Individual Details

Henry Cunreds

(16 Dec 1688 - 12 Sep 1758)

“To Friends of the Monthly Meeting at Gwinedd," sets forth.

“Whereas our friends Henry Conrads and Catharine his wife after their Removal from Germantown to Plymonth are now resolved to joyn themselves as members to your aforesaid monthly meeting:, and therefore did request of us a certificate on that account. We hereby do certify that the Sd our friends, are both of a sober and honest Conversation. ****** So we commit the sd our friends to the further Guidance of Gods holy Spirit, and commend them to your good Fellowship in the Truth, wherein we heartily Salute you. remaining your affectionate Friends and Brethren” Signed by our Monthly Meeting in Abington on in the Count:, of Philadelphia, the 24th day of the 4th mo. 1717.

This letter is in the handwriting of Francis Daniel Pastorius, and is signed bv thirty-six of the Abington Friends, among the signers being Thones Kunders, the father of Henry, and Elisabeth Jones his sister.

Bought a farm of 220 acres in Montgomery County.
Will of Henry Cunreds
Be it Remembered I Henry Cunrad of Whitpain in the County of Philadelphia and Province of Penselveania Yeoman, being butt Weak of Body but of sound mind Memory and Understanding, but calling to mind the Certainty of Death and the uncertainly of the Time thereof have therefore thought convenient ot Dispose of what Estate I now hold and Posses by this my Last Will and Testament. First I Will that all my Just Debts and funeral expenses be first fully paid and Discharged; I Give and Bequeath unto my son William cunrad the sum of Five Pounds Lawfull Money of Penselveania; I Give and Bequeath unto my son John the sume of Eighty Pounds Like Money; I give and Bequeath unto my son Peter the sume of Eighty Pounds Like Money; I Give and Bequeath unto my son Samuel the sume of Seventy Pounds Like Money; I give to my son Benjamin a Young Bay mare three years old next Spring; I Give and Devise and Bequeath unto my two sons Joseph and Benjamin the Messuage Plantation and tract of Land I now Live on situate in Whitpain Township and County afs'd containing about two hundred and Twenty Acres be it more or Less Hereditaments and Appurtenances To hold to them my sd sons Joseph and Benjamin their Heirs and Assigns for Ever as Tenants in Common to be devided Between them int he Most conveniet Manner to make two settlements Equal in Vallue. I give and Bequeath unto my Two sons Joseph and Benjamin all my Personal Estate my Funeral Expenses Debts and Legacies as is above mentioned.
HENRY CUNRAD (Seal) And my Will further is tht in case a Lawsuit should be entered into by my Executors with one Preston who says he has a Wright to my real Estate; Liveing in Philada, and if itt be my Executioners cost the sd preston then the Charges and Expenses then Accrueing att Law and then the sd Charges to be reducted out of Every one of my childrens share according to their Proportion or Quantity. butt in case that my heirs Lose my real Estate then it shall be Lawful for my Executioners to Pay the Charges Accrueing to the Lawsuit out of my Personal Estate, and the overplus as followeth, To my son William Cunrad five shillings Lawful money of Pensylva. To my son Dennis Cunrad five shillings of the Like Money; and the remainder to be Equally Divided amongst my ffive sons, John Cunrad, Peter cunrad, Joseph Cunrad, Benjamin Cunrad and Samuel Cunrad. And I constitute my two sons Joseph and Benjamin Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, the Legacies to be Paid in two years after my decease. and I doe hereby revoke all other and former Wills by me heretofore made Either by word of Mouth orin Writing, ratifying and confirming this only for my Last. In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my and and seal this second Day of September Anno Dom. 1758. HENRY CUNRAD (Seal)
Signed Sealed and Published by the sd Henry Cunrad as his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who att his request has subscribed our names as Witnesses thereunto. Benjamin Dickinson, Joseph Roberts, James Wood.
(Proven 12th Sept. 1758)


Birth16 Dec 1688Germantown, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
Marriage28 Jun 1710Germantown, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania - Katherine Trientz Streypers
Event16 May 1711Pennsylvania
Event24 Apr 1717letter
Event1738Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
Death12 Sep 1758Whitpain, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania
Alt nameHendrik Kunders


SpouseKatherine Trientz Streypers (1690 - 1716)
ChildWilliam Conrad (1711 - 1774)
ChildDennis Conard (1711 - 1790)
ChildJohn Cunrad ( - 1793)
ChildPeter Cunreds ( - 1807)
ChildJoseph Cunreds ( - 1786)
ChildBenjamin Cunreds ( - 1760)
ChildSamuel Cunrad ( - )
FatherThones Kunders (1653 - 1729)
MotherElin Magadalen Tyson (1650 - 1729)
SiblingCunraed Cunraeds (1678 - 1747)
SiblingMathias Conard (1680 - 1725)
SiblingJohn Conard (1681 - 1765)
SiblingAnn Entgen Cunraeds (1684 - 1752)
SiblingAgnes Kunders (1686 - 1729)
SiblingElizabeth Cunard (1691 - 1757)

