Individual Details

Henry Bonner

(Abt 1640 - Bef 21 Oct 1702)

Henry Bonner is often given as married to Elizabeth Lomax, sister of Thomas Lomax, because Henry calls Thomas his "loving brother". There was no such person as Elizabeth Lomax. Henry's wife was Elizabeth, but his father, Thomas Bonner, married Thomas Lomax's mother, Susanna Cloughe, as second marriages for both of them.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 60, Preface 17
The next clerk of Charles County of which we have a record was Henry Bonner. A deposition shows that he was twenty-two years old about the time that he became clerk in 1669 (p. 540).

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1992 Vol 33 No 4; CHARLES COUNTY DEPOSITIONS, A-G; by Robert W. Barnes.
BONNER, Henry, age 28, 23 April 1674; CHLR 4: E#1, 1670-1674:163

BONNER, Henry, m. by Dec 1670, Eliza Storey, admx. of Walter Storey (ARMD 51:37, 44).

Bonner, Henry, Prince George's Co, 1st Oct, 1702; 21st Oct, 1702.
To wife Eliza:, extx, entire estate, real and personal, including 1000 A, "Bonner's Camp" at hd. of Bush R, Balto. Co, and 500 A, "Bonner's Interest" in Balto. Co.
Test: Jas. Moore, Henry Glover, Benj. Berry. 11. 334.

Henry Bonner 24.71 I CH £34.12.3 Sep 13 1703
Items in the possession of Elisabeth Bonner (widow).
Appraisers: Thomas Dixon, John Compton.

p. 38, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber F#1, Page 4
1 Sep 1674; Deed of Gift from Henry Bonner, Gent, and Elizabeth his wife, to her natural born sons, John Taylor and Thomas Taylor; a parcel of land surveyed for John Taylor, father of the sons, and granted by patent to Elizabeth Taylor, relict of John, 21 Aug 1658; lying on the north side of Petit's Creek which flows into the Potomac River, Weeke's Branch, and Taylor's Bite; laid out for 450 acres; /s/ Henry Bonner, Elisabeth Bonner; wit. Robert Doyne, Matthew Stone, Joseph Bullot

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1993 Vol 34 No 1; Genealogical Extracts from Maryland Chancery Records, Liber C.D.:
Page 28 [1670]: John Long, merchant, versus Elizabeth Storey and Wm. Baker. Long alleges to have heard that Henry Bonner hath since married said Elizabeth.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1994 Vol 35 No 4; Extracts from the Chancery Court Records Of Maryland 1669- 1679; Relationships and other genealogical data taken from the Archives Of Maryland, Vol LI (Court Series 5), (Chancery Court, 1669-1679)
Bonner, Henry, and his wife Elizabeth, widow and admx. of Walter Storey. Defendants in Chancery case, John Long complainant (1670). Elizabeth saith that she was left a widow and a child. That Storey died on his return from England. (Arch. of MD, v. LI, p.44).

p. 65, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber I, Page 164
10 May 1681; Indenture from Henry Bonner, Gent, and Elizabeth his wife, to James Tyer, Gent.; for 4,000# tobacco a parcel of land called Bonners Retirement; bounded by Coalchester; laid out for 200 acres; /s/ Henry Bonner, Elizabeth Bonner; wit. Jacob Gregory, Tho. Bright (mark)

p. 55, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume III
Liber Z, Page 210
Recorded at request of William Penn:
9 Jun 1705; Elizabeth Bonner, age 63, made oath that Catherine Worly, formerly her servant, had a bastard child by a Negro in Ann Arundel Co. which by law belongs to Henry Haule, minister of the Parish; Haule sold the mulatto boy to her husband Henry Bonner till he reach age 21; Bonner had him bound in Anne Arundel Co. by name William Worly; deponent gave the boy to Benjamin Warren who sold him to Wm. Penn; sworn before Henry Hardy; recorded by William Penn

