Individual Details

John Drury

(15 Jun 1715 - 1767)

John Drewry Signed June 17, 1797 Proved June 29, 1797 John Drewry His last Will In the name of God amen. I John Drewry of Saint Mary's County in the state of Maryland being sick & weak of body but of Sound & disposing mind and memory & understanding Considering the certainty of death & the uncertainty of the time thereof, and being desirous to Settle my worldly affairs, & thereby be the better prepared to leave this world when it Shall please god to call me thence, do therefore make & publish this my last will & Testament in manner & form following that is to Say~~~ first & principally I commit my Soul into the hands of almighty God, & my body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor herein after named and after my Just debts are paid I devise & bequeath as follows~~~ Item, I give & bequeath unto my beloved wife Ann Drewry one third part of my Real Estate during her natural life, and likewise one part of my household furniture & stock to her & her heirs forever~~~ It is forth my will that my wife Shall have her choice of my stock & furniture to the amount of her thirds~~Item I give & bequeath unto beloved sons Francis Decalus Drewry Joseph Drewry & William Drewry Seven pounds ten Shillings Current money each to them & their heirs forever. Item I give & bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Monica Drewry one Cow to her & her heirs forever. Item I give & bequeath unto my beloved Children Anastasia Vessells, Susanna Raley, Mary Meadley, Monica Drewry, John Chrisostom Drewry, Francis Decalus Drewry, Ignatius Drewry, Joseph Drewry, & William Drewry all the residue & remaining part of my Estate both real and personal to be equally divided between my Children be fore mentioned to them and their heirs forever.~~Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my beloved Son Francis Decalus Drewry, to be wholo and Solo Executor of this my last will & Testament, disannulling any will or wills by me heretofore made ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will & Testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto affixed my hand & Seal this 17th day June 1797~ John + Drewry (((Seal))) Signed Sealed & declared to be the Last will and Testament of the with named Testator in the presence of us Allexander Greenwell, Eleanor x Stone John Greenwell Junr On the back of the foregoing, was the following, towit Saint Mary's County, towit, the 29th day of June 1797. Then came John Decalus Drewry and made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that the within instrument of writing, is the true & whole will & Testament of John Drury, late of Saint Mary's County, deceased, that hath come to his hands or possession, & that he doth not know of any other Certified per. Jeremiah Jordan, Regr wills for Saint Mary's County Saint Mary's County, SS the 29th day of June 1797. Then came Allexander Greenwell & Eleanor Stone two of the three subscribing witnesses to the written last will & Testament of John Drury, late of Saint Mary's County, deceased and made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that they did see the Testator therein named, Sign & Seal this will & that they heard him publish, pronounce, & declare the same to be his last will & testament, that at the time of his sodoing, he was to the best of their apprehensions, of Sound & disposing mind, memory, & understanding: and that they respectively subscribed their names as witness to this will, in the presence, & at the request of the Testator, & in the presence of each other, & also in the presence of John Greenwell Junr the other witness who they did see Subscribe his name as a witness in the presence & at the request of the Said Testator. Certified by Jeremiah Jordan, Regr wills for Saint Mary's County Transcribed by Judith A. Burger February 1, 2001 from a photocopy of an original court document, Libra: J. J. No. 2, Page: 189, obtained from The Register of Wills, St. Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good and the writing was legible with the exception of the word in parentheses. I made no corrections of any kind.


Birth15 Jun 1715St. Mary's Co., Maryland
Marriage10 Dec 1734St. Mary's Co., Maryland - Susannah Hayden
Death1767St. Mary's County, Maryland


SpouseSusannah Hayden (1714 - 1777)
ChildFrances Anna Drury (1744 - 1803)
ChildMary Drury (1753 - 1817)
ChildWilliam Drury (1740 - 1801)
ChildFrances Decalus Drury (1744 - 1813)
ChildMonica Drury (1751 - 1827)
FatherJohn Drury (1669 - 1724)
MotherMary Ford (1678 - 1724)
SiblingPeter Drury ( - )
SiblingJames Drury ( - )
SiblingRobert Drury ( - )
