Individual Details

Thomas Spinke

(Bet 1650 and 1665 - Bef 4 Oct 1695)

Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 10:44:07 -0500
From: "Linda Reno">
Subject: Re: [MDSTMARY] Medcalf(e)/Metcalf(e)
Eleanor Spink, daughter of William Spink and Elizabeth Mills, is the one who married Francis Nevitt. Eleanor is also named as Eleanor Nevitt in the 1/31/1714 will of her uncle, William Dant:
There was no Jane Spink, daughter of Thomas. Thomas Spink m. second, Jane Greenhalgh and after his death, Jane m. second, John Watson and then third, Edward Moller. [NJL note: I've wondered if Edward Miller and Edward Moller were the same person. Linda changed her mind about Jane marrying third Edward Moller and thinks he is the same as Edward Miller, too.]
Admin. accts. of Jane Payne 10/4/1695; payments to Isaac Payne and Rachel Payne; Exec., Jane Watson (exec. of Thomas Spink who was exec. of deceased), now wife of John Watson (Skinner).
Linda Reno

Hattoft, William, 19th Dec., 1671; 30th Dec., 1671.
To Curtis Fletcher, Clement Chevirall, child of John Chevirall; John Thompson, John, son of John Thompson afsd.; Patrick Forrest, Ellinor, his wife; Eliza: Forrest, and each of other child. of sd. Patrick and Ellinor Forrest; Eliza: Spink, dau. of Thomas Spink, and brother Richard Hattoft, personalty.
Exs.: Caleb Baker, Maj. Edward Fitzherbert.
Test: Abell James, Geo. Dundas. 1. 468.

p. 5, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's Co., MD Administrative Accounts 1674-1720
Page 44. The account of Thomas Spink of St Inegoes Hundred in SM, administrator of Samuell Neal decd, intestate.
Disbursements went to : Thomas Jones; the Clerk of SM; Mr. Vansweringen his Doctor's fees; John Ashcom; Wm Hattofft's adm; the cooper for cask; Ensatt Robertts for 8 ells dowlas left him by sd decd as legacy; Walter Watalin paid per order of Court; Mr. Walter Hall, under Sheriff of SM for the use of Sr Willm Talbot for adm &c as appears by receipt under Mr. Ridgley's hand; workmen for 9 days stripping tobacco; 2 amercem to the Govn; John Barnes delivered him out of the estate in lumber goods, being for the use of the decd's daughter Rebecca; ditto Barnes, 1 heifer, cow, calf, steer, delivered him out of the estate for the use of sd Rebecca; Henry Smith, delivered him out of the estate, in lumber goods, being for the use of Margrett Neall; ditto Smith, 1 heifer, cow, & calf, delivered him out of the estate for the use of sd Margrett Neall; Thomas Wynne for citing of him. Rest in my hands, to be disposed of as the judge thinks fit: 5429 £. Sworn Jul 27, 1674 before Philip Calvert.
Signed - Thomas [I his mark] Spinks

Samuell Neal 1.52 A #15915 Jul 27 1674
Legatees: Curatt Robertts.
Payments to: John Baines for use by deceased's daughter Rebecca, Henry Smith for use by deceased's daughter Margrett Neall, Thomas Wyer.
List of debts: Thomas Jones, Mr. Vansweringen, John Archum, William Hatt, Walter Waterlin, Mr. Walter Hall.
Administrator: Thomas Spinck.

Richard Chapman 4.577 A SM #9495 #9495 Dec 29 1677
Payments to: Gilbert Turbervile who married Lidia the widow of Thomas Pearce, Thomas Spinke, Mrs. Jaine Paine for George Charlesworth.
Distribution to: relations (unnamed) in England.
Administrator: John Doxey.

Jane Payne 10.481 A SM #16562 #15167 Oct 4 1695
Payments to: Isack Payne, Rachell Payne.
Executrix: Jane Wattson (executrix of Thomas Spink (executor of deceased), now wife of John Wattson.