Archives of Maryland, Volume 60, Preface 17
The next clerk of Charles County of which we have a record was Henry Bonner. A deposition shows that he was twenty-two years old about the time that he became clerk in 1669 (p. 540). He had apparently only very recently arrived in the Province. Bonner, like Boughton, had a checkered career as clerk. He had apparently taken over the office of clerk, or was acting as deputy clerk, about the time Boughton got into difficulties in the summer of 1669, because, when in June, 1670, he was sued by John Hatch for debt, he sought to evade suit by asking for a "writ of privilege", declaring that Hatch was "not proceeding according to law & privileges allowed the Clearke of the Court", and was granted a "nonsuite" (pp. 258-259). No record of his formal appointment to the clerkship by the Governor, however, has been found before September 16, 1670, when he was recommissioned (Arch. MD. V; 75). About a year later he no longer held that office, as he is referred to as "late clerk", when at the November, 1671, county court, the grand jury investigated charges made to the Governor against him by John Helme for "mischarging certain Fees." The Grand Jury found that his account was "erroneous", but did not find it "presentable" (p. 356). The record does not show whether or not he resumed office, but it is unlikely that he did, as on August 1, 1672, Philip Gibbon was appointed clerk. At the November, 1674, court, immediately after the death of Philip Gibbon, who had succeeded him as clerk, "it was ordered that Mr Henry Bonner shall be Clerke to the Comissionrs below for drawing of warrants & hues & Cryes & mitirnus's or any such like husinesse" (p. 590). This looks more like an appointment for special duties than as a formal reappointment to the full county clerkship. His subsequent career has not been traced. In 1670 Bonner married Elizabeth, the widow of Walter Story, a London merchant, who had settled in Charles County. They became involved in various law suits in connection with their own affairs and the Story estate, and were both apparently in prison for debt in 1672 (Arch. Md. II, 459-460; LI, passim). Bonner appears to have lived in the upper part of Charles County, which later became Prince George's, as his will, dated and probated in October, 1702, refers to him as of Prince George's, and vests his entire estate, including large land holdings on Bush River, Baltimore County, in his wife, Elizabeth.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 60, Charles County Court Proceedings, 1671-1674.Page 324; Liber E , [fol. 39] In a Certain matter of difference depending Between Nich Solby plt and Henry Bonner Deft in a plea of trespas upon the Case the Deft by his Atturny Thomas Lomax (he having first produced & proved his letter of Atturny here underwritten) requested an Tmparlance till the next Court which was granted him.
Know all men by these pnts that I Henry Bonner of Charles County in the province of Maryland Gent: have made, Assigned, ordeyned Authorized, Appointed, & deputed & in my place & Steed have putt & Constituted my loving Brother Thomas Lomax of the County & province aforesaid merchant my true & law full Atturney in my name & Steed to demand, Sue for, recover, & receive what tobaccoe is due to me Giving & by these pnts Granting unto my afsd Atturney my full power & Good right & lawfull Authority to Sue, arrest, declare implead Condemne, & out of prison again to delliver & to doe Execute performe & finish whatsoever Shall be necessary to be done in as larg & ample manner as if I were personally present ratifying & Confirming whatsoever my Atturny lawfull doe cause or procure to be done by virtue of these pnts In wittnes whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seale this 13th of march 1670. Signed Sealed & Dellivered Henry Bonner (locus in the prsence of Sigilli) John Taylour Thomas Taylour

