Individual Details

Edgar "The Peaceful"

(944 - 8 Jul 975)

Notes for "The peaceful" (King of England(959-975)) Edgar:
King Edgar, The Peaceful (943-75), king of the English (957-75). His reign was one of orderly prosperity. He initiated widespread monastic reforms and granted practical autonomy to the Danes in England (see DANELAW) in return for their loyalty. His son was Aethelred II, the Unready King of England.

The blood line of Alfred continued with Edgar. He was the youngest son of Edmund I and brother of Edwy. His reign was one of relative peace. This respite from Nordic attacks, inspired a cultural renaissance in England. Edgar's coronation at Bath conducted for some reason in 973, was the one that is used to the present day. It consists of the recognition and oath, which is a form of contract sworn between the monarch and the people. The consecration by anointment.

The investiture and crowning followed by enthronement and homage. This ceremony would have been conducted in Latin and remained that way until translated and conducted in English for the coronation of James 1. The word patriotism, so long, unthinkable in a disrupted land was developing. A nation acting as one was admired throughout Europe. Edgar ensured a fairer system of taxes and local government and that every shire had a market town. Law and order for the first time seemed to work. England's prosperity grew. Edgar was responsible for continuing the resurgence of monastic society started by Edmund I. Dunstan was Archbishop of Canterbury. There are many stories about Edgar. The most famous was that his power was so great that he arranged for eight Scottish and Welsh vassal kings to row him along the river Dee. When Edgar died, England was a prosperous and admired country. This had not gone un-noticed by the Scandinavians.

He Reigned from 959-975. The first King of a united England. He allowed his Danish subjects to retain Danish laws. Edgar promoted a monastic revival and encouraged trade by reforming the currency. He improved defence by organising coastal naval patrols and a system for manning warships. Although he suceeded on 1st October 959, he was not crowned until 973 because St Dunstan, the Archbishop of Canterbury, disaproved of his way of life.


Birth944Wessex, England
Title (Nobility)959 - 975King of England
Event11 May 973Acceeded - Bath Abbey
Death8 Jul 975Winchester, England
BurialGlastonbury Abbey, Somerset


SpouseAelfthryth ( - )
ChildAethelred "the Unready" II (968 - 1016)
SpouseAethelflaed "The Fair" ( - )
ChildEdward "The Martyr" (963 - 978)