to us.


BirthCa 1096Shropshire, England
DeathCa 1158Shropshire, England
MarriageMaud Le Brun


SpouseMaud Le Brun ( - 1145)
ChildJohn Le Strange I. (1142 - 1178)
FatherGuy Le Strange I. (1048 - 1105)