Individual Details

Cuthbert Musgrave

(1 Jun 1644 - Bef 14 Nov 1689)

MUSGRAVE, Cuthbert, age 22, 27 Nov. 1666; CHLR C#1:97.

Cuthbert Musgrave registered Cattle Marks, 1678

David Powell 4.558 I CH Nov 28 1677
Appraisers: John Mum, Roger Dickinson.
List of debts: , Cutbeard Musgrove.

Henry Aspeanwall (gentleman) 8.105 I £99.19.8 Oct 11 1683
Appraisers: John Ward, Nathaniell Barton.
List of debts: , Cuthbert Musgrove.

Thomas Alcock 8.291 I CH £47.3.7 Apr 20 1684
Also included in the inventory is #1991.
Items in the possession of Mathew Dike who married Mary the relict of the deceased.
Appraisers: John Ward, Edward Haddock.
List of debts: , Cuthbert Musgrove.

Per the web, he had a will in 1687 in Prince George's County, MD.

Robert Doyne 16.243 I #22546 1695
List of debts: , Cuth. Musgrave.

Andrew Clark 17.112 A CH £49.0.0 £73.7.9 Oct 31 ---- (1698)
Payments to: , Dorothy Musgrove.
Administrator: James Tompson.

Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 17:30:45 -0600
Name: Michael Marshall
for his son John

J Estelle Stewart King
Abstracts of Wills and Inventories, Fairfax County, Virginia 1742-1801
Page 4
17 Sep 1746 Book A pg 182 Fairfax Co, VA
In the name of God Amen. The 1st of October in the year of our Lord God 1744, I John Musgrove in the county of Fairfax first being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God therefore calling to mind the Mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this as my last Will and Testament, that is say, gratefully(?) and first of all I give and commend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and for my body I .... at the discretion of my executors, nothing debting but at the Final Ressurection I shall recieve the same again by the mighty power of God and as touched(?) such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life.
I give device and depose of the said in the following manner of form.
In promise give and bequeath to my well beloved son Edward Musgrove my dwelling plantation that I now live on and all my stock hogs cattle and horses with all furniture belonging to the said plantation tables chests beds and bedclothes puter pots and pans with all and every article belonging to said plantation likewise I do will and give him that plantation which Henry Brent has rented of me with all my lands and houses in Maryland and negro fellow named Dick.
Item I do give to my beloved son John Musgrove that plantation that Joseph Hunt lives upon with all things belonging there unto and one negro boy called Tom and his horse saddle and bridle.
Item I do give to my son William Musgrove all part of lands and is now in dispute ................with one negro boy called George.. with half that track of land that I had of William Iea with two mares.
Item I give to my son Cuthbert Musgrove that plantation called Wilson's with that plantation upon Sherido River that I (bought?) of William Iea and Joseph King with half the track and half the stock of cattle hogs and horses with his riding horse Shaver.
Item I give to my well beloved daughter Mary Musgrove that plantation that is now held by Jeremiah Purling with all things pertaining thereunto with one negro woman called Hannah with her saddle and briddle.
Item I give to my well beloved daughter Ann Mosley my quarter that is now in being with half that tract of land which I bought of James Baul and one negro garil called Judy and two cows big with calf and ten head of hogs two ewes(?) big with young with one grey mare and two horses.
Item I give to my daughter Margaret Musgrove that plantation and land that James Bolton lives on with two hundred acres of land upon Serindo river near to the ford with the benefit of half the stock belonging to the said plantation to be divided between her and her sister Marilyn with all my lands upon Sherindo River that is not mentioned upon Clearing the Deeds, Share and Share alike amongst all my children.
I do likewise with that all the Tobacco sell the bonds which is now in the houses shall go and to pay all my and my childrens debts and if there is not enough to pay what is due this year, then all the bonds with the credits(?) which ..... the year following shall go to pay the remainder of the debts and what remains of the crop and the rest to be equally divided amongst my seven children.
I do likewise give all my young horses mares and colts to my son John and Donald Mosely to be divided between them as they think fit running upon the back Lick.
Item I do give to John Bolten two young sows and one large young bay mare big with colt that was branded by John Hollises son.
I do likewise Insttute my son Edward my son in law Donald Moseley to be my executers fore see all my debts carefully paid and to see that all my children have their just due and right and that my children shall be free.
And this is my last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannul all and every other former Testament Wills Legacies Requests and tacutors(?) by me any ways before this time named wills and bequeathes Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be...
My Last Will and Testament. In witness to whereof I have hereinto set my hand and seal this day and year above written.
John Musgrove (seal)
Signed sealed publish pronounced and .... is by the said as his last will and testament in the presents of us the subscribers
William MOSELEY (his mark)
Jeremiah SPARKS (his mark)
William P PARSON's (his mark)
At a court continued and held for Fairfax County September 17th, 1746,
This last Will and Testament of John Musgrove deceased was presented in court by Edward Musgrove one of the Executors therein named, Daniel Moseley the other Executor having relinquished his Executorship, who made oath thereto according to law and the same is proved by William Moseley, Jeremiah Sparks and Jane Mosely and admitted to record, and on motion of the said Executor and his performing what is usual in such cases Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in this form. signed
Book A pg 202


Birth1 Jun 1644Crookdale, Cumberland, England
DeathBef 14 Nov 1689Charles County, MD


SpouseDorothy ( - )
ChildEdward Musgrave (1672 - 1747)
ChildCharles Musgrave (1680 - 1751)
ChildWilliam Musgrave (1682 - 1719)