Archives of Maryland, Volume 60, Charles County Court Proceedings, 1674.Page 579; Liber F, p. 4; Mr Henry Bonner & Elizabeth his wife acknowledgeth this following deed of gift to her naturall borne sons John Taylor & Thomas Taylor
This Indenture made the first day of September, In the three & fortieth yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius absolute Lord & Proprietarie of the Province of Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c: Between Henry Bonner of Charles County in the sd Province of Maryland Gentlm & Elizabeth his wife of the on parte, & John Taylor & Thomas Taylor naturall sons of the sd Elizabeth of the other parte, witnesseth, That hee the sd Henry Bonner & Elizabeth his wife for & in Consideracon of their naturall love & affection, & other good Causes & Consideracons them hereunto moveing: Have given, granted & Confirmed & by these presents doe give, grant & Confirme unto the sd John Taylor & Thomas Taylor their heires & assignes for ever, All that parcell of Land formerly surveyed for John Taylor father of the aforemenconed John Taylor & Thomas Taylor & granted by Patent unto the abovemenconed Elizabeth Taylor as Relict of the sd John Taylor (the father,) from the Right Honorable Caecilius absolute Lord & Proprietarie of Maryland aforesd under the great seale of the sd Province of Maryland the on & twentieth day of August in the seaven & twentieth yeare of the Dominion of the sd Caecilius over the sd Province Annoq Domi (1658) wittnessed by Josias Pendall Require then Leiftenant of the sd Province, & by him signed, Lyeing on the north side of a Creeke in a Potomacke River Called Petits Creeke, Begining at a markt white oake standing at a bite of the sd Creeke called Taylors bite rufling west north west from the sd oake by the Creeke side for the Length of on hundred forty & foure pearches to a markt oake standing at the mouth of a branch called Weekes Branch bounding on the west with a line drawn north into the woods for the Length of foure hundred pearches to a marked Oake on the north with the Land of Richd Smith, on the East & south with the sd Petits Creeke Conteineing foure hundred & fifty acres more or lesse: Together with all profitts Rights & benefitts thereunto belonging as by thePatent it doth & may more at large appeare: To Have & to Hold the abovemenconed premises hereby given, granted & Confirmed with all & singular its Rights members & appurtenances And all houses, Edifices, & buildings, Orchards, Gardens, yards, yard lands, tenements feedings pastures, woods, underwoods, & hogs range whatsoever unto the sd Land belonging or appertaineinge, And allsoe all deeds, Evidences, writings, Charters, Patents, Conveyances, Minuments & Escripts whatsoever touching or concerning the Premises [p. 5] or any part thereof, unto the sd John Taylor & Thomas Taylor their heires & Assignes for ever, To the proper use & behoofe of the sd John Taylor & Thomas Taylor their heires & Assignes for ever, Payinge yearely unto the Lord or Lords of the fee or fees the sume of Nine shillings sterlinge as by the sd Pattent is appointed reserved or provided to be paide by the sd Elizabeth, And the sd Henry Bonner & Elizabeth his wife for themselves joyntly & severally, & for their & every of their respective joynte & severall heires ExecTs & Admrs & every of them the parcell of Land & all & singular other the premises here before given, granted & Confirmed with their & every of their appurtenances unto the sd John Taylor & Thomas Taylor their heires & Assignes, & to the proper use & behoofe of them the 8d John Taylor & Thomas Taylor their heires & Assignes for ever against them the sd Henry Bonner & Elizabeth his wife & every of them their & every of their respective heires & Assignes, And all & every other person or persons whatsoever Claymeinge or to Claime for from by or under them either of them their any or either of their heires Execrs & Admrs shall & will warrant & f or ever defend by these presents, The Rents & services which from henceforth from time to time & at all times for & in respect of the premises shall grow due & payable to the Cheife Lord or Lords of the fee or fees of the premises allwayes excepted & foreprized, In Wittnesse whereof the sd Henry Bonner & Elizabeth his wife have hereunto sett their hands & seales the first day of September Annoq Domi 1674 Signed sealed & Delivered Henry Bonner (locus) sigilli in the presence of us Elizabeth Bonner (locus) sigilli
Robert Doyne Matthew Stone Joseph Bullot

