Individual Details

Charles Beall , Sr

(1672 - 27 Nov 1740)

Charles Beall (Captain), b. ca 1672, age ca 53 on 17 Aug 1725, age ca 60 in 1733 (PGLR I.676; T.17); d. ca 1740; carpenter; s/o Ninian Beall; he m/1 23 Sep 1709 Mary Wolstead; Charles and his father were legatees in the Will of Robert Lashly in 1680 (MCW I.950; Hewas Pressmaster of New Scotland Hundred 14 Apr 1696;he served as a Ranger, Trustee of the Church, and can be found in many early documents; he was legatee in his father's 1717 Will, taxable in New Scotland Hundred in 1719 and 1733; he lived near the Eastern Branch; like his father, Charles surveyed, patented and sold a large number of tracts of land to numerous to all be listed here.
St.Paul's Parish, Prince Georges Co., 17ber* 23 1709. These are toCertifie whom it may concern ye Mr. Charles
Beall and Mrs.** Mary Wolstead were by Virtue of a Lycense Granted in his Honor ofPriesidents made by ajor Josias Wilson Joyned Together in Holy Matrimony at ye time & place above mentioned.
*This should be probably read "7ber" for September.
** The "Mrs." in the copy of the Court Records could, in the original record, have been "Mis" (for Mistress - unmarried woman of means).

Joshua Wolstead, Calvert County; account; 12 pds 15 sh 10 p; (with 1694 documents); administrix ary Wolstead.
(I&A 10.421).
Since Joshua Wolstead would have been deceased at least 15 years when the marriage of Charles and Mary Wolstead took place, circumstantial evidence is that that the Mary Wolstead who married Charles Beal was the daughter of Joshua and Mary Wolstead.
13 Apr 1686: "Turkey Thicket" of 548 acres was surveyed for Charles Beall of Calvert County (later Prince Georges County) (SOM 25/239)
1687: Cattle mark registered in Charles County for Charles Bell (Beall), son of Major Ninian Bell (Beall) (CCLR N.329)
19 Mar 1706: Deed of Gift from Ninian and Ruth Beall to son Charles; Negro Girl (PGLR C.185a).
15 Jul 1706: Deed of Gift from Ninian Beall, Sr to Charles his son, carpenter; 440 acres "Batchelors Hope" on the north side of Oxen Branch (PGLR C.203a).
21 Feb 1707: Deed of Gift from Ninian Beall, Sr to his son Charles, carpenter; 440 acres of "Batchelors Hope" on the north side of Oxen Branch (PGLR C.203a).
12 Aug 1713: Charles sold 554 acres of "Turkey Thicket" to James Heigh; acknowledged Mary his wife (PGLR F.271). Begining in 1713 Prince Georges County Land Records show that Charles Beall and wife Mary conveyed many tracts of land to various people. Part of the land he owned outright and part jointly with Thomas Fetchel and wife Ann. Charles and wife Mary also owned land with William Beall and wife Elizabeth and John Beall and wife Verlinda.
30 Aug 1725: Deed of Gift from Charles Beall, planter, of Prince Georges County to 5 of his children: Ninian, Elinor, Joshua, Mary and Rachel; Onr Negro or Mulatto each (PGLR I.685).
Charles Beall, Sr died between time Will written 24 Mar 1739/40 and 27 Nov 1740 when Will was probated.
Will of Captain Charles Beall of Prince Georges County, Written: 24 Mar 1939/40. Probated: 27 Nov 1740.
To wife Mary, Dwelling Plantation "Bealls Adventure", and Mill for life. She to keep it in good repair and not destroy any timber, At her death to pass to son Charles and heirs. This place not to be sold or let except for a period of 1 year.
To Son Charles and heirs, 473 acres "The Conclution (Concillation)" at he head of "Beall's Adventure" to be at his own disposal and 100 acres "Pickeltons Rest (Pilkerton's Quest)" lying near plantation of John Willcoxon.
To son Ninian and heirs, all my land between Mill Branch and the Pine Branch, adjoins land of brother Joshua, land lying next to William Scott. This land not to sold or leased but from year to year.
To son Joshua, all my land between Pine Branch and Beaver Dam Branch, land adjoining that of Ninian, aforesaid, not to be sold or leased but from year to year and 300 acres "Cold Cranfords Adventure (Crauford's Adventure)" adjoining land of Mr. Hew Con, to disposal of him and heirs.
To 2 sons Ninian and Joshua and heirs "Danby" lying in Dorchester County on the Great Choptank River at disposal of them and heirs.
To Daughter Mary and heirs 200 acres "Dispute" and 75 acres, my part of "Charles and William".
To daughter Rachel, 118 acres "Magruders and Bealls Honesty" and 113 acres "Grubbe Thicket".
If either of sisters dies without issue, then her sister to inherit and possess forever; and in case either of the 3 brothers dies without heirs, his lands to be equally divided between the other 2 brothers and their heirs forever.
Testor desires that his interest in "Charles and Benjamin" be sold to pay debts.
Remainder of personal estate to be equally divided between wife and children.
Executors: Wife Mary and son Joshua
Testee: Thomas Evans, Charles Mason, Daniel Phillips
(PG Wills 1.311; MCW VIII.106; Wills 22.261)
17 Dec 1740: Charles Beale (also Beall); Prince Georges County; 439 pds 11 sh 6 p.; nok George Beall, Mary Beal
(daughter); executors Mary Beall (widow), Joshua Beall (I&A 26.22)
19 Nov 1742: Captain Charles Beall, Prince Georges County; account 439 pds 11 sh 6 p; 20 pds 0 sh 3p. a second Inventory is cited in amount of 3 pds 0 sh 6 p; amount of accounts included 94 pds 15sh 0 p Sterling; executors Mary Beall (widow), Joshua Beall (A 19.398).
19 May 1743: Captain Charles Beall, Prince Georges County; account 25 pds 0 sh 10 p; Legatee: Charles (son); Executors Mary Beall, Joshua Beall (A 19.398).
28 Feb 1743: Captain Charles Beall, Prince Georges County; account; 105 pds 17 sh 0 p; executors Mary Beal, Joshua Beall (A 20.63).
9 May 1744: Captain Charles Beall, Prince Georges County, account; 175 pds 18 sh 11 p; executors Mary Beall, Joshua Beall (A 20.179)

