Individual Details


( - 585)

Bodegisel (died 585), was a Frankish duke (dux). He was the son of Mummolin, duke of Soissons, and served the kings Chilperic I and Childebert II. According to Hans-Walter Herrmann and Ulrich Nonn, confusion between Bodegisel and a later duke named Bobo is responsible for the semi-legendary duke Boggis that begins appearing in sources from the ninth century on. Bobo was a member of an illustrious Austrasian family and a nephew of the deacon Adalgisel Grimo (died 634), but where his dukedom was located is unknown.

In 584, Bodegisel accompanied Rigunth, the daughter of Chilperic, to Spain for her marriage to Reccared, the son of the Visigothic king Liuvigild, although the marriage never took place. After his return, he was sent on another embassy on behalf of Childebert, who had succeeded Chilperic in the interim. He died on his way to treat with the Byzantine Empire.

The bishop Gregory of Tours, a chronicler of the times, records that Bodegisel was able to accomplish the unusual feat of passing on his estate to his heirs undiminished. He was celebrated in song by the contemporary poet Venantius Fortunatus.

According to the thirteenth-century Vita sanctae Odae viduae, Saint Chrodoara was married to a certain duke Boggis and became a nun after his death. Writing in the eleventh century, Sigebert of Gembloux named Boggis a duke of Aquitaine and misplaces his life towards 711. The Vita Landberti episcopi Traiectensis, a life of Bishop Lambert of Maastricht, refers to "Chrodoara ... widow of the recently deceased Boggis, duke of Aquitaine" as a "friend" of Lambert's. A spurious charter of king Charles the Bald dated 30 January 845 and the Charte d'Alaon, a modern fabrication, give Bodegisel/Boggis a genealogy that makes him a son of king Charibert II and gives him a brother named Bertrand who succeeded him.


MarriageSaint Oda Abbess Of Amay


SpouseSaint Oda Abbess Of Amay (555 - 634)
ChildSaint Arnulf Of Metz (582 - 640)
FatherMummolin ( - )