All About Us... a family tree

Welcome to the family genealogy site. The tree includes the Tolley/Lincoln; Limber/Stockmaster; Boskovich/Russell; and Mielke/Montgomery lines, as well as associated families.

This is a work in progress. I will update it as often as possible, so please check back periodically for the most recent version.

Due to the size and scope of the tree, it is not possible to include all of the photos, documents, and sources on this site. To view all content, please follow the link below to my public tree on, which is viewable with an Ancestry subscription (trial or otherwise), or as a non subscriber by using the Library Edition of at any public library.

This tree started as a way to preserve the handwritten family tree and notes that my mother began working on in the 1970's, and quickly grew and evolved into what you see today. It continues to grow and has become something that I am passionate about, and deeply committed to. It is my hope to be able to solve many of the family mysteries, and continue to research and document our family history for future generations.

A heartfelt thanks to all of the other family members and fellow researchers with whom I have collaborated. It is always appreciated, and has been a wonderful experience.

I am also doing the genetic genealogy now, and have learned quite a bit from the DNA testing, including verifying the Native American heritage on certain lines. Please contact me at the email address below if anyone is interested in taking the DNA test (the more participants we have the more complete the data), or if you have any photos or information to be preserved and added to the tree*.

I look forward to hearing from you, working together, and sharing all of the discoveries.
-- Lori (Tolley) Boskovich

*please note that for privacy reasons no photos or information on living individuals is viewable to the public on the tree. The focus will always be on our ancestors, but data on living individuals for private documentation is always welcome as well.



Lori (Tolley) Boskovich

Email: 8WzCxbuTPZbofhxrbsB0M1zkKjLn1ojwfjpvKcYT7iPWVOncH4eE2hpE7LR@BeLaPwe6z3boALkQDhhqiQ_.NqY5Irh25p5rYwyw1.PmNEGcvLaimonaisUm
last updated 2023-08-16