Individual Details

Richard Hudson

(Abt 1635 - Aft 18 Oct 1678)

At a session held at St Mary's Oct. 20 to Nov. 14, 1678.
Liber W. H, p.87
An Act for payment and assessing the Publick Charges of this Province
Charles County
Chapman, Richard-750
Craxtone, Thomas-750
Hanson, John (Dane)-600
Davies, Thomas-600
Harrison, Francis-750
Hawkins, Henry-1125
Hinsey, William-830
Hodsone, Richard-600
Hoskins, Philip-830
Jackson, William-300
Jones, Evan-2000
Macloughlin, Kenelm-830

p. 57, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber H, Page 91
18 Oct 1678; Indenture from Richard Hodgson, planter, to Benjamin Rozer; for love and maintenance of Johannah his wife and Elizabeth his youngest daughter-in-law; a tract of land, mill and mill house on the Avon River in Nangemy or Stones' Fresh; if Elizabeth have no heirs to my brother William Hodgson; /s/ Rich. Hodgson; wit. Humphrey Jones (mark), James Gallaway (mark), Thomas Massey, John Slater

(Job Chandler named Thomas Maris as "kinsman" in his will.)
p. 90, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Servants and Masters Libers C-L (1665-1685)
Servant Age Master Date
Maris, Sarah [d/o Thomas Maris, dec'd] Johannah Hodgson 1680

p. 139, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber R, Page 372
14 Jan 1691; Elizabeth Moris, orphan of Thomas and Anise Moris; petitions for her freedom

p. 140, Charles County Court: and Land Records, Volume II
Liber R, Page 432 1 Jul 1692; Indenture from William Cash and Rebeckah his wife of Westmoreland Co., Virginia, to Henry Key, planter; for a certain sum of tobacco; 25 acres part of 100 acres called Dosey Lane in possession of Thomas Maris at his decease; now in possession of Henry Key; land belonging to the 4 daus. of Thomas Maris; /s/ William Cash (mark), Rebeckah Cash (mark); wit. Thomas Lileard (mark); Mary Boughton (mark)

p. 55, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume III
Liber Z, Page 208
18 Jul 1705; Matthew Barnes, s/o Matthew Barnes, reg. cattle mark for heifer given by his uncle Richard Hudson; above mark formerly that of Owen Jones
18 Jul 1705; Elizabeth Barnes, d/o Matthew Barnes, reg. cattle mark for heifer given her by her father; entered by her uncle Richard Hudson; formerly mark of Elizabeth Jones, her mother, the d/o Owen Jones

Hodgson, Richard, Charles Co, 20th Sept, 1734; 16th Apr, 1735.
To eld. son Richard, 2nd son Philip, young. son William, personalty; sons to be free at 18 yrs.
Exs.: Wife Elizabeth and eld. dau. Johana.
Test: John Baker, Elizabeth Hodgson, Elinor Hodgson. 21. 342.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part I 1673-1753; [The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1735-1752
6 Richard Hodgson-6 Aug 1735-G. Barnes, Matt(w) Barnes Jun nearest of kin-Elizabeth Hodgson & Johannah Hodgson Exexs

Richard Hodgson 21.42 CH £141.11.4 Aug 6 1735
Appraisers: Richard Price, John McCankie (also John Maconchie).
Creditors: Gustavus Brown, Thomas Barnes,
Next, of kin: G. Burns, Matthew Burns, Jr.
Executrices: Elisabeth Hodgson, Johannah Hodgson.

Richard Hodgson 15,252 A CH £141.11.4 £23.19.2 Dec 15 1736
Received from: Daniel Kelley, Samuel Clements, Benjamin Banister, Benjamin Stennit, William Cooper, John Hasty, John Mellstead.
Payments to: Thomas Barnes, Andrew Currie, Dr. Guatavus Browne, Daniel Dulany, Esq, Samuel Hanson, John Terrill.
Executrices: Elisabeth Hodgson, Johannah Hodgson.

Barnes, Henry, Charles Co, 9th Sept, 1738; 18th July 1739.
To son Henry and hrs, all real estate.
" sons Henry and Thomas, to daus. Barbara and Ann Semms, to neighbor Elizabeth Hudson and to Joanna and Elener Hudson, personalty.
Exs.: Son Henry and dau. Barbara.
Test: Wm. Machonchie, Thos. Matthews, Richard Hodgson. 22. 90.

p. 58, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1744-1752; Book Z#2
Jan 18, 1745 [/6] from John Franklin of CC, planter, to Eliza. Hudson of CC, widow, for 20 £ and 3500 # tobacco, all that parcel of land, being part of a tract of land surveyed for sd Franklin on Jul 13, 1743, called Moulds Venture, bounded by a tract of land called Johnsons Beginning, containing about 100 acres. Signed-John Franklin. Wit-Robt Hanson, Thomas Stone. The deed was acknowledged by John Franklin and Mary, his wife.

