Individual Details

James Lindsay

(1627 - Bef 3 May 1671)

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Page 84;
James Lindsey Aged 32 yeares or thereabouts 30th Apr 1658 deposed, sayth, (att the request of John Chareman) That hee knoweth very well, tht a certaine Crop of Tob, wch Willm Boreman, & John Chareman were partners in, att Nangemy, was lost & spoyled for want of Cask, & more he cannot depose. Jurat Corae Ed. Scott.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Page 154;
Wednesday 6th of Octobr 1658.: James Lindsey aged 30 yeares or thereabouts sayth,

Calvert, Leonard, (nunc.) St Mary's Co., -- --- ----; 14th June, 1644.
To James Lindsay, Richard Willen, Mrs. Temperance Pippett, of Virginia, and godson Leo. Green, personalty.
Margaret Brent, execx. and residuary legatee.
Test: Francis Ankell, Gov. Thomas Green. 1. 9.

Lindsey, James, Chas. Co., 21st Apr., 1671; 3rd May, 1671.
To the Roman Catholic Church, personalty.
Wife Mary, execx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal; by her to be disposed of among child. (unnamed).
Overseers: Benedict Merchages, Ralph Courtes.
Test: Wm. Bretton, Nicholas Solby, John Shereman. 1. 433.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649. Page 506;
29 Sept. St James Lindsey his Marke for Cattell and Hoggs Viz A figure of three on the upper side of the right Eare and on the underside of the left

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10, Court and Testamentary Business, 1655/6. Page 441;
At a Court held at Putuxent the 21th of march 1655: Whereas James Linsey Peticoned to this Court for Administration of the Estate of Benjamin Gill deceased And Whereas Thomas Gerrard Esq hath Caveatcd to the Court for a demurr of Administracon till the next Court in Respect it is presumed the Said Gill made a will, It therefore ordered that the Said Lindsey being possessed of the Said Estate Shall give Securitie for his faithful & diligent Care of the Said Estate & to give an Account thereof at the next Provinciall Court at which Time it Shall be further ordered.

p. 68, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume I
Liber A
396. Patent to James Linsey, for transporting his wife and 200 acres more by assignments of Luke Gardiner, Edward Deane, Thomas Kelle, John Webb and Richard Grainger; a parcel called Linsey, lying on the east side of the easternmost branch of the Avon River adjoining land laid out to William Borman, planter; containing 300 acres; dated 2 Sep 1659; /s/Josias Fendall;
James Linsey and Mary Lindsey of St Thomas hereby assign this patent to Edward Deane; dated 7 Aug 1660; /s/James Linsey, Mary Lindsey (mark); wit. Thomas Kelle (mark), John Kirby (mark)

p. 72, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume I
Liber A
Land grant: James Linsey transported his wife Marie Linsey to the Province and has due him 200 acres by assignment of Luke Gardiner, Edward Deane, Thomas Kelle, John Webb and Richard Grainger hereby granted a parcel of land called Linsey on the Avon River adjoining land formerly laid out for William Boarman, planter containing 300 acres; 2 Sep 1659; /s/Josias Fendall
John Linsey and Marie Linsey of St Thomas do assign this patent to Edward Deane; 7 Aug 1660; /s/James Linsey, Marie Linsey (mark); wit. Thomas Kelle (mark), John Kerby (mark)


MarriageBef 1659
DeathBef 3 May 1671Charles County, MD


FatherEdmund Lindsay (1600 - 1677)
SiblingEdmund Lindsay (1624 - 1687)
SiblingJohn Lindsay (1626 - 1675)
SiblingThomas Lindsay (1630 - 1698)
SiblingJoanna Lindsay (1638 - 1698)