Notice the date the will is written:
Harrison, John, Chas. Co., 5th Dec., 1690; 30th May, 1705.
To Nathaniel Bolton and Mary his wife, 50 A., "Haphazard" and personalty.
" Martha, dau. of Gyles Wilson, Thos. Spinke and Jane his wife, personalty.
John Dent of St Mary's Co, ex. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal, including "Harrison's Adventure," 215 A., "Providence." in event of sale of latter not being confirmed to Edward Greenhalge, it is devised to Mr. Dent as also all land in Gorretoman, Virginia. 3. 483.
Note: Capt. Dent in the administration of this estate showed that Mr. John Harrison removed to Virginia and had no personal estate in MD.

Shercliffe, William, St Mary's Co, 25th Mar 1707; 1st July, 1707.
To son-in-law Dennis Mohawny and to dau. Mildred, his wife, and her hrs, 30 A, part of land adjoining that obtained from Francis Spinke, etc. (For description see will). Residue of land to be divided into 4 parts.
" wife Mildred, during life, dwelling plantation.
" son John, dwelling plantation at decease of wife and ¼ residue of land afsd.
" sons William and Thomas and hrs, each 1/4.
" sons afsd. and son Peter, land leased to Francis Knott (for 99 yrs.), at expiration of lease.
" 4 daus, Mary Melton, wife of Thomas Melton, and Anne, Elizabeth and Ticla at 16 yrs. of age and their hrs, residue of land bought of sd. Spinke.
" Ellinor, dau. of Thomas Spinke, 25 A, "Ferny Hill" formerly belonging to John Howard.
" wife Mildred, extx, and hrs, residue of estate, real and personal.
Test: Edward Field, James Martin, Jno. Drewery. 12. 157.

Archives of Maryland; Volume 65, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1674/5. Page 496; fiftenth day of ffebruary in the 43th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c 1674: Thomas Spinke agt Jeane Paine; the defts by Robert Ridgely their Attorny appeare & imparles untill next Court.
page 558: the Seventh day of May in the 43th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c 1675: Thomas Spinke agt Jeane Paine agreed.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 10:44:07 -0500
From: "Linda Reno"
Subject: Re: [MDSTMARY] Medcalf(e)/Metcalf(e)
Eleanor Spink, daughter of William Spink and Elizabeth Mills, is the one who married Francis Nevitt. Eleanor is also named as Eleanor Nevitt in the 1/31/1714 will of her uncle, William Dant:
There was no Jane Spink, daughter of Thomas. Thomas Spink m. second, Jane Greenhalgh and after his death, Jane m. second, John Watson and then third, Edward Moller. [NJL note: I've wondered if Edward Miller and Edward Moller were the same person. Linda changed her mind about Jane marrying third Edward Moller and thinks he is the same as Edward Miller, too.]
Admin. accts. of Jane Payne 10/4/1695; payments to Isaac Payne and Rachel Payne; Exec., Jane Watson (exec. of Thomas Spink who was exec. of deceased), now wife of John Watson (Skinner).
Linda Reno

Hattoft, William, 19th Dec., 1671; 30th Dec., 1671.
To Curtis Fletcher, Clement Chevirall, child of John Chevirall; John Thompson, John, son of John Thompson afsd.; Patrick Forrest, Ellinor, his wife; Eliza: Forrest, and each of other child. of sd. Patrick and Ellinor Forrest; Eliza: Spink, dau. of Thomas Spink, and brother Richard Hattoft, personalty.
Exs.: Caleb Baker, Maj. Edward Fitzherbert.
Test: Abell James, Geo. Dundas. 1. 468.

