Individual Details

Thomas Corker

(Abt 1655 - Bef 12 May 1677)

24 Oct 1668; Thomas Corker shot and killed Richard Turner while the latter was sleeping on some logs outside the home of Clement Theobald.
Maryland Provincial Court, Liber FF, Folio 652
5 Nov 1668; Thomas Corker was tried in the Provincial Court in St. Mary's, Maryland, for the shooting death of Richard Turner on 24 Oct 1668 at the home of Clement Theobald. The jury concluded that the shooting was manslaughter by misadventure.
Maryland Provincial Court, Liber FF, Folios 652,653, 656, & 657
22 Mar 1668; Thomas Cocher was pardoned for the shooting death of Richard Turner. He had been remanded to the Charles County prison pending action by the Chancery Court.
Chancery Court Proceedings, Liber CD, Folios 523 & 224

Perkins, Robert, Portobacco, Chas. Co., 30th Dec., 1668.
To Jane, wife of Arch. Wahob, Patrick Forrest, son of testator's wife, and Richard Corner, personalty.
Wife Anne, execs. and residuary legatee.
Test: Bartho. Coates, Thos. Corker, Clement Theobald. 1. 354.

Corner, Gilbert,20th Oct., 1668; 5th Mar., 1669.
To wife Ellinor and Thomas Pope, 200 A., "Chestnut Point," in trust for son Job until he shall be of age. In event of death of son Job without issue, sd. property to pass to wife Ellinor, and to church should she die.
Test: Richard Ambrose.1.372.

Corner, Job, Chas. Co., 9th Nov., 1676; 16th Apr., 1676-7.
To Thomas Rigg and Eliza:, wife of Thomas Corker personalty.
Wife Anne, execx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal, during life.
To Thomas Corker, plantation, 300 A., at death of wife Anne afsd.
Test: Thos. Corker, Philip Brown. 5.194.

Eliza Corker was the daughter of Clement Theobald and Mary. The 300 acre plantation was St. Nicholas, on the west side of a fresh run of Portobacco.
4 Sep 1673; The Rent Roll of 1753 shows tract: Greena. 100 acres. Surveyed Sep 4, 1673 for Job Corner at a bounded white oak near a bounded poplar of the land called St. Nicholas. Possr: 100 Samuel Theobalds. Philip Browne owned Greenah, a 100 acre tract adjacent to St. Nicholas. Philip Browne bought Greenah from Job Corner on 9 Nov 1675. Indenture from Job Corner, planter, to Philip Browne, planter; for 2,500# tobacco; a parcel of land called Greenah; bounded by St. Nicholas; containing 100 acres /s/ Job Corner; wit. Thomas Corker, Clement Theobald. Charles County Court (Land Records), Liber F, Folio 153. Prior to that, Philip leased 100 acres of land from Edmond Lindsey, who had in turn leased the land from Isaac Allerton. Philip Browne died shortly after Job Corner. John Wood, administrator of the estate of Philip Browne filed an account on 9 Feb 1677 in Charles County.

Corker, Thomas, Chas. Co, 17th Nov, 1676; 12th May, 1677.
To Penelope Rigge, Thomas Rigge, George Langham, Benjamin Roger, William Chandler, Richard Chandler, Clement Theobald and John Theobald, personalty.
Wife Eliza: execx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal.
Test: Thos. Coates, Thos. Darey. 5. 286.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part I 1673-1753; Transcribed by Ruth King and Carol Mitchell Extracted From LDS microfilm #13740/3375-04. The first number is the page numbers the document begins on upon the microfilm (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory)
Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1677-1717
12 Thomas Corkey or Thomas Corker or Thomas Corka - 19 May 1677

Thomas Corker 5.153 I CH #8820 May 19 1677
Servants mentioned: Thomas Plunker.
Appraisers: George Godfrey, Robert Middleton.

Clement Theobald 4.507 I CH #6457 Jun 9 ---; Jul 4 1676
Appraisers: George Godfrey, Archeball Walkup.

Clement Theobald 4.509 A CH #6457 #9167 Oct 26 1677
Payments to: Mr. Rozer, Philip Lines.
Distribution to: James Wheeler who married the widow of Thomas Corker.
Administratrix: Thomas Corker is the administrator of Clement Theobald and Elisabeth Wheeler is the executrix of Thomas Corker.

Thomas Rigge 10.208 I CH £7.12.8 Sep 5 1688
Appraisers: John Clement, Francis Adams.

Thomas Rigge 10.228 A CH £7.12.8 #3110 Apr 5 1689
Payments to: Mr. Robert Doyne, Emanuell Ratcliff, Maj. Wheeler, John Blomfeild.
Administrator: John Gardner.

The Rent Roll of 1753 shows the following tracts:
Bettys Delight. 150 acres. Surveyed Dec 2, 1670 for Thomas Corker at a bounded oak standing on the west side of Port Tobacco Cr near the main road.
Possr: 50 John Theobalds, 100 Walter Hanson
Planters delight. 100 acres. Surveyed Jan 2, 1670 for Thomas Cocker in the woods at the west side of Portobacco Cr at one of the SW by W lines of Simpsons delight.
Possr: 100 John Theobalds
Cockers Hoghole. 100 acres. Surveyed Jan 2, 1670 for Thomas Cocker in the woods on the west site of Portobacco Cr at a bounded tree of the land of Alexander Simpson.
Possr: 100 Walter Hanson
Charles County Circuit Court Land Surveys and Condominium Plats
Description Date Reference Accession Number
Betties Delight, 150 Acres; Certificate 1671 Patent Record 13, p. 107 S 1587-460
Developer/Owner: Corker, Thomas
Betties Delight, 150 Acres; Patent 1671 Patent Record 14, p. 268 S 1587-461
Developer/Owner: Corker, Thomas
Charles County Circuit Court Land Surveys and Condominium Plats
Description Date Reference Accession Number
Planters Delight, 100 Acres; Patent 1671 Patent Record 14, p. 278 S 1587-3216
Developer/Owner: Corker, Thomas
Charles County Circuit Court Land Surveys and Condominium Plats
Description Date Reference Accession Number
Corkers Hogg Hole, 100 Acres; Patent 1671 Patent Record 16, p. 249 S 1587-975
Developer/Owner: Corker, Thomas
Corkers Hogg Hole, 100 Acres; Certificate 1671 Patent Record 16, p. 75 S 1587-974
Developer/Owner: Corker, Thomas


BirthAbt 1655
MarriageAbt 1673Elizabeth Theobald
DeathBef 12 May 1677Charles County, MD


SpouseElizabeth Theobald (1652 - 1682)