Individual Details

John Crouch

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Crouche, John, 24th Apr., 1676; 16th May, 1676.
Wife Jane, execx. and sole legatee of estate, real and personal, including land in VA. due testator as hr.
Test: Geo. Higonbotham, Jno. Willis, 5. 35.

Roger Grose 1.539 A AA #190480 #301244 Feb 19 1675
Mentions: John Grose who died in the interim.
Administratrix: Ann Welsh (late Ann Grose) (relict), wife of John Welsh.

Mr. Roger Grosse 5.143 A AA Nov 13 1676
Mentions: Mr. Thomas Taylor (also Thomas Taillor), Mr. Richard Ewen, Mr. Robert Francklin, Mr. John Watkins, Mr. John Welsh, John Edmundson, ---- Pitts.
Distribution to: John Grosse (son of deceased and guardian to other orphans). Elisabeth Grosse, Roger Grosse, William Grosse, Frances Grosse.

Grosse, John, A. A. Co., 4th Dec., 1675; 18th Apr., 1676.
To brother Roger and hrs., land on which he lives; also tract on Miles R.
" brother William at 21 yrs. of age, and hrs., plantation on Wye R.; to revert to brother Roger and hrs. should sd. William die without issue.
" sister Eliza:, wife of Richard Snowden, 400 A. on Wye R.
" " Frances at 16 yrs. of age, and hrs., 250 A, on Miles R.
Ex. Jno. Watkin.
Test: Nich. Selby, Jno. Carpenter. 5. 30.

John Grosse 2.127 I £413.12.4 May 9 1676 May 10 1676
Appraisers: Richard Woolman, Phi. Loyd.

John Grose 4.300 A £413.12.0 £268.17.11 Sep 16 1677
Payments to: John Davies, Philemon Lloyd for Roger Grose his part his father's estate, Mr. Tilghman for John Grose, Christopher St Tee for John Emmerson, Samuell Lane, Edward Price, Henry Stocket, Nicholas Gassaway, Edward Dorsey, Thomas Hedge, John Welsh, Richard Snowden, George Parker, William & Francis Grosse their portion their father's estate, Roger Grosse part his division, Richard Snowden for Elisabeth (no surname, given), Richard Snowden for Mr. Edward Lloyd of London.
Executor: John Watkins.


ChildAlice Crouch (1621 - 1649)