p. 5, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's Co., MD Administrative Accounts 1674-1720
Page 44. The account of Thomas Spink of St Inegoes Hundred in SM, administrator of Samuell Neal decd, intestate.
Disbursements went to : Thomas Jones; the Clerk of SM; Mr. Vansweringen his Doctor's fees; John Ashcom; Wm Hattofft's adm; the cooper for cask; Ensatt Robertts for 8 ells dowlas left him by sd decd as legacy; Walter Watalin paid per order of Court; Mr. Walter Hall, under Sheriff of SM for the use of Sr Willm Talbot for adm &c as appears by receipt under Mr. Ridgley's hand; workmen for 9 days stripping tobacco; 2 amercem to the Govn; John Barnes delivered him out of the estate in lumber goods, being for the use of the decd's daughter Rebecca; ditto Barnes, 1 heifer, cow, calf, steer, delivered him out of the estate for the use of sd Rebecca; Henry Smith, delivered him out of the estate, in lumber goods, being for the use of Margrett Neall; ditto Smith, 1 heifer, cow, & calf, delivered him out of the estate for the use of sd Margrett Neall; Thomas Wynne for citing of him. Rest in my hands, to be disposed of as the judge thinks fit: 5429 £. Sworn Jul 27, 1674 before Philip Calvert.
Signed - Thomas [I his mark] Spinks

Samuell Neal 1.52 A #15915 Jul 27 1674
Legatees: Curatt Robertts.
Payments to: John Baines for use by deceased's daughter Rebecca, Henry Smith for use by deceased's daughter Margrett Neall, Thomas Wyer.
List of debts: Thomas Jones, Mr. Vansweringen, John Archum, William Hatt, Walter Waterlin, Mr. Walter Hall.
Administrator: Thomas Spinck.

Richard Chapman 4.577 A SM #9495 #9495 Dec 29 1677
Payments to: Gilbert Turbervile who married Lidia the widow of Thomas Pearce, Thomas Spinke, Mrs. Jaine Paine for George Charlesworth.
Distribution to: relations (unnamed) in England.
Administrator: John Doxey.

Jane Payne 10.481 A SM #16562 #15167 Oct 4 1695
Payments to: Isack Payne, Rachell Payne.
Executrix: Jane Wattson (executrix of Thomas Spink (executor of deceased), now wife of John Wattson.

Notice the date the will is written:
Harrison, John, Chas. Co., 5th Dec., 1690; 30th May, 1705.
To Nathaniel Bolton and Mary his wife, 50 A., "Haphazard" and personalty.
" Martha, dau. of Gyles Wilson, Thos. Spinke and Jane his wife, personalty.
John Dent of St Mary's Co, ex. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal, including "Harrison's Adventure," 215 A., "Providence." in event of sale of latter not being confirmed to Edward Greenhalge, it is devised to Mr. Dent as also all land in Gorretoman, Virginia. 3. 483.
Note: Capt. Dent in the administration of this estate showed that Mr. John Harrison removed to Virginia and had no personal estate in MD.

Shercliffe, William, St Mary's Co, 25th Mar 1707; 1st July, 1707.
To son-in-law Dennis Mohawny and to dau. Mildred, his wife, and her hrs, 30 A, part of land adjoining that obtained from Francis Spinke, etc. (For description see will). Residue of land to be divided into 4 parts.
" wife Mildred, during life, dwelling plantation.
" son John, dwelling plantation at decease of wife and 1/4 residue of land afsd.
" sons William and Thomas and hrs, each 1/4.
" sons afsd. and son Peter, land leased to Francis Knott (for 99 yrs.), at expiration of lease.
" 4 daus, Mary Melton, wife of Thomas Melton, and Anne, Elizabeth and Ticla at 16 yrs. of age and their hrs, residue of land bought of sd. Spinke.
" Ellinor, dau. of Thomas Spinke, 25 A, "Ferny Hill" formerly belonging to John Howard.
" wife Mildred, extx, and hrs, residue of estate, real and personal.
Test: Edward Field, James Martin, Jno. Drewery. 12. 157.

Archives of Maryland; Volume 65, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1674/5. Page 496; fiftenth day of ffebruary in the 43th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c 1674: Thomas Spinke agt Jeane Paine; the defts by Robert Ridgely their Attorny appeare & imparles untill next Court.
page 558: the Seventh day of May in the 43th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c 1675: Thomas Spinke agt Jeane Paine agreed.


BirthBet 1650 and 1665York, England
MarriageAbt 1676St Mary's County, Md -
DeathBef 4 Oct 1695St Mary's County, Md


ChildEleanor Spinke ( - )
FatherMr. Spinke ( - )
SiblingHenry Spinke (1621 - 1695)
SiblingAnne Spinke (1620 - 1651)