Persons Presented as Popish Recusants in the Reigns of James I & Charles I.
Transcribed from Nottinghamshire County Records. with the dates they were presented
Surname, Fore Names. Date. Town, Occupation, Additional Info
Bonner, Henry 1604 - 5 Carlton-in-Lindrick
21 Jul 2001 Linda Reno> Thomas Lomax/John Taylor/Henry Bonner
I believe that Henry Bonner had a sister named Sarah Bonner. Sarah Bonner married John Douglas (1636-1678). See the following.
Will of John Douglas, Charles Co. 12/14/1678-1/27/1678. Wife: Sarah (Exec.) 450 ac. dwelling place of testator at Pickawaxon. Son: John 550 ac. pt. of "Cold Spring Manor" at the age of 21. Son: Robert "Blithwood" at the age of 21. Sons, Charles and Joseph 500 ac. residue of "Cold Spring Manor" at the age of 21. Wit: Henry Bonner, Francis Pollard, John Robinson.
1/3/1679: Henry Bonner, on behalf of my sister Douglas, requests a commission to prove the will of her husband, John Douglas, of which she is left as Exec.
I have the wife of Henry Bonner as Elizabeth, widow of Walter Story who died by
Linda Reno 11 Feb 2001
message from (Carol Mitchell)
Henry Bonner, gent m. Elizabeth who m. 1st Walter Story, 2nd John Taylor,
3rd Henry Bonner, 4th William Wilkes [no issue/children for Henry Bonner)
His sister as shown below. Sarah (Bonner) m. 1st William Bowels, 2nd Col.
John Douglass, 3rd. Ralph Smith, 4th William Harbert Gent.
Early Charles County Maryland Settlers 1658-1745, by Marlene Strawser Bates
& F. Edward Wright.
Henry Bonner Deed of Gift 1 Sept 1674 from Henry Bonner and Elizabeth his wife, to her natural born sons , John Taylor and Thomas Taylor, a parcel of land Surveyed for John Taylor father ofthe soms and granted by patent to Elizabeth Taylor, relict of John Taylor, 21 Aug 1658, lying on n. side of Petit's Creek, cont/ 450 acres. (ct. & Land F:41.4)
Henry Bonne (gent) and his wife Elizabeth. Indenture 10 May 1681, to James Tyer, parcel call "Bonners Rtirement" cont. 200 acres. (ct & land I#1.164)
Items of Henry Bonner dec'd. in possesion of Elizabeth Bonner (widow). (Inv. 24.71; 13 Sep 1703)
Elizabeth Bonner age 63 made oath 9 Jun 1705 that Catherine Worly, formerly her servant, had a bastard child by a Negro in Ann Arundel Co. which by law belongs to Henry Haule, minister of the Parish; Hule sold the mulatto boy to her husband Henry Bonner until age 31; Bonner had him bound in Anne Arundel Co. by nane of WilliamWorly; deponent gave the boy to Benjamin Warren who sold him to William Penn. (Ct & land Z#1.210)

Bonner, Henry (gent) and his wife Elizabeth. Indneture 10 may 1681 to James Tyer parcel called Bonners Retirement cont 200 a. (ct & Land) I #1.164)
Vol. 60 Maryland Archilves p. 500. 15 Nov 1665, Walter Story obtained judgment against Wm Price & John Lambert administrators of John Nevill deceased for 1380 lbs Tobacco, I Henry Bonner of Charles County Gent married Elizabeth Story the relict & administrator of Walter Story. Acknowledge receipt from Thomas Hussey who married relict of John Nevill full satifisfaction for said sum. 11 Jun 1673. Henry Bonner [p134]


BirthAbt 1640
MarriageAbt 1669Elizabeth Lomax
Event1677Charles County, Maryland
DeathBef 21 Oct 1702Charles County, Maryland, United States


SpouseElizabeth Lomax (1645 - )
FatherThomas Bonner (1594 - 1660)
MotherGrace (1616 - 1656)
SiblingWilliam Bonner (1637 - 1680)
SiblingSarah Bonner (1640 - 1718)
SiblingAnne Bonner (1643 - )
SiblingJoseph Bonner (1645 - 1694)
FatherThomas Bonner (1594 - 1660)
MotherElizabeth ( - )
SiblingSarah "Widow Bowls" Bonner (1636 - 1718)
