Individual Details

Hugh Goode

(WFT Est 1615-1644 - 1707)

At a Session of the Comm'rs Held 26th 12 mo., 1704. Prst., Omnes. "Thomas Fairman further Purchased of Walter King 100 acres in Right of which he was to take up ye said Vacancy but never had Any Survey, Yet Ventured to Sell 50 acres of it to Hugh Gooda, whose Only Daughter and Child George Burson Married, and bought the Other 50 of Waite so that he Possesses 100 acres, and Tho. F. Requests that in Pursuance. "


MarriageWFT Est 1639-1686
BirthWFT Est 1615-1644


ChildHannah Goode (1666 - 1710)