HUDSON, THOMAS, Charles Co. 20 June 1750 2 Oct 1750
To dau. Elizabeth Hudson, "Hudson's Exchange" whereon John Rye now dwelleth.
To dau. Magdalen Hudson, 100 A., pt of tract 'Hudsons Rest" where John Hartie now dwelleth.
To dau. Ann Hudson, 84 A., pt of "Hudsons Disappointment."
To son Jeremiah Hudson, 130 A. called "Tabithas Lott" and 30 A. called "Hudson Lynagouge."
To son Caleb Hudson, 50 A., pt of "Hudson Rest" whereon Arthur Picken now dwells, and 80 A. called "Harrisons Chance."
To sons Samuell and Adam Hudson, pt of "St Barbary's Manner," 98 A.; pt "St Thomas Manner," 72 A.; "Tanner's Discovery," 87 A.; and 100 A. called "Hudsons Conclusion.'
To wife Elizabeth, 2 Negroes, Neptune and Nat.
To dau. Ann, Negro lad named Jo.
To son, Jeremiah Hudson, negro lad named Boatswain.
That dau. Elizabeth take guardianship of Ann and Jeremiah until they come of age 21.
Wit: Joseph Hanson Harrison, William Sisson, William Wright. 27. 435.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part I 1673-1753; [The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1735-1752
480 Thomas Hudson-13 Dec 1750-Elizabeth Hudson, Luke Philpot kindred-Elizabeth Hudson acting Exex

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part I 1673-1753; [The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1735-1752
557 Thomas Price-27 Feb 1753-Rich(d) Price, William Price nearest kindred-Richard Hudson & Francis Hudson Admrx

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Spring 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part II 1753-1779; Transcribed by Ruth King and Carol Mitchell [Extracted from LDS microfilm #13741/3375-05. The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1753-1766
176: Jeremiah Hudson 14 Mar 1759 Thomas Nelson kindred Nathaniel Williams admr

HUDSON, ELIZABETH, Charles Co. 6 Apr, 1759; 1 Jan, 1761
To son Philip Hudson, slaves, furniture, including one table that Thomas Thompson made for me.
To son Richard Hudson, my hand mill.
To son William Hudgson,
To dau. Elizabeth Davis, 5 a. current money of Maryland.
To dau. Johanna Hudghson, 3 slaves.
Extx: Johanna Hudghson.
Wit: Robert and Jane Doyne, Youngest. 31. 274

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Spring 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part II 1753-1779; Transcribed by Ruth King and Carol Mitchell [Extracted from LDS microfilm #13741/3375-05. The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1753-1766
271: Elizabeth Hudson-17 Apr 1761-Richard Hodgson, William Hodgson, nearest of kin-Johanna Hudson Exex

Elisabeth Hudson 74.67 CH £185.6.10 Apr 17 1761 Jun 6 1761
Appraisers: William Hanson, Richard Barnes.
Creditors: Samuel Hanson, Joseph M. Semmes.
Next of kin: Richard Hodgson, William Hodgson.
Executrix: Johanna Hudson.

HUDSON, Thomas, age 40, 3 June 1745; CHLR 1744-1745 40:346. Age 43, 5 Aug. 1745; CHLR 1744-1745 40:398.
HUDSON, Robert, age 39, 13 Feb. 1761; CHLR K#3 54:152.
WILLIAMS, ELIZABETH, age 41, May 1772, dau. of Thomas HUDSON; CHLR U#3 63:13.