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Beall, Charles,Capt., Prince George's Co.,24th Mar., 1739-40;
27th Nov., 1740.
To wife Mary, dwelling plantation “Bealls Adventure.” She to keep it ingood repair and not destroy any timber. At her death to pass to sonCharles and hrs. This place is never to be sold or let except for aperiod of 1 yr.
To son Charles and hrs., 473 A. “The Constitution” and 100 A. “PicheltonsRent” lying near plantation of John Willcoxon.
To son Ninian and hrs., land lying next to William Scott. This land notto be sold or leased for more than 1 yr.
To son –– land adjoining that of Ninian, afsd. and 300 A. “Cold CranfordsAdventure,” adjoining land of Mr. Hewbon.
To sons Ninian and Joshua and hrs., “Danby” lying in Dorchester Co.
To dau. Mary and hrs., 200 A. “Dispute” and 75 A. “Charles and William.”
To dau. Rachel, 118 A. “Magruders and Bealls Honesty” and 133 A. “GrubleThicket.”
Testator desires that his interest in “Charles and Benjamin” be sold topay debts.
Exs.: Wife Mary and son Joshua.
Test: Thomas Evans, Charles Mason, Daneil Phillips.
22. 261.


Birth1672Prince George's, Maryland, United States
Marriage1695Prince George's, Maryland, United States - Mary Walstead
Death27 Nov 1740Prince George's, Maryland, United States
Alt nameCaptain Charles Beall
Title (Nobility)Captain


SpouseMary Walstead (1675 - 1714)
ChildCharles Beall ( - )
ChildNinian Beall (1696 - 1780)
ChildJoshua Beall (1705 - 1796)
ChildMary Beall ( - )
ChildRachel Beall ( - )
FatherNinian Beall (1625 - 1717)
MotherRuth Moore (1649 - 1713)
SiblingJohn Beall (1665 - 1711)
SiblingThomas Beall , Jr (1669 - 1708)
SiblingMary Beall (1676 - 1716)
SiblingRachel Beall (1679 - 1742)
SiblingEsther Beall (1687 - 1727)
SiblingJames Beall (1687 - )
SiblingGeorge Beall (1695 - 1780)
SiblingNinian Beall , Jr (1674 - 1711)
SiblingJane Beall (1678 - 1745)