Individual Details

Philemon Lloyd , Col.

(1646 - 22 Jun 1685)

Lloyd, Philemon, 27th May, 1682; 16th July, 1685.
To son Philemon and hrs., all lands upon the Great Island in Wye R.; to pass to son Edward in event of son Philemon's death without issue.
" son James and hrs., 2,000 A. at Juccahow.
" dau. Henrietta Maria and hrs., 500 A.
" " Alice and hrs., 600 A., "Lloyd's Forest."
" " Anna and hrs., 350 A., "Rosseth."
" " Eliza: and hrs., 400 A., "Elizabeth."
" " Mary and hrs., 1,000 A., "Lloyd's Town."
" daughter-in-law Susanna Darnall, lately Bennett, land on Sassafras R., and that in which testator held in right of his wife.
" wife Henrietta Maria, execx., life interest in home plantation; to pass to son Edward at her death.
Child. to be brought up in the Protestant faith.
Overseers: Father-in-law Capt. Jas. Neale, Col. Henry Coursey, Jas. Neale, Jr., Henry Coursey, Jr., Wm. Carpenter, Wm. Tilghman.
Test: Jas. Clayland, Wm. Hemsley, Thos. Vaughan, Jas. Downes, Jas. Eustis.
By codicil dated 28th May, 1685, testator bequeaths 500 A., part of a tract of 1,000 A. bought of Henry Parker to son James, and 800 A., "Niminee" and "Niminee's Addition," to daus. Mary and Jane; testator also makes void bequest to Susanna Darnall. 4. 186.

Philemon Loyd 8.398 I TA £3444.1.3 (between entries for May 25 1685 and Aug 22 1685)
Servants mentioned: James Macklin, Herman Mogiomon and wife (unnamed) and young child (unnamed), John Freeman, Cornelius Nelus, Joseph Hamiwell, Ed. Overing (tailor), John Bray, Charles Dyke (husbandman), Petter Smith (carpenter), An Smart, William Reed (boy).
Appraisers: Peter Sayer, George Robotham, Thomas Smithson, John Davis.
Mentions ("at estate of"): William Jelf, Mr. Skinner, Mr. Hawkins, Richard Jones, John Jones, John Newman.
Mentions: Madam Loyd, William Smith, John Cockerill.

Philimon Loyd 10.340 A CA £4624.4.9 #24711 Jun 25 1688
Mentions: Edward Loyd.
Payments to: Madam Susanah Darnall, Richard Winn for Miles Johnson, Thomas Broley for Aron Johnson, John Nicholl, Mrs. Hemsley (administratrix of William Hemsley), Edward Barrecloft, Joseph Semplle, Thomas Mumford, Thomas Rowe, Thomas Horry, Mr. George Robins, John Glandeming, John Dunn, William Sharpe.
List of desperate debts: Stephen Wistone, William Tottenham, Thomas Barnes, John Barker, Richard Chaplin, George Crouch, James Cuddee, Arthur Esmade, Henry Francis, Francis Loyd, John Ashman, Samuell Alcock (insolvent), John Barsley, John Hockworth (insolvent), Thomas Bromden (runaway), Thomas Barrett (runaway), Thomas Brittaine (runaway), Dennis Linnell (runaway), Stephen Hansmore (runaway), Richard Hew (insolvent), John Jones the smith (runaway). Thomas Marsey (runaway), Philip Stephenson, John More (insolvent), William Needum, George Mathews (runaway), Thomas Pease (runaway), Edward King, Edward Barock, Edward Rowe (runaway), Stephen Tuamory (runaway), Richard Skaggs (insolvent), Edward Seakes (runaway), Edward Smith (runaway), Thomas Talley

Phillemon Loyd 10.342 A Jun 25 1688
Payments to: Mr. George Robins, John Edmondson, John Jones, Mr. Thomas Smithson, Mr. Richard Sweatnam, Richard Sweatnam for William Rathborne, Richard Sweatnam on account of John Sneake, Mr. John Llewellin, John Thisle, Arthur Emory on account of Mr. Rathborne, Mr. James Heath.
Legatees: Edward Loyd (son), Hannery Loyd (daughter), Mary Loyd (daughter), Mrs. Susanah Darnall, widow (unnamed), Maj. Gaseway.
List of desperate debts: Henry Parker, Frank Parsons (insolvent), Nicholas Murphey (dead, insolvent), Richard Leake (dead, insolvent).
Administratrix: Henrietta Maria Loyd.

Phillemon Loyd 10.343 A Mar 22 1688
Payments to: Stephen Tully (dead, insolvent), Mr. Smithson, Jacob Gibson, William Taylor, William Young (dead, insolvent), Mr. Sweatnam, Mr. William Rathborn, Mr. Hemsley, Mr. James Smith, John Careless, Mr. Anthony Underwood.
Administratrix: Henrietta Maria Loyd.

Philemon Loyd 10.344 A TA 115331 [no date - right after the above two]
Received from: Hannah Furby on account of Thomas Barrett.
Payments to: Walter Rowleigh, Mr. Punch, Mrs. Baker, Mr. Carroll, her father Bennett paid her son Richard Bennett.
Legatee: Maria Loyd (daughter).
Administratrix: Henrietta Marra Loyd.


Birth1646Nansemond County, Virginia
BirthAbt 1646Fauquier County, Va
Marriage1669Md - Henrietta Maria Neale
Death22 Jun 1685Wye House, Talbot County, Maryland
Death22 Jun 1685Talbot County, MD
Alt namePhilemon Lloyd


SpouseHenrietta Maria Neale (1647 - 1697)
ChildAnna Maria Lloyd (1677 - 1748)
FatherEdward Lloyd (1604 - 1695)
MotherAlice Crouch (1621 - 1649)
SiblingAlice Lloyd ( - )
SiblingAnne Lloyd ( - )
SiblingRichard Lloyd (1650 - 1684)