138 Elizabeth Williams-20 Mar 1793-Caleb Hudson Exec

Charles County: Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1766-1773
111: Mary Provin-16 Jun 1767-Elizabeth Franklin & Ann Elmen kin-Francis Robison Admr
112: James Provin-16 Jun 1767-no kindred in this county-Francis Robison Admr

FRANKLIN, JOHN, Charles Co. 8 Sep, 1760; 24 Dec, 1760
Wit: Richard Baines, James Provin, Thomas Evans. 31. 273

PROVIN, MARY, Charles Co. 7 Jan, 1767 18 May, 1767
Friend Moses Gray and his wife Winey.
Dau. Margaret Provin, to be brought up in a decent manner until age 16. My desire is that after my bondsmen have gotten dau. Margaret Provin's estate, which she heirs by her father, that son Richard Robertson and Mary Robertson, may have as much paid them as Francis Roberton had paid him; if anything is left, it may be equally divided between children.
Wit: Jno. and Mathew Sanders, James French. 35. 340

Charles County: Probate Records, Inventories Book 1774-1775
169: Elizabeth Burgess-6 Nov 1775-Hezekiah Franklin & F.B. Franklin-Zeph(a) Franklin Admr

Abstracts of the Balance Books of the Prerogative Court of Maryland; Libers 6 and 7; 1770-1777; V. L. Skinner, Jr.
Elisabeth Burgess 7.71 D CH £15.10.6 Mar 26 1777
Sureties: Hezekiah Frankling, Francis Butcher Frankling.
Distribution to: Samuel (son).
Administrator: Mr. Zephaniah Frankling.

Abstracts of the Inventories OF THE PREROGATIVE COURT LIBERS 12-14 1726-1729 V. L. SKINNER, Jr. BROOKEVILLE, MARYLAND 20833 MAY 1991
Richard Nelson 12.620 CH £42.7.6 Nov 23 1727 Feb 3 1727
Appraisers: Benjamin Burgess, Edward Brawner.
Creditors: John Hanbey.
Next of kin: William Nelson, Ann Nelson.
Administratrix: Ann Nelson.

Abstracts of the Inventories OF THE PREROGATIVE COURT LIBERS 15-17 1728-1734 V. L. SKINNER, Jr. BROOKEVILLE, MARYLAND 20833 MAY 1991
John Coffer, Sr. 16.65 CH £58.3.2 Nov 7 1730 Nov 12 1730
Appraisers: Edward Branner, Benjamin Burgess.
Creditors: William Eilbeck.
Next of kin: Matt. Barns, Sr., Joseph Thomas.
Executrix: Elizabeth Coffer.

BURGESS, John, age 23, 6 July 1742, s. of Benjamin Burgess; CHLR 1741-1743 39:423
BURGESS, Samuel, age 36, 6 July 1742, s. of Benjamin Burgess; CHLR 1741-1743 39:423

WINTER 1985 Vol 26 No 1
Charles County, Maryland Land Records; Deeds, 1743- 1744 Liber X#2
Extracted from microfilm by Carol Gehrs Mitchell
p.122: Samuel Burgess 1744 lease. 30 Dec 1743, Richard Molynoux of St Thomas Manor, Charles Co. moving to Samuel Burgess land St Thomas manor, lines King Creek head 102 acres for term 3 lives Samuel Burgess himself, Elizabeth Burgess his wife & Thomas Burgess his son, keep apple trees planted. Wit: Walter Hanson & John Winter. 14 Jun 1744.
p.166: Richard Chapman lease 10 Dec 1744. 6 Nov 1744, Richard Molyneux of St Thomas Manor Charles Co. to Richard Chapman. Land in "St Thomas Manor" lines Samuel Burgess. 3 lives Richard Chapman, Mary Chapman & Elizabeth Reagin & other sundries also his house. Wit: Wm Middleton, Walter Hanson.

296 Edward Chapman-4 Mar 1730/31-John Craxson, Elizabeth Burges nearest related-Richard Chapman Exec
196 Benjamin Burgess-16 Jan 1742-Samuel Burgess, John Burgess nearest of kin-Ann Burgess made oath
317 John Craxson-31 Jan 1745-Henry Haislip one of nearest of kin-Samuel Burgess Admr
345 Samuel Burgess-20 Aug 1746-Jno Burgess, Annie Mankin probable kin-Elizabeth Burgess Exex
66: John Burgess-16 Aug 1774-Elizabeth Burgess Admr
166: John Burgess-29 Sep 1775-relations Mary Ann Gray & Elizabeth Milsted-Mary Burgess Admx


BirthAbt 1635
MarriageBef 18 Oct 1678Charles County, MD - Joanna Lindsay
DeathAft 18 Oct 1678Charles County, MD


SpouseJoanna Lindsay (1638 - 1698)
ChildJoanna Hudson (1676 - 1742)
ChildRichard Hudson ( - 1735)
ChildElizabeth Hudson ( - )
ChildWilliam Hudson ( - 1698)